Dsc curve solutions in Title/Summary

DSC Curve Solutions
Software, DSC Curve Solutions, developed by CaoTechnology, represents a novel approach for thermal analysis that allows you to simulate DSC curves vividly for experiments under any conditions for a range of given thermal events; so that you can extract the sample properties by fitting DSC curves with DCS curves.
- Publisher: CaoTechnology
- Last updated: June 19th, 2012

Export to DSC-T2
Necessary to support basic functions, adding a few extra megabytes doesn't cost much for manufacturers, and adds some cushion should you underestimate your removable storage needs. Download a tool that can export media files to DSC-T2. All these features make the camera a great choice for a day trip to the beach or your child's first birthday party
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Last updated: June 7th, 2010

SEL-5804 Curve Design Software
Use the SEL-5804 Curve Designer Software to create custom curves for the SEL-351R Recloser Control.Use acSELerator Quickset® or Quickset Designer® to set the recloser curve setting to a user-programmable curve and then use this curve designer to create and download a curve to the recloser control.
- Publisher: Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
- Last updated: March 8th, 2011
Dsc curve solutions in Description

Image Data Converter SR
It is an application which allows you to convert and edit the photos taken with DSC-F828 and DSC-V3 Cyber-shot® digital still cameras. Through its interface you are able to: view the image properties, view the version stack, adjust the image quality, etc.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Home page: esupport.sony.com
- Last updated: May 17th, 2013

DSCdecoder allows you to use your PC and soundcard to decode maritime mobile service messages using the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) system and also DGPS and Navtex broadcasts. DSC signalling is used in the MF, HF and VHF bands for distress and calling between ships and coast stations.
- Publisher: COAA
- Home page: www.coaa.co.uk
- Last updated: February 28th, 2013

AI Viewer
Ai file type is associated as “Illustrator” by Adobe Systems Inc. Ai or Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based drawing program, developed by Adobe Systems. Ai file extension representing single-page vector-based drawings in either the EPS or PDF formats.
- Publisher: IdeaMK
- Home page: aiviewer.com
- Last updated: February 27th, 2010

GraphSight v 2 is a software for math graphing solutions that has curve fitting capabilities. GraphSight 2 is perfect for high school and college math students. This utility is feature rich and comprehensive. It plots 2D graphs with comfortable navigation, and it is well suited for math students.
- Publisher: Cradle Fields
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

EasySignCut Pro
Specifically designed for vinyl cutters, EasySignCut Pro offers you all the features you need to design, edit, and cut all types of signs, logos, stickers, decals, etc., in a professional way. You can import and turn into traceable all the most common raster image types, add your preferred effects and filters, draw your own ideas, and send them to any of the most common vinyl cutting plotters.
- Publisher: EasySignCut
- Home page: www.easysigncut.com
- Last updated: February 27th, 2017
Additional Dsc curve solutions selection

Banished is an indie city-building strategy game in which the player guides a group of outcast people (hence the name of the game) into rebuilding their community. Survival is the most important thing to do at first, and in order to achieve this purpose, the effective management of all available resources is required.
- Publisher: Shining Rock Software LLC
- Last updated: May 8th, 2017

GNSS Solutions
GNSS Solutions is a comprehensive office program with all the tools required to successfully process GPS, GLONASS and SBAS survey data. It provides optimal results from any combination of static, rapid static or kinematic data. It enables you to combine background maps with land survey projects and prepare stake out missions in the office.
- Publisher: Spectra Precision
- Last updated: March 13th, 2013

Perfect Data Solutions Excel Password Recovery
Excel Password Recovery is capable of digging out that elusive password that you have forgotten or lost and that happens to be the only means to open one of your dear Excel spreadsheets. In a split second and without requiring any special skills on your side, this program will provide you with the exact combination of characters that you need to crack your Excel files open.
- Publisher: Perfect Password Recovery
- Last updated: September 2nd, 2011

QnE Business Solutions
QnE Accounting Software is the most user-friendly accounting software in Malasysia, it designed specially to meet business requirement locally, with it powerful features, it help business grow even faster. QnE Standard Version suitable for enterprenuers, freelancers, and the the company which demand an accounting software to manage their simple accounting.
- Publisher: QnE Software Sdn. Bhd.
- Last updated: August 15th, 2012

curve direct
Curve direct is a software intended for all people seeking to view the behavior of automatic breaking devices placed in cascade in a LV electrical network. Curve direct is used to view coordination between devices. This tool therefore enhances the level of continuity of service of an installation.
- Publisher: Schneider Electric
- Last updated: November 17th, 2010

IBM Standalone Solutions Configuration Tool
Standalone Solutions Configuration Tool (SSCT) is a program designed to support an interactive interface with graphics for determining the price, ideal environment, available rack cabinet space and available resources. The program also facilitates technical collaborations in configuring eServer systems and rack cabinets.
- Publisher: IBM
- Home page: www-947.ibm.com
- Last updated: June 9th, 2014

HVAC Solution - Taco Hydronic System Solutions
Taco Hydronic System Solutions is a set of tools for hydronic system design. It can be used to design and compare HVAC systems, eliminate recalculation time for changes, calculate plant total loads and flows, size pipe and equipment, select and schedule equipment, and make design changes quickly.
- Publisher: Taco Inc.
- Last updated: October 8th, 2018

Filter Solutions
Filter Solutions is a Windows based software program for the synthesis and analysis of electronic filter circuits. The program features: manual delay equalization for all analog and IIR filters, automatic delay equalization for Low Pass and Band Pass analog and IIR filters, real time design updates from Pole/Zero plot changes to aid in delay equalization and other design requirements, and more.
- Publisher: Nuhertz Technologies, LLC
- Last updated: October 28th, 2015

FX Solutions UK - MetaTrader
Individual Forex traders can take advantage of the wide range of features on the MetaTrader 4 platform while simultaneously benefiting from FX Solutions’ competitive, real-time pricing technologies. Together, GTS and MetaTrader 4 provide traders with the consistent liquidity and order execution that is essential in today’s fast-paced trading environment.
- Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
- Home page: www.fxsol.co.uk
- Last updated: February 16th, 2015

Global Liquidity Solutions Limited
Global Liquidity Solutions Limited is a trading platform that enables you to buy and sell commodities, currencies, CFD stocks and indices. You can make complex chart analysis using the built-in indicators, discover trends and patterns that will help to maximize your profits or use the Expert Advisors to automate your trading.
- Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
- Last updated: August 15th, 2016