Easera systune in Title/Summary

SysTune represents a remarkable step forward in its ability to take accurate acoustical measurements in real time even when an audience is present. It acquires Impulse Response data using live program material and simultaneously displays time-domain and frequency-domain measures in real time and automatically produces accurate, repeatable measurements.
- Publisher: AFMG
- Home page: systune.afmg.eu
- Last updated: January 25th, 2010

EASERA stands for Electronic and Acoustic System Evaluation and Response Analysis and is a great solution for electronic and acoustic analysis with industry standard quality and incredible flexibility and power. The program consists of four logical parts: signal generator, measurement, real time analyser and post processing.
- Publisher: AFMG Technologies GmbH
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2013
Additional Easera systune selection

The AXYS® D-audio USB Audio Reference Preamplifier is designed for use with acoustic measurement software such as WinMLS®, EASERA® and Smaart® for the purpose of the precise capturing of audio data to ensure fast and reliable STI figures without the common measurement setup hassles. This extremely high quality unit can also be used for the most demanding recording purposes.
- Publisher: Duran Audio BV