Easy hanzi key in Title/Summary

Easy Hanzi
Easy Hanzi is an easy-to-use flashcard and dictionary utility to learn Chinese. It provides a simple interface along with advanced features such as a spaced repetition algorithm and a Chinese/English/Pinyin dictionary to help you learn more efficiently.
- Publisher: Laurent Cozic
- Last updated: October 12th, 2015

Easy Hot Key
Easy Hot Key allows you to use keyboard shortcuts to perform recurring actions such as closing an application, creating a new folder, opening a website, shutting down the computer, and more. You can use any keyboard key such as letters, numbers, special keys or the combination of them.
- Publisher: StraightSoft
- Home page: www.straightsoft.de
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

PP301 PP302 Key Mapper
PP301 PP302 Key Mapper is a useful software tool that helps you customize your keyboard by selecting the key lay out and output of each key. PP301 PP302 Key Mapper is free to use and has a easy to use interface and help tools, you can also save your configuration and select it later.
- Publisher: BTC Secu Co., Ltd.
Easy hanzi key in Description

EZDesktop is your solution to a fast and easy way of capturing the images on your computer screen. Avoid the hassle of "printscreen" everytime, this feature allows you to save the screen image in a click of a button.EZDesktop stores images in different folder for easy browsing.
- Publisher: PenangCenter
- Last updated: March 8th, 2010

Keyboard monitoring has probably been our number one requested item for the past few years. Parents need the ability to discover if their kids are using free email accounts, maintaining secret MySpace or FaceBook profiles, or logging into other places on the Internet that are not appropriate.
- Publisher: Solid Oak Software
- Home page: www.cybersitter.com
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

UniteSoft WIMS
UniteSoft WIMS is designed to maintain stock and manage warehouse. UniteSoft WIMS is very user friendly software which can be used in very easy step. Key Features: - Online Inventory - Stock Maintenance - Pre Reorder level prediction . - Fully scalable system. - Warehouse Management - Purchase Order - Goods Receive - Goods Return from customer and to vendor - Sales Challan and Sales Invoice
- Publisher: Unite Soft
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

Hanyu is an easy program to practice Chinese hanzi characters, and pinyin. There are many such programs, but Hanyu has the following advantages : The hanzi set matches the course at the CLT in Leuven (as of 2004-2005). If that's not where you study, the program can still be useful because the hanzi roughly follow the progress in the New Practical Chinese Reader 1 textbook;
- Publisher: bpe
- Home page: bpeers.com
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2009

NJStar Chinese WP
A Windows version word processor software, which is designed for both Chinese and English languages. It is also an ideal tool for Chinese learning and teaching with powerful dictionary functions. Main Features: - Type, edit, format, convert and print Chinese documents; - Supports both Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters;
- Publisher: NJStar Software Corp.
- Home page: www.njstar.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Easy hanzi key selection

Search Toolbar is a free toolbar for surfing the web in a fast & easy way. Key Features: - Fast search: - the internet. - a big shopping store. - a comprehensive download software archive. - Can be used for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
- Publisher: AB-Tools
- Home page: www.ab-tools.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Easy WinKey Blocker
Do you hate it when you accidentally hit the Windows Key on your keyboard and it interrupts or crashes another program you are using? Now you can use Easy Winkey Blocker to solve that problem! Easy Winkey Blocker is a small program that sits in your System tray gives you quick access to Disable and Block the Left, Right or Both Windows keys.
- Publisher: Sardine Software
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

ILO 2010 Desktop Calendar
To provide easy access to key information on upcoming events, international days, reports and meetings regarding the world of work, the ILO has developed a new desktop calendar that can be downloaded here. The calendar is updated on a regular basis with new content to ensure that the information you need is one click away.
- Publisher: ILO
- Last updated: November 15th, 2010

Intel Security True Key
Privacy is, undoubtedly, Internet users’ biggest concern, and rightly so - passwords, bank accounts, and credit cards are easy prey for cyberattackers. True Key is a state-of-the-art free protection tool that will scramble and encrypt passwords, messages, notes, credit cards, bank accounts, and any other piece of sensitive information using AES-256 encryption and multi-factor authentication.
- Publisher: Intel Corporation
- Home page: www.truekey.com
- Last updated: July 4th, 2017

Easy Migration
With its simple, point-and-click process, Easy Migration collects your documents, photos, music and even Web browser favorites and transfers them to the appropriate folders on your new PC. When it’s done, you’ll find everything in the same place it was on your old computer. Simply specify the types of files you want to move, and Easy Migration does the rest.
- Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.samsung.com
- Last updated: July 4th, 2020

Easy GIF Animator
Easy GIF Animator is a tool for creating animated pictures, banners, buttons, and GIF videos. It lets you convert videos to GIF animations. You can also start a new project and add text animations, images, etc. and render the result as a video file or SWF Flash animation.
- Publisher: Blumentals Solutions SIA
- Home page: www.easygifanimator.net
- Last updated: December 26th, 2017

Easy Video Joiner
Easy Video Joiner is a video editing tool for Windows. It is supposed to be able to join two or more video files into a single video file. It supports a few formats: AVI, MPEG-4, RM, WMV and ASF. It has a very simple user interface but with no support for drag-and-drop.
- Publisher: DoEasier Tech Inc
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

SterJo Key Finder
SterJo Key Finder is a small, simple, and neat application that helps you when you lost the product keys for your applications or even for your Windows installation. This nice little program can scan your system's registry for these keys, retrieve them, and display them for your convenience. It's a simple and effective product key recovery solution.
- Publisher: SterJo Software
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

Office Product Key Finder
Office Product Key Finder does what its name says: it helps you find and view the product keys for the Office suites installed on your system. This handy tool has been created to help you especially when you lost your Office product keys and the only way of recovering them is by retrieving them from the installations on your system.
- Publisher: Nsasoft US LLC
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

WiFi Password Key Generator
WiFi Password Key Generator is exactly what its name suggests: a program that helps you create Wireless WEP and WPA/WPA2 keys on your Windows PC. These types of keys are necessary when a modem or a router requires you to provide WEP or WPA keys during a Wireless security setup.
- Publisher: SecurityXploded
- Home page: securityxploded.com
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022