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Dynamic data exchange repair in Title/Summary

Data Exchange Manager

Data Exchange Manager

Data Exchange Manager is an example of tomorrow’s technology today. With this tool database administration is a breeze. Transfer data from any data source to another. Use its custom designed templates to increase speed for any Database platforms. The most innovative and valuable feature would be its scheduler.

  • Publisher: SaaS Technologies
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2009
MicroSurvey Data Exchange 2012

MicroSurvey Data Exchange 2012

MicroSurvey Data Exchange 2012 is a free desktop application designed to perfectly complement your FieldGenius software. You may quickly transform a drawing file into a FieldGenius project and upload it to your data collector, and download FieldGenius projects to your PC to review your field measurements and create an annotated drawing.

  • Publisher: MicroSurvey Software Inc.
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2013
Data Exchange Wizard

Data Exchange Wizard

Data Exchange Wizard is a program that loads and exports data into/from any database. It is capable of running calculations during the importing and execution processes of SQL statements. It also includes a built-in expression builder, error log, and rejected records file.

  • Publisher: DB Software Laboratory
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Dynamic data exchange repair in Description

Insider 3000

Insider 3000

Features: -Real Time: Insider 3000 can receive data in real time, connecting directly with selected data providers, or to any provider with a DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) interface. This is the most widely used methods by on line Traders. Also via Web Server, like Yahoo, Quotetracker etc.

  • Publisher: Tradersoft s.r.l.
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2008
DPlot Jr

DPlot Jr

DPlot Jr is a free scaled-down version of DPlot intended for use by programmers who want a quick method for displaying graphical output of their own applications. Unlike the full version of DPlot, DPlot Jr may be redistributed to end users without royalty payments or other restrictions.

  • Publisher: HydeSoft Computing, LLC
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2013


Multiple scaling types, including linear, logarithmic, and probability scales on the X and/or Y axes. DPlot also provides several special purpose scale types, including grain size distribution plots, tripartite grids (shock spectra), polar charts, triangle plots, N1.85 hydraulic scales, and Mercator projection.

  • Publisher: HydeSoft Computing, LLC
  • Home page: www.dplot.com
  • Last updated: June 17th, 2011
ViaDuct FX

ViaDuct FX

ViaDuct FX is a terminal emulation and connectivity tool, allowing you to integrate your host data and applications with your PC Windows desktop. This app provides over 40 terminal emulations, powerful file transfer capabilities, a Data-Basic Control Language for automating procedures, intuitive Windows-based Copy and Paste functions, etc.

  • Publisher: Via Systems Inc.
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2015
MetaServer RT for Windows DDE

MetaServer RT for Windows DDE

MetaServer RT DDE version records quotations from any DDE-source and update charts of TradeStation2000i/ProSuite2000i Products or MetaStock 6.52/7.x/8.x/9.x/10.x (eSignal version) in real time. The DDE Dynamic Data Exchange protocol is used by many data vendors including ActivePlus/WinBis, Bloomberg, CQG, Fainex, MetaTrader 3 and 4.

  • Publisher: RT Soft
  • Last updated: February 19th, 2010

Additional Dynamic data exchange repair selection

MetaServer RT (Dde version)

MetaServer RT (Dde version)

MetaServer RT DDE version records quotations from any DDE-source and update charts of TradeStation2000i/ProSuite2000i Products or MetaStock (eSignal version) in real time. The DDE Dynamic Data Exchange protocol is used by many data vendors including ActivePlus/WinBis, Bloomberg, CQG, Fainex, MetaTrader 3 and 4.



ACARS Analyser is made up of two components, ACARS Analyser and AcarsDM. AcarsDM sits between the data capturing program and the database, and reads data through the DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) link. As each message is passed to AcarsDM, its data is processed by the system in real time. Users view the results and query the database through ACARS Analyser.

  • Publisher: Triggs Geophysical Pty Ltd
  • Home page: www.cosmic.com.au
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2010


Python is an object-oriented programming language, comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or Java. It comes with a large standard library that supports many common programming tasks, such as connecting to web servers, searching text with regular expressions, reading, and modifying files.

  • Publisher: Python Software Foundation
  • Home page: www.python.org
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
HEC-DSS Excel Data Exchange Add-In For Excel 2003

HEC-DSS Excel Data Exchange Add-In For Excel 2003

The HEC-DSS Excel Data Exchange Add-In is a Visual Basic Application for retrieving and storing both regular-interval time series and paired data directly from Excel to an HEC-DSS database file. Data sets to retrieve are selected from a catalog listing directly available from Excel.

  • Publisher: Hydrologic Engineering Center
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2012


wxLogbook is no frills amateur radio logging program. It is designed to accept input from any Dynamic Data Exchange c;ient that is capable of sending data to the program DXKeeper.It was designed to allow the program MULTIPSK to send QSO record to the logging program.

  • Publisher: W1HKJ
  • Home page: www.w1hkj.com
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2012
HHD Software Free Hex Editor Neo

HHD Software Free Hex Editor Neo

HHD Software Free Hex Editor Neo is a program that allows you to view, modify, analyze your hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions. It allows you to work ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data.

  • Publisher: HHD Software Ltd.
  • Last updated: December 21st, 2023
XML Notepad

XML Notepad

XML Notepad 2007 is a small free application from Microsoft that aims to provide a small environment for editing XML files quickly. With a lot of handy features, it's really comfortable to work with complex files thanks to the unique "nudge" and "change to" operations.

Autodesk FBX Plugin - 3ds Max

Autodesk FBX Plugin - 3ds Max

The Autodesk® FBX® plug-in allows all types of data to be packaged into one file format that can be used by most of today's 3D authoring software. Autodesk® FBX® asset exchange technology facilitates higher-fidelity data exchange between several Autodesk content creation packages.



Developed in C/C++, CAEFEM is a true Windows application. Seamlessly integrated with FEMAP using Dynamic Data Exchange, CAEFEM supports a comprehensive set of analyses including stresses, natural frequencies, buckling, harmonic and transient dynamic response, metal plasticity, surface to surface contact, large deflections, and heat transfer.

  • Publisher: Concurrent Analysis Corporation
  • Home page: www.caefem.com
  • Last updated: February 15th, 2012
Excel Repair Toolbox

Excel Repair Toolbox

Excel Repair Toolbox is an easy-to-use and handy application designed to help you recover and extract data from corrupted Excel files. It can fix the broken Excel files by restoring data from them and pasting it into new repaired Excel workbooks and worksheets.

  • Publisher: Recovery Toolbox, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2015