Dxf 2013 convert dxf 2011 in Title/Summary

DWG DXF Converter
DWG DXF Converter is a batch DWG and DXF bi-directional converter that allows you to convert DWG to DXF, DXF to DWG without the need of AutoCAD. It is also an AutoCAD drawing file version converter.
- Publisher: Any DWG Converter
- Last updated: May 8th, 2012

AutoDWG DWG DXF Converter
DWG DXF Converter lets you batch convert DWG Files into DXF files and vice versa without AutoCAD. It is also an AutoCAD drawing file version converter supporting both low to high and high to low conversions. Active DWG DXF Converter Supports versions from AutoCAD R2.6 to the latest version AutoCAD 2013.
- Publisher: AutoDWG DWG Converter
- Home page: www.autodwg.com
- Last updated: September 19th, 2012

Able DXF manager
View, convert and print graphic files in normal and batch modes. Input formats: DXF, TIF, JPG, PCX, BMP, DIB, RLE, PNG, WMF, EMF, TGA, VDA, ICB, VST, PIX, PXM, PPM, PGM, ICO, CUR. Output formats: JPG, TIF, PCX, PNG, BMP, TGA, PXM, PPM, PGM, PBM.
- Publisher: RasterVect Software
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009
Dxf 2013 convert dxf 2011 in Description

Lionsea AVI Converter Ultimate
AVI Converter is used by most people as AVI format is used by a large amount of people. If you want your video to look more attractive or special, AVI Converter is just the one you need to have a try. You will not lose hope with this video converter.
- Publisher: Lionsea
- Last updated: December 27th, 2013

Tweak PDF To Word
Tweak PDF To Word is, as its name says, an application that allows you to convert any PDF file to Word format. An advantage of using this program is the fact that all images, tables, etc. will be safely stored in the resulted Word file. The program supports batch conversion, which means that you are able to convert as many PDF files as you want with just a few clicks.
- Publisher: Tweak PDF
- Last updated: February 6th, 2012

Aiseesoft Total Media Converter Platinum
Aiseesoft Total Media Converter Platinum can help users rip any homemade DVD disc and convert popular video/audio files to any other video/audio format. Also it allows you to convert homemade DVD/videos to 3D videos.
- Publisher: Aiseesoft Studio
- Last updated: June 10th, 2014

Geo.De.Sy is a complete drawing environment with survey utilities free for the customers of IQSoft and CivilShop. You can create drawing , open and save DWG and DXF untill Autocad version 2011, insert point to drawing , create grid, dtm beta , image correlation.
- Publisher: IQSoft
- Last updated: December 5th, 2010

DWG DXF to Images Converter
Batch convert DWG and DXF to JPG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, PNG, SVG, CGM, WMF and EMF without Autocad!DWG DXF to Images Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, SVG, CGM, WMF and EMF
- Publisher: 3nity Softwares
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020
Additional Dxf 2013 convert dxf 2011 selection

In order to edit and improve raster images using AutoCAD, you will need to transform them into vector images first. Img2CAD performs such conversion process in a neat and straightforward way, allowing you to customize certain aspects of the transformation process so that the resulting images fit your specifications.
- Publisher: Img2CAD LLC
- Home page: www.img2cad.com
- Last updated: February 28th, 2015

Acme TraceArt
TraceART is a professional raster to vector conversion program (Vectorizer) released by DWGTOOL Software. TraceART can let you quickly convert uneditable scanned paper drawings into accurate vector files for editing in any CAD program. It saves the converted file as an industry standard DXF file (Data Exchange Format) that can be read by any CAD program that supports this format.
- Publisher: DWG TOOL Software
- Last updated: April 7th, 2013

DWG to IMAGE Converter MX
DWG to IMAGE Converter MX lets you batch convert DWG DXF DWF, and DWFx files to high quality Image files. You can set the image size, output color (true colors, gray, and black-white), background color, etc. This program supports all versions of DWG/DXF files (R2.5 to 2018).
- Publisher: DWG TOOL Software
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

VectorDraw File Converter
VectorDraw File Converter is a handy utility that is able to convert CAD files such as DWG, DGN or DXF to files in native VectorDraw formats, such as VDML and VDCL, as well as many other formats. In addition to this, the program offers you the opportunity to convert VectorDraw specific formats to a large number of graphic formats.
- Publisher: VectorDraw Software Corporation
- Home page: www.vdraw.com
- Last updated: February 13th, 2009

DXF Spline To Polyline
Fusion 360 add-in lets the user export the currently active sketch to a DXF file in which the splines have been converted to polylines. Some laser cutters do not work with splines. In order to avoid having to open the DXF in another product to do the conversion, this add-in does that for you.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: February 28th, 2017

Aide PDF to DXF Converter
Aide PDF to DXF Converter is a simple and straightforward conversion tool that transforms you PDF documents into DXF AutoCAD files. Meant to be used mainly with images and illustrations saved as PDF files, the program offers specific output settings for this type of documents, thus producing high-quality graphics that can be then easily edited using AutoCAD.
- Publisher: Aide CAD Systems Incorporated.
- Home page: www.aidecad.com
- Last updated: September 24th, 2009

Any DWG DXF Converter
Any DWG DXF Converter is a very simple tool that allows converting between DWG and DXF files. It supports bidirectional conversions, both from DWG to DXF and from DXF to DWG. The most remarkable aspect of this application is its very neat and simple interface.
- Publisher: AnyDWG Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.anydwg.com
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

DWG DXF to PDF Converter
DWG DXF to PDF Converter allows you to convert your dwg to pdf, and dxf to pdf in batches.
- Publisher: 3nity Softwares
- Last updated: January 31st, 2020

DWF to DWG Converter
DWF to DWG Converter, help you convert dwf to editable dwg file. there are two versions available. standard version is an AutoCAD Addin, and Pro version is a stand alone program, no AutoCAD required.-Supports AutoCAD 2011~ R14; -Supports the new DWF v6.0 multi page specification;
- Publisher: AutoDWG DWG Converter
- Home page: www.autodwg.com
- Last updated: November 14th, 2016

Easy CAD Converter
Easy CAD Converter is a simple and handy application that does exactly that: it converts among the three most popular CAD drawings’ formats: DXF, DWG, and DWF. Its intuitive and straightforward interface allows even beginners to use this neat tool without any problem.
- Publisher: Benzsoft Corporation
- Last updated: August 24th, 2010