Duplicate file finder mac 10.5.8 in Title/Summary

My Duplicate File Finder
ConsumerSoft is proud to announce My Duplicate File Finder – the ultimate duplicate file finder. Whether you want to save disk space by deleting dups or need to find extra copies of songs, My Duplicate File Finder can help. My Duplicate File Finder combines ultra fast file scanning, advanced features and options, and an easy-to-use interface.
- Publisher: ConsumerSoft
- Last updated: January 19th, 2018

TPD Duplicate File Finder
Have you ever wondered if you have two of the same images on your computer? Or wondered if you could remove a bunch of extra files that are cluttering up your hard drive? Well here is your answer, Duplicate File Finder!
- Publisher: The Professional Developer
- Home page: www.theprodev.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Duplicate File Finder Lite
Have you ever wondered if you have two of the same images on your computer? Or wondered if you could remove a bunch of extra files that are cluttering up your hard drive? Well here is your answer, Duplicate File Finder!
- Publisher: The Professional Developer
- Home page: www.theprodev.com
Duplicate file finder mac 10.5.8 in Description

Reasonable NoClone
NoClone is a true duplicate file finder that can helps user to instantly find true duplicate files, duplicate folders, duplicate images,duplicate mp3 and duplicate outlook emails, what' more, which also can find a large amount of similar images.
- Publisher: Reasonable Software House Limited
- Home page: NoClone.net
- Last updated: June 15th, 2015

Reasonable NoClone 2011 Enterprise
NoClone is an all-in-one user-friendly duplicate file finder, duplicate file remover, and download accelerator that can find and remove 100% TRUE duplicate files, and save your time to download files from Internet with speed up to 25 times faster! It helps you quickly find all duplicate files in a folder and its sub folders.
- Publisher: Reasonable Software
- Home page: noclone.net
- Last updated: March 30th, 2012

WinUtilities Duplicate File Finder
WinUtilities Duplicate File Finder is a utility that identifies duplicate files in one or more paths. scan can be defined by path, file mask(s), and (optionally) with complex filters for size/date/attributes.
- Publisher: YL Computing
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008

Duplicate Checker
Duplicate Checker is a powerful tool for finding duplicate images, photos, mp3 and any other file types. Using this utility you can organize files on your hard disk. Image preview, thumbnails bar, mp3 bar.
- Publisher: GF Software
- Last updated: September 4th, 2015

Duplicate File Finder, affectionately known as 'DupFiles', is a utility that identifies duplicate files in one or more paths. Unlike other utilities that only check file names, Duplicate File Finder performs a binary comparison of file contents and can locate files that are alike regardless of names.
- Publisher: Funduc Software Inc.
- Home page: www.funduc.com
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012
Additional Duplicate file finder mac 10.5.8 selection

AusLogics Duplicate File Finder
Duplicate File Finder can help you locate and remove files with same data. It uses intelligent algorithms to compare not only the file names, but also contents to ensure no false search results. You can easily customize the file-type (photos, videos, documents, programs, and archives) from its interface before scanning.
- Publisher: Auslogics Labs Pty. Ltd.
- Home page: www.auslogics.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Duplicate File Finder by Rashid Hoda
Finds duplicate pictures and videos This app does what it named for. You can choose any folder on your hard drive or use standard user folders and our app will deeply analyze contents of selected folders for searching for any duplicates. The ...
- Publisher: PrivacyRoot IFG
- Home page: privacyroot.com
- Last updated: September 11th, 2021

Fast Duplicate File Finder
Duplicate files or simply older or obsolete versions of files are not always that easy to locate and remove without help. Fast Duplicate File Finder performs thorough searches using the most sophisticated algorithms to help you find and manage duplicate files, detecting even those dupes whose different names may lead you to think that they’re totally different images or documents.
- Publisher: MindGems Inc.
- Home page: www.mindgems.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Duplicate File Finder Plus
Duplicate File Finder Plus - Quick finds the duplicate files on your drives relied on file content, and you can remove the unwanted files, so as to recover your valuable disk space, reduce the management costs and avoid the unnecessary confusion.
- Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
- Home page: duplicatefilefinder4pc.com
- Last updated: October 12th, 2021

Puran Duplicate File Finder
Puran Duplicate File Finder is a free program that can find and delete duplicate files on your computer by comparing contents of each file. You may choose to find all file types or just the ones mentioned in your custom list and you can exclude files/folders that you do not want to scan.
- Publisher: Puran Software
- Home page: www.puransoftware.com
- Last updated: July 17th, 2014

Duplicate File Finder Mini
Duplicate File Finder Mini (100% FREE) is used to find and delete the large (1 MB+) duplicate files on your hard disks and removable storage devices, so as to recover the valuable disk space. It works very fast (about 1 minute per 300 GB files).
- Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
- Last updated: March 31st, 2019

Duplicate File Finder Software
Duplicate File Finder Software is a program that can be used to find and delete duplicate files that are wasting your hard disk space and might be making your computer run slower. The program's graphical interface isn't too modern or visually attractive, but it is very simple and intuitive, which makes the program very easy to use.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: September 26th, 2008

Ainvo Duplicate File Finder
Ainvo Duplicate File Finder is the solution for copies of files that often occupy space. Ainvo Duplicate File Finder detects duplicate files and cleans the disks when you click the “Disk cleanup” link. By using this program, you will save to your disk even more of those things that you really need and value.
- Publisher: Ainvo Group
- Home page: ainvo.com
- Last updated: May 18th, 2012

Fastest Duplicate File Finder
Fastest Duplicate File Finder is a tool for finding and eliminating useless duplicate files from your computer.Main features: - Scan multiple folders at the same time. - Filter files by extension, size or creation date. - Exclude files or folders to protect most valuable data. - Protect valuable data using exclusion filters.
- Publisher: Easy Future Software
- Last updated: February 27th, 2017

Yet Another Duplicate File Remover
Yet Another Duplicate File Remover is an open source duplicate file finder and remover for Windows OS. You can include/exclude types associated to images (*.png, *.bmp, *.jpg), music (*.mp3, *.wma), videos (*.avi, *.wmv, *.mpg), archives (*.rar, *.iso, *.zip) and custom (anything you want, for example: *.dll, *.exe, *.001, etc.) ones.
- Publisher: violent_ken
- Last updated: March 27th, 2010