Easy circuit circuit designig softwares in Title/Summary

KC Softwares K-ML
KC Softwares K-ML is a mailing list and newsletter manager that makes online marketing easier. You can manage large lists of contacts or customers and send them customized messages that fits their profile. It supports HTML messages with images and sound, attachments, worldwide characters sets and priority levels
- Publisher: KC Softwares
- Last updated: February 26th, 2013

Acute Softwares Autobackup
With Acute Softwares Autobackup you will be able to recover all the erased data that the user wants to recover. Some of its features are: optionally creates diary entries of which files you modified, Automatic or manual mode. Its simple and effective.
- Publisher: Acute Software
- Last updated: July 20th, 2008

Acute Softwares Diary
Quickly and easily manages Appointments, Tasks and Notes even if the main program isnt running. Also reports on what applications and files you used during any day, week or month - great for people who have to produce timesheets.
- Publisher: Acute Software
- Last updated: January 9th, 2010
Easy circuit circuit designig softwares in Description

TransistorAmp 2 is a free software for the design of transistor amplifiers with one bipolar juction transistor. With the software you can design a transistor amplifier in common-base, common-emitter, or common-collector configuration. TransistorAmp 2 has a Spice call-interface which can be used to test the designed circuit with a circuit simulation program, e.g. LTSpice.
- Publisher: Stefan Bayer and Jessica Sarnecki
- Home page: www.transistoramp.com
- Last updated: June 4th, 2013

SWF Scanner
LiveTronix is a software product company, generating different softwares to help various types of computer users. SWF Scanner is one of their products which would help many users to decompile the Flash media files and provide files internal coding details to the user. SWF Scanner is the one of the best and sharp tool out of many other available in the market.
- Publisher: Livetronix
- Home page: www.livetronix.com
- Last updated: March 6th, 2010

The LTpowerCAD design tool is a Microsoft Excel based power supply design tool program that can significantly ease the tasks of power supply design with Linear Technology µModule and some monolithic products. Unlike conventional simulation tools, this tool guides users throughout the whole supply design process.
- Publisher: Linear Technology
- Home page: www.linear.com
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2020

Photovoltaic Plant Harmonic Calculator
The Photovoltaik Plant Harmonic Calculator enables a very easy and fast way to calculate the harmonics caused by a PV Plant at common point of coupling. Main features: - Different inverter types. - Different phase load. - Grid voltage and the linked standards. - Short circuit apparent power in point of common coupling.
- Publisher: Danfoss A/S
- Last updated: September 24th, 2012

Easy Print Envelopes
Easy Print Envelopes is the quickest and easiest way to print professional-looking envelopes. It allows you to print tens and hundreds of envelopes of different addresses with one print. It came in three popular envelope sizes.
- Publisher: Wakeeson Inc
- Last updated: February 5th, 2015
Additional Easy circuit circuit designig softwares selection

PCB Wizard 3
It provides a comprehensive range of tools covering all the traditional steps in PCB production, including schematic drawing, schematic capture, component placement, automatic routing, Bill of Materials reporting and file generation for manufacturing. In addition, PCB Wizard offers a wealth of clever new features that do away with the steep learning curve normally associated with PCB packages.
- Publisher: New Wave Concepts Limited
- Home page: www.new-wave-concepts.com
- Last updated: January 27th, 2017

PicoSoft was especially created to help hardware developers build circuits diagrams for Pico controllers. The program is also able to simulate these diagrams in order to find possible errors and calculate controller output. It includes a quite large library of Pico controllers and additional expansion circuits which you can afterward connect to your computer through a COM port.
- Publisher: Moeller GmbH, Rockwell Automation Inc.
- Last updated: May 11th, 2008

CableCalc Pro
CableCalc Pro is a program that allows you to perform electrical calculations. You can determine cable sizes and voltage drops according to installation conditions, use the Derating Wizard to apply appropriate de-rating factors and save results to file (CBLl) and print reports with references to Standards.
- Publisher: ElectroTECHnik
- Last updated: November 10th, 2015

Micrologic LTU
The LTU (Local Test Utility) software is a Micrologic trip unit test software. It is compliant with all Micrologic trip units mounted on Compact NSX or Powerpact circuit breakers. LTU enables the user to: - fill in identification information - run manual tests of the protection settings - run automatic tests of the protection settings - simulate alarms (only with Micrologic 5/6 trip units)
- Last updated: October 6th, 2017

Circuit Wizard
New Wave Concepts Limited developed Circuit Wizard with the purpose of making electronic engineers job less demanding and helping them to be more effective. Therefore, they equipped this software tool with numerous features to assist them in creating diagrams, running simulations and combining PCB designs.
- Publisher: New Wave Concepts Limited
- Home page: www.new-wave-concepts.com
- Last updated: February 26th, 2019

RelCalc for Windows automates the reliability prediction procedure of Telcordia SR-332, or MIL-HDBK-217, providing an alternative to tedious, time consuming, and error prone manual methods. RelCalc makes reliability predictions a snap for all your requirements, from single circuit board designs to very large multi-circuit board systems.
- Publisher: T-Cubed Systems, Inc.
- Home page: www.t-cubed.com
- Last updated: July 5th, 2012

WinCircuit is a program that allows you to make drawings of printed circuit in single or double layers. You can trace the various connections and the routing to carry out the layout of the consequently tracks. You can also draw rectangular and triangular surfaces.
- Publisher: Alain MICHEL
- Home page: alain.michel13.free.fr
- Last updated: February 14th, 2009

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator
Quite Universal Circuit Simulator is an integrated circuit simulator. By using this free program, you will be able to setup a circuit through QUCS´ graphical user interface (GUI). To do that, you can select eeach required component from the wide library the program has.
- Publisher: the Qucs team
- Home page: qucs.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2017

ProfiCAD is a tiny, but powerful program for drawing electrical and electronic diagrams, schematics, and control circuit diagrams. This tool was designed to be highly ergonomic: simply place the electrical symbols into the drawing and then you can attach wires between them.
- Publisher: ProfiCAD
- Home page: www.proficad.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Mad Race
Mad Race is another free game published by GameTop.com. As any other game published there it is developed by This is an exciting race game. Gameplay: In this case, the novelty is that you must avoid the attacks coming from the others competitors, and and being the first is not as good as it looks like because you will be an easy target to destroy.
- Publisher: Media Contact LLC
- Home page: www.gametop.com
- Last updated: July 1st, 2008