Dynamometer downhole in Title/Summary

Earthworks Downhole Explorer
Downhole Explorer is an exceptionally smart drillhole presentation and plotting program with many innovative features. On-line tutorials and wizards make the program extremely easy to use. For example, the document wizard makes it possible for the first time user to build an entire project complete with section plots and log sheets in a matter of minutes.
- Publisher: Earthworks

DataCan Download Software
DataCan Download Software is a program that allows you to download of DataCan's downhole memory recorders. You can create a detailed job report, calculate battery usage for your pressure gauge program, interrogate your downhole memory recorder in real time and graph your data.
- Publisher: DataCan
- Home page: www.datacan.ca
- Last updated: June 20th, 2014

Dyno-Scan is an automotive scan tool and road dynamometer. You can diagnose your Check Engine light, data log engine sensors and measure horsepower and torque. The program supports 1996 or newer vehicles from Acura to Volvo. The application allows you to view and record live vehicle parameters.
- Publisher: Auterra, LLC
- Home page: www.auterraweb.com
- Last updated: June 27th, 2014
Dynamometer downhole in Description

PowerDyn is THE perfect alternative to costly rolling road setups. It will give valuable information of the influence from modifications of the following parameters (non exhaustive) : - Air/fuel ratio, ignition timing, fuel quality, chip tuning, air filters, Exhaust systems, Intake manifolds, Carburettors... - Aerodynamic modifications (wheels, spoilers...)
- Home page: www.powerdyn.fr
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

PC-PUMP allows users to perform quality analyses, designs and evaluations for downhole progressing cavity pumping applications. Main features: - Exhaustive database of standard and vendor equipment. - Quick conversion to and from Metric and Oilfield units. - Enhanced design tools module includes equipment specification and well survey.
- Publisher: C-FER Technologies
- Last updated: January 11th, 2016

OLI ScaleChem
ScaleChem predicts mineral scaling potentials of 70+ solids for virtually any oil and gas well and processing facility in the world. The program computes the gas-liquid-oil-solid chemistry of produced fluids, and provides the operator and engineer with vital chemical data about their wells, surface facilities, and water injection and disposal operations.
- Publisher: OLI Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

Dyno DataMite Analyzer
Dyno DataMite Analyzer is a logging system with advanced features. The Dyno DataMite system has been used to computerize Stuska (tm), Go Power, Davenport, Prototype, Clayton, and numerous other brands of dynos. In some cases we can use some of your existing sensors.
- Publisher: Performance Trends Inc
- Home page: performancetrends.com
- Last updated: July 29th, 2016

DynoCompute X
DynoCompute X is an advanced dynamometer software. This software can be installed and used with Dynocom's DC-Controller on either a desktop, notebook, or tablet PC. The program provides fully customizable "gauge view" templates with controls auto alignment and sizing features. Each control can be customized in appearance, data range, data filtering and data scaling/units.
- Publisher: Dynocom Industries Inc.
- Last updated: February 21st, 2012
Additional Dynamometer downhole selection

RODDIAG for Windows is a wave equation diagnostic computer program. RODDIAG uses exact pumping unit kinematics to analyze any available pumping unit geometry. RODDIAG interactively calculates fluid level, pump intake pressure, and net pump displacement from the downhole pump card shape.
- Publisher: Theta Oilfield Services, Inc.

XDIAG is able to use dynamometer information from disk files, computerized dynamometers (including Theta Oilfield Services T1 Wireless Dyno, and Lufkin Automation dynamometer systems), centralized pump off control systems, or from a Summagraphics Summasketch II or compatible graphics tablet. This makes XDIAG the only truly hardware independent expert diagnostic analysis program.
- Publisher: Theta Enterprises

Virtual Dyno
Virtual Dyno is a program that allows you to to easily log your cars data. You can quickly save pictures of your dyno graphs to post on forums, email to your friends or compare with others. It also provides features such as: - Up to 10 plots at a time - Multiple log format support - Multiple vehicle comparison - Save and print graphs - Rapid RPM / TPS Trimming - Tire size calculator.
- Publisher: Brad Barnhill
- Home page: www.virtualdyno.net
- Last updated: October 9th, 2012

QRod is a free program for the design and prediction of the performance of Sucker Rod Beam Pumping Installations. QRod’s objective is to help the beam pumping system designer implement state of the art design technology without getting buried with details.
- Publisher: Echometer Company
- Home page: echometer.com
- Last updated: December 4th, 2010

Engine Analyzer
Engine Analyzer is a Computer Program for Engine Builders and Engineers to Simulate, Predict and Analyze Stock or Race Engine Dynamometer (dyno) Performance.The Engine Analyzer lets you simulate an engine build-up or modification on your personal computer.
- Publisher: Performance Trends Inc
- Last updated: November 14th, 2010

LVDAC-EMS is a free program that can handle the firmware upgrade and downgrade if necessary for both 9063 Data Acquisition and Control Interface and 8960 Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply. It also enables you to make the language and units configuration for all 8960-2x (including 8960-Bx) available in Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply.
- Publisher: Lab-Volt Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: December 24th, 2013

32bit Fax
Send and receive fax from a single computer or network, single fax modem or multiple modems. Send and forward fax using modem, Internet, email. You will be sending and receiving faxes in a few minutes from now with this full featured fax program. Send and Receive fax from Single Computer and Modem; or Network with Multiple Modems.
- Publisher: ElectraSoft
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

GSI3D is a tool for 3D geological modelling which enables you to quickly and intuitively construct 3D solid models of the subsurface for a wide range of applications. The model is built by enabling the user to construct traditional cross sections by correlating boreholes and outcrop data to produce a network of interlocking sections, or geological fence diagram.
- Publisher: NERC
- Last updated: April 9th, 2012

Pcx-Dcx Fax Viewer
View faxes Pcx-Dcx Fax files. You can create very short and/or long faxes. downhole well log image faxing. You can edit and/or converting Pcx and/or Dcx Fax files to TIFF, TIF and PDF. Pcx-Dcx Fax Viewer supports Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista.
- Publisher: ElectraSoft
- Home page: www.electrasoft.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Total Well Management
Successful application of the Total Well Management concept generally includes some training of the operating personnel. This is especially necessary if effective application of modem data acquisition hardware and software is to be introduced in an operation which has been using limited resources.
- Publisher: Echometer Company
- Last updated: July 31st, 2008