Drupal news ticker in Title/Summary

MyYahoo! News Ticker
It's a scrolling news ticker that delivers timely information on stocks, news, sports scores, and weather, based on your My Yahoo! preferences. Just double-click on one of the headlines to see the full version. Now, it also notifies you when you have...
- Publisher: Yahoo!
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2009

DHTML News Ticker Wizard
DHTML News Ticker Wizard is a professional highly configurable javascript news ticker and content slider solution. Also you can use DHTML News Ticker to build news ticker, content slider, content rotator, banner rotator, image rotator, and photo slideshow.
- Publisher: Gokhan Dagli
- Home page: www.scriptocean.com
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

KhabarExpress.com News Ticker
Get updated news in Hindi and English on your Desktop KhabarExpress News Ticker displays headlines that auto-update without having the user to refresh the page. Main features are: live auto-update in real-time, optional fixed titlebar, clickable news headers.
- Publisher: KhabarExpress.com
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2010
Drupal news ticker in Description

RSScrawler displays your favorite RSS news feeds as a flicker-free ticker bar on your Windows Desktop. RSScrawler keeps you always informed in the same way as those ticker bars known from various TV stations. Never miss any breaking news!
- Publisher: mirabyte GmbH & Co. KG
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

Javascript News Ticker
JavaScript News Ticker is a simple, lightning-fast and powerful desktop utility program that lets you creating DHTML news scrollers for your Web sites. You can create moving texts and images in a few minutes! JavaScript News Ticker is a professional highly configurable javascript news ticker and content slider solution.
- Publisher: A-PDF Solution
- Home page: www.a-pdf.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2010

BigPond News Ticker
You can personalize your ticker to alert you to stories with the content that you want. You can even add your own feeds into your ticker or alerts. Just find the RSS symbol on the web page you want to include and drag it onto your ticker. You’ll be connected with the latest news, all the time.
- Publisher: BigPond
- Home page: www.bigpond.com
- Last updated: April 16th, 2009

RSS Advantage Newsticker
The news ticker has been tested and works with Google News and Yahoo! News... and its not limited to just them. The RSS Advantage News Ticker supports and works with the most popular news feed formats on the web today. You can add and view any of the news feeds that comply with these specifications: RDF, RSS and Atom news feeds.
- Publisher: Chris Demetrios
- Last updated: January 8th, 2009

News Scroller Wizard
News Scroller is a highly configurable vertical text scroller and vertical news ticker. Creating the news ticker or scrolling text will take a few minutes using the Flash News Scroller Wizard. The news scroller features smooth scrolling, URL links, configurable background color, and basic html tags.
- Publisher: Gokhan Dagli
- Home page: www.scriptocean.com
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008
Additional Drupal news ticker selection

EasyByte News Ticker
New concept in information management, intelligently displays news and information from ANY source. Perfect for sending information to Helpdesks or other PCs within a company. Integrates fully with Active Directory, allowing for rapid installs
- Publisher: Easybyte Software Corporation
- Home page: www.easybyte.com

JavaScript RSS News Ticker Plus
JavaScript-producing design tool for creating scripts to fetch news from RSS feeds and display on web pages.The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify border, size, color, link and more to script. It is unnecessary to write any code manually. SCP will generate all necessary codes automatically.
- Publisher: USINGIT
- Last updated: March 24th, 2009

Almost every Internet user reads news on the Internet. RSS and Atom feeds are the easiest way to get the latest news headlines from various sources. But checking news from various RSS or Atom feed sources is boring and time consuming. Now, with NewsPiper there is no need to hunt for news here and there and no need to check different RSS or Atom feeds one by one.
- Publisher: Korzh.com
- Last updated: November 10th, 2009

Flash Text Scroller Wizard
Flash Text Scroller Wizard is a very useful tool for designing a text scroller in a matter of minutes. The software is in the form of a well directed wizard which carefully guides the users through a series of small steps in order to create a ready to use text scroller in flash.
- Publisher: Gokhan Dagli
- Home page: www.scriptocean.com
- Last updated: April 26th, 2008

Cordaware bestinformed
Cordaware bestinformed is the leading desktop mass notification system that is used for companywide distribution of urgent information. Messages are instantly distributed according to specified groups. The messages then immediately appear on the desktop of the recipients as a dynamic news-ticker.
- Publisher: Cordaware GmbH
- Last updated: August 21st, 2010

MiTeC InfoBar
MiTeC InfoBar is a free to use taskbar with auto hide feature. There are displayed most important information about your computer. When switched on News Ticker fed by RSS Reader is displayed with scrolling news.Main features: - Current weather conditions. - Event coundown. - System up-time. - Power supply. - Disk information. - CPU usage.
- Publisher: Michal Mutl
- Home page: www.mitec.cz
- Last updated: October 30th, 2015

I Can Present
I Can Present is a program that allows you to create green screen presentations and movies. You can use the built-in image library or import your own backgrounds, add symbols, news ticker and watermark, for an authentic news broadcast feel, read from the built in teleprompter for a flawless presentation and watch your presentation and share with others.
- Publisher: Kudlian Software
- Home page: www.kudlian.net
- Last updated: February 26th, 2015

Stock Spy
Stock Spy is a program that enables you to easily visualize and pinpoint important company events directly on a stock chart to make smart investment decisions. You can quickly see where a stock has been, where it's going and why. It gives you the edge, whether you are a professional trader, an individual investor or brand new to the stock market.
- Publisher: Stock-Spy.com
- Home page: www.stock-spy.com
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Q-NewsTicker is a professional Flash based, easy to use tool for creating news scrollers for your Web sites.
- Publisher: Quadroland
- Home page: quadroland.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

SmartFinder is a great and easy-to-use application designed for faster and easier internet searching and news reading. The program features configurable stock quote Ticker and news ticker. It is also provides a fast and compact web browser with a new concept design.
- Publisher: SmartFinder
- Last updated: May 29th, 2010