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E-games plugin terra corp download in Title/Summary

eGames Custom Calendar

eGames Custom Calendar

A small calendar and event reminder that unobtrusively sits on your desktop and is ready to use any time. The calendar is transparent so it's not an eyesore and consumes very little memory. Enter as many daily or regular reminders as you like. Float your mouse over a day to see all reminders for the day. Shows a short list of upcoming reminders below the calendar.

  • Publisher: Glenn Delahoy
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2010


Terra is the first web productivity application of its kind for easily browsing popular web services such as weather, news, Ebay auctions, TV listings, shopping, exchange rates, entertainment events, and much more.

  • Publisher: Terracorps.com
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2016
Year Post Terra

Year Post Terra

They can face attack both from the air and armies on the ground. But of course you can also build armies of your own. Investing in research will allow technology breakthroughs in all of these areas. Not an easy game to master, simple survival will take some skill. Do you have what it takes to not just survive, but guide your forces to victory?

  • Publisher: Dave Carlson
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011

E-games plugin terra corp download in Description

WWW File Share

WWW File Share

WWW File Share is a software which can help you share files with your friends all around the world.

  • Publisher: LionMax Software
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008
TrackReports Helper

TrackReports Helper

Are you using TrackReports beta for tracking your mailings?This plugin lets you download the list of the recipients who opened a message or clicked its links. The list is saved as a csv file, which you can later import into sendBlaster for creating a new, optimized list or updating existing lists.

Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death Collector's Edition

Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death Collector's Edition

Guide a woman who sets out rescue her fiancé from a supernatural force that feeds on human suffering! Offering a richly layered and compelling hidden object experience, Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death is an adventure you'll never forget! There exists love so strong, it can overcome the most powerful evil.

  • Publisher: Alawar Entertainment Inc.
  • Last updated: February 18th, 2013
Quake Live Mozilla Plugin

Quake Live Mozilla Plugin

Quake Live is a browser-based version of Quake III. You need a browser plug in to play it online. With the Mozilla plug-in you can play with FireFox or SeaMonkey. The performance is better than with the IE plug-in and the size is smaller. Overall, the Quake Live game is fun and smooth to play. This is the future of gaming.

QuoteOfTheDay Plugin - Windows Live Writer

QuoteOfTheDay Plugin - Windows Live Writer

Quote Of The Day Plugin is quite fun plugin for bloggers who want to show some daily quotes on their blogs. Quote Of The Day Plugin shows a new quote everyday using the web service provided by the website swanandmokashi.com. This plugin is fully compatible with all the versions of Windows Live Writer, just go one and download this plugin,

  • Publisher: MyBlog4Fun
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Additional E-games plugin terra corp download selection

MetaProducts Portable Download Manager

MetaProducts Portable Download Manager

Portable Download Manager is a Windows download manager application that makes it easy to download video/audio streams and files from Internet sites at the maximum available speed. Download resume is supported. Multiple channels technology significantly reduces download time.

  • Publisher: MetaProducts corp.
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Milouz Market

Milouz Market

Milouz Market is a simple program that provides you with a list of popular applications and lets you view which ones of these are installed on your system and which ones require being updated. It provides accurate detection of the programs installed on your system and it also checks with precision for available updates, thanks to a community-based notification system.

  • Publisher: Milouz Corp
  • Last updated: July 23rd, 2015
AirLive View Plugin

AirLive View Plugin

AirLive View Plugin is a free program that grants you video access to your IP cameras directly on your computer. The plugin also allows you to manage your cameras, to search for a specific camera and watch real time events that are captured by your IP cameras.

  • Publisher: OvisLink Corp
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2014
Turbo Gear Extreme

Turbo Gear Extreme

There are 3 download servers available on ASUS Download Site - Global, China and P2P. Each server provides exact the same content no matter where you download from, except for the speed which you are connected to. TurboGear Extreme Utility TurboGear Extreme Utility for Vista

  • Publisher: TWX Corp.
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2009
Windows Live Writer Event Plugin

Windows Live Writer Event Plugin

It happens many times that we want to put a list of upcoming events on our blogs, but it is a very cumbersome task if done manually, to reduce this work there is a special plugin that lets you create & share your event within no time. This plugin is Windows Live Writer Event Plugin 1.0 developed by Microsoft Corporation.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corp.
  • Home page: gallery.live.com
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008


The Document Updater is a utility that automatically finds only the documents associated with a specified MCU from a massive document library at the Renesas Web site at a single click, with no occurrences omitted. It also permits you to determine whether the searched document is of the latest version

  • Publisher: Renesas Technology Corp.
  • Last updated: November 13th, 2008
SOUP - Share-Online Uploader

SOUP - Share-Online Uploader

SOUP - Share-Online can be used for fast downloads, if desired without ticket waiting and without any limitation at convenient premium prices. Prepaid System are for users with only casual usage, no subscription traps and exact to the second counted premium durations

  • Publisher: Xlice Corp.
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2012
MetaProducts Offline Browser

MetaProducts Offline Browser

MetaProducts Offline Browser downloads Web pages or entire Web sites, including images, sounds, video and other media files to your hard disk, flash drive or memory card. This will enable you to browse saved content while offline. Save e-books, news articles, photo galleries and more to your drive so that you can browse them whenever an internet connection is unavailable.

  • Publisher: MetaProducts corp.
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2011
Zoho Desktop Plugin

Zoho Desktop Plugin

Instantly start remote session or online meeting from your desktop using Zoho Meeting desktop shortcut. Easily join online meetings without accessing Zoho Meeting URL. Main features: - One click instant resume of previously started meeting or session. - Easy starting and joining of online meetings and remote sessions.

  • Publisher: ZOHO Corp
  • Home page: www.zoho.com
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2010
eDonkey Plug-in Pack

eDonkey Plug-in Pack

eDonkey Plug-in Pack contains a suite of tools and utilities to increase eDonkey client performance. eDonkey Plug-in Pack is hassle free, easy to install and to use, no more ''...plugin.dll'' to download or the ''....plugin.dll'' to extract ! Installation of the package is made easy for users through the informative menu's.