Dvb recording service 1.9.4 torrent in Title/Summary

DVBViewer Recording Service
The DVBViewer Recording Service is a native Windows service. It can start the machine from Hibernate/Standby for recordings without needing DVB Task Scheduler or other programs and works even if no user is logged on to Windows. It executes programmed recordings with a very low system load in the background without DVBViewer running.
- Publisher: CM&V Hackbart
- Home page: en.dvbviewer.tv
- Last updated: March 24th, 2014

The main features of the program are TV record and playback in MPEG-2 file format, Mpeg-2 support for the recording of radio, a timer- and event driven recording, supports remote control, incl. channel numbers, recording & playback, etc. (requires IR-receiver connected to the DVB-s card), multilanguage playback of MPEG-2 streams, channel-filtering for name, provider or satellite.
- Publisher: DVB Software
- Last updated: October 12th, 2008

DVB World
With DVB World you can enjoy satellite TV in digital quality simply by your PCs or notebooks. DVBWorld supports scanning channels by 3 methods: By location, By frequency, By frequency range. Also, DVBWorld HD Box brings “Internet via Satellite” to your PC. You can enjoy surfing Internet at high download speed & never suffer from any delay!
- Publisher: DVBWorld Technology
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012
Dvb recording service 1.9.4 torrent in Description

Alitronika DvsStation 2
Alitronika's DVSStation is an integrated Transport Stream Player, Recorder, Analyzer and Editor. Indeed DVSStation is the only application software one may need to make a complete DVB transport stream station, be it Transport Stream generation, recording or analyzing.
- Publisher: Alitronika
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

ProgDVB Professional Edition
ProgDVB - the universal and very power software for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels.Support for various types of data sources:-Internet TV and Radio. About 4000 channels in the list. -Search, playback and record or YouTube clips. -DVB-S (satellite), DVB-S2, DVB-C (cable), DVB-T, ATSC, ISDB-T
- Publisher: Prog
- Home page: www.progdvb.com
- Last updated: September 10th, 2011

Cypheros TS-Doctor
The TS-Doctor is a program for processing recordings from Sat-, Cable and DVB-T Receivers. It supports the recording formats of most DVB-S, DVB-C, and DVB-T Receivers. TS-Doctor offers an easy-to-use cropping function, together with automatic advertising recognition.
- Publisher: Software Sales Frank Siek
- Home page: www.cypheros.de
- Last updated: February 26th, 2018

TBS 5922SE DVBSS2 USB for windows
TBS5922SE is a USB interface digital satellite external TV Tuner box for watching and recording Free to Air satellite TV. It supports both DVB-S2 and DVB-S programs receiving. This download installs the drivers required for TBS5922SE. This driver lets you access the hardware using Windows Media Center, MediaPortal, DVBlink, DVBDream, DVBViewer, ProgDVB, and other applications.
- Publisher: TBS Technologies
- Home page: www.tbsdtv.com
- Last updated: January 31st, 2016

ProgDVB Network Edition
ProgDVB and ProgTV are 2 independent user interfaces which can work together from one folder at one list of channels, settings etc. ProgTV is aimed at use with remote control(HTPC). ProgDVB contains more functions but is intended for use by a mouse. Thus it is very convenient to use both interfaces.
- Publisher: Prog
- Home page: www.progdvb.com
- Last updated: February 5th, 2018
Additional Dvb recording service 1.9.4 torrent selection

Skype Call Recorder
Skype Call Recorder is a perfect program for recording important calls. It features just three essential buttons - record, play and pause - which makes your interaction easier. It provides on-screen information about the location of the recorded conversation and also gives you the option to select the type of recording mode, namely Mono, Stereo and Joint Stereo.
- Publisher: Alexander Nikiforov
- Home page: voipcallrecording.com
- Last updated: February 20th, 2009

Xepg can wake up the PC at a given time then download XMLTV EPG and import the EPG into DVBViewer or Recording Service. After finishing the job it can put the PC back to Standby/Hibernate. Xepg supports multiple XMLTV data files with adjustment for Time Zone on a per file basis.
- Publisher: a123
- Home page: www.a123.dk
- Last updated: January 27th, 2010

VSoIPSuite Lite
VSoIPSuite Lite all-in-one architecture is based on one standard Windows PC acting as an IP video stream recording service, surveillance system manager and live video, PTZ control, play back and recorder control client for Windows. You may have received VSoIPSuite Lite free when you purchased a GANZ device.
- Publisher: vsoip

DVB Dream
DVB Dream is an advanced DVB tuner application. After installing this tool, you can select the tuner hardware, customize satellite configuration, and scan for channels. This program provides a simple tabbed interface where you can manage your favorite channels in various categories.
- Publisher: DVB Dream/Tapesoft
- Home page: www.dvbdream.org
- Last updated: April 18th, 2019

µTorrent (uTorrent)
µTorrent is an easy-to-use BitTorrent download client for Windows OS. Download your files as quickly and efficiently as possible without slowing down your other online activities. uTorrent offers advanced settings such as automation, scripting, remote management and more.
- Publisher: BitTorrent Inc
- Home page: www.utorrent.com
- Last updated: May 15th, 2023

TOSHIBA Service Station
TOSHIBA Service Station is a program that allows your computer to automatically search for TOSHIBA software updates or other alerts from TOSHIBA that are specific to your computer system and its programs. When enabled, this application periodically transmits to Toshiba's servers a limited amount of system information required to perform these updates or alerts. This feature is enabled by default.
- Publisher: TOSHIBA
- Home page: support.dynabook.com
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2020

GoToMeeting is an online collaboration tool which lets you instantly host and manage video, audio, or web meetings. GoToMeeting can be installed on your Windows PC, as well as a variety of other devices, including iOS and Android. Administrators can use the Admin Center to manage individual users and their access-restrictions.
- Publisher: LogMeIn, Inc.
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

MixPad Multitrack Recording Software
MixPad Free Music Mixer and Recording software designed for easy audio production. Mix your favorite music, vocal, and audio tracks. Use MixPad as your digital mixing desk to adjust the volume, pan, fade and more.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page: www.nch.com.au
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

ProgDVB is a powerful program designed for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels. It provides support for digital tuners such as DVB-S (satellite), DVB-S2, DVB-C (cable), DVB-T, DVB-T2, ATSC, ISDB-T. It also provides a 10 Bands equalizer, TV and Radio channels recording and playback from disk based files.
- Publisher: Prog
- Home page: www.progdvb.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Native Instruments Service Center
Native Instruments Service Center is an application that helps you to activate your Native Instruments products and keep them up to date. The application features an easy to use update manager with product status overviews and self updating capabilities.
- Publisher: Native Instruments GmbH
- Last updated: February 25th, 2015