Easy digital clock in Title/Summary

Digital Clock Widget
Digital Clock Widget is a free digital clock for your desktop. With lite and easy custom features Digital Clock Widget is a simple and very useful digital clock. Starting with Opera 10.50, Opera Widgets have the same status as regular desktop applications. They run apart from Opera, and appear in the applications menu.
- Publisher: Opera widgets
- Home page: widgets.opera.com
- Last updated: May 6th, 2012

Digital Clock 3D Screensaver
"Digital Clock 3D Screensaver and Animated Wallpaper" is a great application that features an animated digital clock in 3D that can be used as screensaver and wallpaper. The clock is displayed from different angles and shows hours, minutes, and seconds in a very original way.
- Publisher: 3Planesoft
- Home page: www.3planesoft.com
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Digital Clock
TimeTools NTP digital clock software is a freeware utility that runs on any Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003 workstation or server. It allows a client to synchronise time to a selected Atomic Clock synchronised NTP server.
- Publisher: Digital Wall Clock Systems
- Last updated: August 7th, 2021
Easy digital clock in Description

Premium Clock
This app is designed to help you customize your desktop with beautiful and exquisite clock-related wallpapers. It provides multiple high-quality skins that bring a fresh and elegant look to your computer screen. The program consists of an analog clock that works as a desktop wallpaper, a digital clock in the shape of a stylish replica of the system tray clock, and a calendar for date orientation.
- Publisher: UpClock Software
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2012

TLB Clock plugin beta
This plugin allow you to replace tray clock. Currently TLB Clock supports different time zones can be skinned and have some useful options. You can change the fonts and colors of text. The digits can be skinned. Also you can select time zone from witch to show time/date.
- Publisher: Tordex
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Chronice is a tool that implements a digital clock on your PC with a fully customizable look and feel. It allows you to create one or more alarms and to select your preferred notification method for each. You can modify any of the included skins to create totally new ones, and save your creations as new available skins. For this purpose, the program includes a thorough skin-design section.
- Publisher: SpecLabs
- Home page: chronice.sicyon.com
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008

A powerful yet easy-to-use digital clock, which displays the current time on your desktop. One of the most interesting parts of this tool is that it displays time in different background pictures as per the day process. Furthermore, if you are not satisfied with these backgrounds, you can add your own pictures to create nice backgrounds. Also provided with alarm clock features.
- Publisher: Pawsoft
- Home page: pawsoft.pabuk.com
- Last updated: April 29th, 2008

Clock Screen Saver
This application is a nice clock-like screen saver that displays the current time and date on your desktop when the computer is not in use. The program comes with three clock-displaying modes: analog, digital, and text digital clock faces. You have the ability to set different colors for each element. In addition, it supports playing sounds.
- Publisher: ABF software, Inc.
- Home page: www.clock-screen-saver.com
- Last updated: August 5th, 2010
Additional Easy digital clock selection

Easy Digital Photo Recovery
If you happen to delete your photo collection accidentally, or if you forget to make a backup copy of it before formatting your hard drive or memory card, everything is not lost yet. As long as you do not use the freed clusters to write new data, Easy Digital Photo Recovery can bring your valuable images back to life in a simple and rewarding way.
- Publisher: MunSoft
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Digital Clock Screen Saver
Digital Clock Screen Saver can displays a very large glowing digital time display when your computer is idle. Advantages of this screen saver include optional flashing time separator (for each second) and slow movement around your screen to prevent burn in. Is not recommended for screen resolutions less than 1024 x 768.
- Publisher: Xequte Software
- Home page: www.clock-screen-saver.com
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Digital Clock GT-7
This is a free and customizable desktop clock with big numbers that can be useful for visually impaired people and senior citizens. You can customize it by changing the color of the background and that of the font. Nevertheless, you can set it to appear always on top. If you want to change your default Windows clock, then this may be a good option.
- Publisher: Style-7
- Home page: www.styleseven.com
- Last updated: February 24th, 2012

SoftCollection Digital Clock
Is an interesting and beautiful digital lock. Main features: - Transparency may be changed. - May be placed everywhere on the screen. - May be hidden or shown by single mouse click on systray icon. - May be set to be always on top of other windows. - Has an option "Run automatically when windows starts".
- Publisher: SoftCollection
- Home page: www.soft-collection.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Full Screen Digital Clock Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to display the current time so that it takes up the entire screen. Font size and font colors can be customized. This software can be used instead of a screensaver.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: September 16th, 2010

Astronomers Digital Clock
Astronomers Digital Clock displays several clocks on your screen. You will be able to see your system´s time both in conventional and scientific format, the UTC time, the current Julian Date, the Greenwich Sidereal Time. It will also indicate your Time Zone, Longitude and Local Sidereal Time (LST). You can choose between three possible color combinations for the program to show.
- Publisher: Matt Oltersdorf
- Last updated: April 8th, 2008

Easy Time Clock Driver
Easy Time Clock Driver is a software module that is designed to maintain connection and communication between Easy Time Control database and your Biometric Time Clock of any type. It is used in order to poll punch records of your employees from your time clock device and transfer it to your database.
- Publisher: Easy Trinity
- Last updated: January 28th, 2012

ITS Analog&Digital Clock
Special for those who can't stand searching the system clock and still want to have a nice clock on their desktops! If you like Analog Clocks, your Clock will be Analog! If you like Digital Clocks, your Clock will be Digital! Do you want both of them, it is OK, too!
- Publisher: Intelligence Technology Systems
- Last updated: May 25th, 2011

Free Easy Alarm Clock
Free Easy Alarm Clock is a program that lets you wake up to the sound of your favorite music. You can create multiple alarm schedules by simply choosing alarm type: daily, weekly or one time alarm and then you choose the song to be played with your alarm. You can also add a comment to it- to appear with your alarm.
- Publisher: easy4pc
- Last updated: April 28th, 2014

Free Desktop Clock
Free Desktop Clock is a very easy to use application developed to replace the standard Windows clock, while also offering a bunch of tools to enhance the whole experience. Free Desktop Clock dolls up the standard digital display with a handful of skins and shows the current date and day.
- Publisher: Drive Software Company
- Home page: drive-software.com
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2010