Easy chm portable in Title/Summary

Easy CHM
Create CHM help or CHM ebook files in 10 seconds with Easy CHM.Automatically create a context-sensitive html help file. Make CHM (Html Help) file just by importing folders and all sub folders, Easy CHM will automatically generate TOC (Table of Contents) and Index Items by parsing from title / file name / text of a specific line.
- Publisher: GuohuaSoft
- Home page: www.zipghost.com
- Last updated: January 25th, 2022

Abee CHM Maker
Abee CHM Maker by abeetech.com is a tool for making easy chm files. In short chm file are generally used for online help files and they are collection of many html pages put on 1 file. Usage of chm file reduce overhead of maintaining multiple html file and it increases performance also. CHM file comes with easy navigation and search functionalities.
- Publisher: AbeeTech
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2008

Flip CHM
Flip CHM is a quick and easy way to convert Windows html help (.chm) files into stunning booklets with amazing page-flipping animations and sound! It also can automatically convert the CHM Table of Contents to bookmarks and consolidate all associated topic files into a page-flipping eBook,
- Publisher: A-PDF Solution
- Last updated: January 10th, 2012
Easy chm portable in Description

Cut your time
Cut your time is a freeware program that allows you to create reminders (alarms). You can easily create alarms with a certain frequency, sound and visual effect. This project is made by Riccardo Giuliani and supervised by TrustFm.
- Publisher: Riccardo Giuliani + Trust Fm
- Home page: www.trustfm.net
- Last updated: June 6th, 2011

CHM to HTML Converter
CHM to HTML Converter is a product which allows you to convert any CHM files or E-Books to HTML easily, and you can extract any/all source files from the CHM, such as HHP, HHC, HHK and etc. Special Features:- Decompile MS CHM help file or CHM E-Book quickly and easily - Recover the .HHP .HHC .HHK files perfectly - Decompile all MS CHM files / CHM E-Books in a batch
- Publisher: Armenian Dictionary Software
- Last updated: November 10th, 2009

WinCHM - help authoring software
Help authoring software. Create Help file, Create Web-based help, Create CHM file, Create printable pages, Create PDF manual easily and quickly.
- Publisher: Create help file
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

With CHM2Word, you can easy convert topics in CHM file to Microsoft Word Document to print or edit. So you never worry about print topics in CHM file again.Main features:- Convert the specified topics in CHM file to Microsoft Word Document. - Save your time to print a CHM file. - Drag and Drop supported to convert a CHM file to Microsoft Word Document.
- Publisher: Dawningsoft Inc
- Last updated: February 27th, 2012

Pocket CHM
Pocket CHM is a convenient tool for developers, Help authors, and technical writers to create online Help for desktop applications in HTML Help (CHM) format. Pocket CHM provides a rapid streamline authoring mode - drag files/forders from built-in resource explorer or windows resource explorer and drop them on your Help book.
- Publisher: Fly Sky Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.flyskysoft.com
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009
Additional Easy chm portable selection

Portable devices keep getting more and more popular along the time, however, their storage capacity still tends to be too limited. So, if you want to carry your entire music collection with you in your tablet or cell phone, it's probably a good idea to reduce your songs' size as much as possible. For this you can use a tool like MP3Resizer, which helps you achieve it in a very easy and fast way.
- Publisher: Skyshape Software
- Home page: www.skyshape.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

DOC2CHM has a friendly and self explaining step-by-step user's interface. This allows you to convert doc to chm after you have downloaded it from our website, and saves your time without reading huge help files: all possible actions are described in detail on each Wizard's page.
- Publisher: Dawningsoft Inc
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2012

Do not let the program’s name fool you – SumatraPDF is not a simple PDF viewer or reader, it is a comprehensive e-book, comic, and of course PDF reading tool with support for EPUB, MOBI (Kindle), CBR, and even the not-so-common DjVu files. Its simplicity of use will let you open, read, and enjoy your favorite books and comics on your PC.
- Publisher: Krzysztof Kowalczyk
- Home page: blog.kowalczyk.info
- Last updated: December 25th, 2023

Based on the LZ77 algorithm, both LZMA and LZMA2 compression techniques provide an excellent data compression ratio. 7-Zip uses these compression methods to create archives in the 7z format protected with AES-256 encryption, though it supports any compression, conversion, and encryption method.
- Publisher: Igor Pavlov
- Home page: www.7-zip.org
- Last updated: December 15th, 2024

Easy Graphic Converter
Easy Graphic Converter is a powerful tool that allows you to convert images and photos into many popular image formats, including JPG, GIF, ICO, BMP, EMF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, and even apply some special effects to them. Also includes screen-capture and icon-capture utilities.
- Publisher: Graphic-Converter.net
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free PDF reader that lets you open and print PDF documents. Using an online Adobe account, you can easily store, view, and share PDF files with others. Acrobat Reader also facilitates form-filling, adding signatures, highlighting, and addition of comments or text-boxes to documents.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Home page: get.adobe.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Foxit Reader
Foxit Reader lets you view, annotate, form fill, and sign PDF across desktop, mobile, and web – no matter if you’re at the office, home, or on the go. Experience the power of PDF through a full functioned PDF Reader. Reading and printing PDF couldn’t be easier. Leverage existing forms and workflows with standard PDF (Acroforms) and XFA (XML Form Architecture) form filling.
- Publisher: Foxit Software Incorporated
- Home page: www.foxitsoftware.com
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023

Easy Video Converter
Easy Video Converter 7.5 is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for you to converting between different video format with quality. It also allows you to process you various movie file for you DVD player and Portable Media Player.It support PSP(Playstation Poortable) for video with both MPEG4 and AVC codec and much more
- Publisher: Amigo Software LTD
- Last updated: October 14th, 2010

MetaProducts Portable Download Manager
Portable Download Manager is a Windows download manager application that makes it easy to download video/audio streams and files from Internet sites at the maximum available speed. Download resume is supported. Multiple channels technology significantly reduces download time.
- Publisher: MetaProducts corp.
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Easy CSS Menu
Easily create nice CSS drop-down menus for your website without writing a single line of code. Easy CSS Menu generates pure CSS drop-down menu code that works in all web browsers and does not require JavaScript. Easy CSS Menu works well both for beginners and experts.
- Publisher: Karlis Blumentals
- Home page: www.easycssmenu.com
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2015