Dvblink dreambox 4.5 in Title/Summary

DVBLink for DreamBox
DVBLink for Dreambox combines excellent tuner hardware and power of open source development with ease-of-use and richness of Windows MediaCenter user interface. This product seamlessly integrates TV and radio channels, available in Dreambox, into MediaCenter, enabling all standard MediaCenter features for these channels like time-shifting,
- Publisher: DVBLogic
- Last updated: October 5th, 2012

DVBLink for IPTV
DVBLink for IPTV seamlessly integrates TV and radio channels from your ISP or video from your IP-enabled web/security cameras into MediaCenter, enabling all standard MediaCenter features for these channels like time-shifting, Guide EPG listings, instant and timer recordings and streaming to extenders.
- Publisher: DVBLogic
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

GeniusConnect DVBLink for Outlook
DVBLink for Outlook turns Outlook calendaring to full featured EPG guide with program types category coloring, recording management, Live/Recorded TV watching. Requirements EPG, Recording management: - DVBLink Connect! Server 4.X or higher. - Microsoft Outlook 2007/2010/2013.
- Publisher: GeniusConnect
- Home page: www.geniusconnect.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Dvblink dreambox 4.5 in Description

DVBLink for KartinaTV
DVBLink for IPTV seamlessly integrates TV and radio channels from Kartina.TV Internet provider into DVBLink server infrastructure. The program is installed using DVBLink Package Center interface. With this tool you have access to Live TV and EPG from Kartina.TV.
- Publisher: DVBLogic
- Last updated: January 30th, 2013

DVBLink Network Client Configuration
DVBLink Connect! Server lets you enjoy your favorite TV channels throughout your whole house and on the go. - Access TV content in your home network in Windows MediaCenter, running on network computers - Watch Live TV on DLNA enabled clients such as DLNA TVs, Sony PlayStation3, on netbooks and laptops, running Windows 7
- Publisher: DVBLogic
- Last updated: October 11th, 2012

DVBLink Viewer
DVBLink Viewer is a free player frontend. The program does not include any DVBLink Server / DVBLink Player functionality and is just a convenient way of accessing DVBLink Server from the network desktop without installing extra video playback applications.
- Publisher: DVBLogic
- Last updated: July 18th, 2017

DG2DB - Digiguide to Dreambox Controller
This program allows the user to easily select a program in Digiguide and set a marker, that sets a Dreambox to record or switch to programs, at the appropriate times. It has a number of features that are powerful, but made easy to use. The program must first know some details about the Dreambox.
- Publisher: Goaheadspace, Amsterdam
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Dreambox Control Center
How to start: Start with a click on « Network » - Select your language - Select your connection type - The IP address from the PC tracks down automatically. - Select the equipment of your Dreambox: Hard disk, CF or USB-Stick - Select your login and password - The name of an active DreamFlash-Image will be showed automatically.
- Publisher: BernyR
- Last updated: March 25th, 2010
Additional Dvblink dreambox 4.5 selection

Dreambox Player
Dreambox Player is a program which enables you to stream content from your Dreambox Set Top Box directly to your Windows PC. Dreambox Player gives you the ability to re-stream the currently playing video externally to other devices within your home with authentication.
- Publisher: CoolDevelopments.net
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

DVBLink TVSource
DVBLink TVSource seamlessly integrates Satellite, Cable or Terrestrial (DVB-T/T2 and ATSC) TV channels into Windows Media Center, including support for MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 HD video, multichannel audio, EPG information, teletext and subtitles. DVBLink TVSource enables all native TV control features of Windows Media Center for these channels such as Guide listings.
- Publisher: DVBLogic
- Last updated: October 15th, 2012

Dreambox Server Client
Dreambox Server Client is a utility that can help you to connect to an USB and read the Sony Ericsson and Siemens phones. It has a friendly interface and easy to use so it can improve your way of using the Dreambox software. You have to put a smart card and this tool will do everything for you.
- Publisher: GSM Dream Team
- Last updated: May 11th, 2012

mFaraj E2 Dreambox Player
The program is designed to stream enigma 2 dreamboxes (dm7025,dm800 and dm8000) to PC. The program depends on windows media player and special graphic directshow filter. it has a a simple interface; first, you need to set the dreambox model, enter the IP, specific the port, and then specify the username and the password.
- Publisher: mfaraj
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

DVBSBridge Pro for DreamBox
Features: # 32-bit and 64-bit Windows MCE XP 2005, Windows Vista MCE and Windows 7 support - Works with Windows MCE extenders - Reception of Satellite (DVB-S) and Cable (DVB-C) TV and Radio channels - CI support for pay channels - Guide a la Carte - for each channel choice of Native MCE Guide, EPG from Dreambox or XMLTV! - MPEG-2 HD video support
- Publisher: DVBLogic
- Home page: www.sat-universe.com

Dreambox Tools
-Transponder filter - C-band, Ku-band. -FTP client. Download and upload receiver files. -Edit configuration files right in the receiver. -Telnet client. Send commands to your receiver from the computer. -Predefined macros (reboot, restart the shell, etc.). -All popular shells are supported: Enigma, Neutrino, etc...
- Publisher: Sathunter
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Boot-Loader Download Manager
Boot-Loader Download Manager is a desktop application that allows you to register S-Card/DreamBox/SCout/Octopus devices and to download flash files. The application has an integrated work with the website using the built in browser, interrupted download resumption and much more
- Publisher: GsmServer
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009

DreamBoxTools - a program for tuning your DreamBox satellite receiver. Control your receiver right from the computer. Features: - Lyngsat-to-Dreambox transponders parser. Update satellites.xml directly from the site Lyngsat.com - Satellite filter - Europe, Asia, Atlantic, America, only HD, manual choice, saved satellite list. - Transponder filter - C-band, Ku-band.
- Publisher: digital videosoft
- Last updated: January 17th, 2010

Enigma TV IPTV Generator
A program working on a Windows™ PC that allows you to stream your GigaBlue, Dreambox, Vu , ITgate, Amiko (or any Enigma 1 & 2 STB) over the Internet. The program can automatically detect Enigma 1 or Enigma 2 Set Top Box (Dreambox, Vu, etc.), and it has a built-in web interface that you can open on any devices over the Internet (iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Android tablet, Mac, or PC).
- Publisher: Enigma TV
- Last updated: March 30th, 2024

Boot-Loader is an easy to use software utility that provides access to the largest repository of cell phone flash files that fall into four categories: Smart-Clip – MFW, PCF, SFL files (for Smart-Clip and SCout flasher), SCout – PCF, SFL files (for SCout flasher), DreamBox – DTF, DTA files and Octopus – OCT files.
- Publisher: Boot-Loader
- Last updated: March 31st, 2012