Ear training program in Title/Summary

SmartEars Ear Training Program
This program will help you quickly learn to recognize and identify common musical structures including intervals, scales/modes, and chords. Using SmartEars should be (I hope!) largely self-explanatory and easy. Two quick tips: * To turn off certain answers you are not intrested in (eg. unisons and octaves) right-click on their button (Command-click on OS X) .
- Publisher: Peter Lyons
- Last updated: May 16th, 2011

Ear Training 101
Ear Training 101 is a program that will train you to recognize relative pitch. This program will train anyone who wants to learn to play the piano in identifying the pitch they hear. The users will have to press the right key to repeat the sound played by the program.
- Publisher: David Sprunger
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: August 20th, 2011
Ear training program in Description

The software's aural training exercises are perfect for everyone, from beginners to advanced students. And the easy to use interface makes it the ideal way to introduce music ear training and perfect pitch to people of all ages. Auralia is suitable for both classical and contemporary musicians - of any age and ability.
- Publisher: Rising Software Australia
- Home page: www.risingsoftware.com
- Last updated: March 18th, 2015

GNU Solfege
GNU Solfege is an ear training program written to help you train intervals, chords, scales and rhythms. It is free software and part of the GNU Project. The program is indented to help music students with their ear training. Some of the existing exercises: Recognise melodic and harmonic intervals, Compare interval sizes, Sing the intervals the computer asks for, Identify chords.
- Publisher: Tom Cato Amundsen
- Home page: www.solfege.org
- Last updated: September 8th, 2013

Tksolfege is a music ear training program written in Tcl/Tk. It contains exercises for recognizing musical intervals, chords, sight reading and rhythm dictation. Such skills are a requirement in many university music departments and considerable practice is needed to develop such proficiency. The program was designed for both the novice and experienced user.
- Publisher: seymour shlien
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2015

BigEars is simple but powerful ear training software that includes the basics as well as advanced harmony making it an excellent choice for learning jazz chords. Ear training will improve your ability to transcribe, improvise and compose. BigEars allows you to choose the content you want to work on. You control the parameters affecting the difficulty of the problems.
- Publisher: Flat 5 Software
- Home page: www.flat5software.com
- Last updated: January 14th, 2010

The goal of this project is to develop educational software for music teachers and their students. It contains ear training, score writing, and dictations, and aims to be easy to use. The program is hosted at Sourceforge therefor is free to use for all people and can be installed on Windows or any other Linux operating system
- Publisher: makrrerian
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2010
Additional Ear training program selection

HIPAA Training Program
No need to have your employees spend extra hours reviewing data that does not apply. Just enter data you want them to review, develop questions to test their knowledge, then have them print out training acknowledgment forms to go in there personnel records, its that easy.
- Publisher: R. E. G. Software
- Home page: www.reg-software.com
- Last updated: August 16th, 2018

Scrabble training program
Scrabble software for one or two players. Word-research - Utility program - Training mode - Duplicate mode - With OPDS4 (Official Scrabble Players Dictionary), 80000 words.
- Publisher: GSoft
- Last updated: January 14th, 2010

EarMaster Pro
EarMaster Pro is an application that allows you to study music elements. Main Features: -Over 2000 sight-singing, ear training and rhythmic exercises for all levels -General course for all musical styles and Jazz course with swing rhythms and jazz chords. -Identify by ear, transcribe, sight-read and sing melodies, scales, chords, intervals, chord progressions and rhythms.
- Publisher: EarMaster ApS
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Functional Ear Trainer - Basic
Functional Ear Trainer - Basic is a simple, yet powerful ear training application to help you unlock your inner ear. Its concept is different from traditional ear training programs that let you guess intervals or pretend to teach you perfect pitch. The program will play a chord sequence to establishes the key or tonality.
- Publisher: Alain Benbassat
- Last updated: May 9th, 2008

DW Training EXE
DW Training is an insurance training program developed by Dream Weavers under guidelines of IRDA.This software has been designed in a very user friendly way and will give you indepth knowledge about Insurance which will be helpful for building Insurance career.
- Publisher: DreamWeavers Group
- Home page: www.dreamweaversindia.com
- Last updated: August 20th, 2010

Magic Paathshala
Magic Paathshala is a FREEWARE application developed by Datacomp to view various training content produced by Datacomp Training Academy (DTA). The training content may be in the form of simple powerpoint presentations, Audio / Video embedded presentations, Event / Workshop Videos and so on.
- Publisher: Datacomp Web Technologies
- Last updated: October 31st, 2010

Ear Power Training Center
This 7 programs package covers the most important aspects of musical training. - Ear Power - probably the best ear trainer out there... - Sight-Singer - unique utility for learning singing and notation - Metronome - great tool for learning compound meters - Vocal Express - the fastest way to learn a song and more...
- Publisher: earpower
- Home page: earpower.com
- Last updated: September 7th, 2008

EarMaster School
EarMaster School 5.0 is a program for teaching ear training. Once the program is installed, it will ask you to enter your name in order to create a new user account. After that, the game will check your system in order to configure your sound card and preferred instrument to play the songs.
- Publisher: EarMaster ApS
- Last updated: February 16th, 2011

This program is about TIMING ACCURACY. Ear Steady has a graphical representation of how close to the beat you are and gives a more precise reading than using a metronome. To load the program just go to the Ear Power folder and click on the Ear Steady icon.
- Publisher: A.L.H. J. Mañas S.L.
- Home page: www.ear-buchhaltung.de
- Last updated: September 30th, 2013

Free, lightweight and useful guitar tuner and metronome. Unlike other guitar tuning software available, this one works with the input of the guitar itself; allowing you to tune your instrument in a rather precise way. The metronome allows you to play between 10 and 320 beats per minute and between 1 and 128 beats per measure. A very useful program for guitar players.
- Publisher: David Capello
- Home page: dacap.com.ar
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2009