Easy phone tunes review in Title/Summary

Easy Phone Tunes
Easy Phone Tunes can be used to sync your iTunes playlists with an Android device. I have recently made the switch from an iPhone to an Android device, and one of the problems that arose from the switch was that I ended up with a huge library of MP3s that I couldn't easily transfer to my new device.
- Publisher: Easy Phone Tunes
- Last updated: March 26th, 2011

Easy Phone Sync for Blackberry
Easy Phone Sync for Blackberry is a free program that allows you to transfer your Blackberry data to a Samsung Galaxy phone. The program supports transferring contact details, messages and photos from a Blackberry backup. You can create a backup of your Blackberry device using the free Blackberry Desktop and then transfer the backups.
- Publisher: Media Mushroom Limited
- Home page: www.easyphonesync.com
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2012

Tunes Explorer
The program is designed to make it easy to find, buy and download popular music. Some artists are not available anywhere else. You download the catalog and place your orders. Later, at any time, you can download ordered songs and albums. You buy music and play it on any multimedia player: iPod, Zune, Sony etc.
- Publisher: TunesExplorer
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2010
Easy phone tunes review in Description

Easy DOCViewer
PalmPilot DOC (This PalmPilot DOC format should not be confused with the Microsoft Word DOC format.) files are the standard PalmPilot text document format, and many different types of reading materials are available in the DOC format such as literature and reference materials, for a library of DOC files.
- Publisher: PilotYid.com
- Last updated: April 15th, 2008

NetWrix SQL Server Change Reporter
Netwrix SQL Server Change Reporter is a free tool to audit and report on all administrative changes made to server configurations and databases: server instances, databases, users, roles, logins, schema changes, and many other objects.
- Publisher: NetWrix Corporation
- Home page: www.netwrix.com
- Last updated: September 25th, 2013

AbleBits.com Extract Data for Microsoft Excel
With Extract Data for Microsoft Excel you can quickly convert row data to columns, group and export data to one or multiple worksheets. This Excel add-on will help you to effortlessly change the way your information is laid out, make it easy to print, review or analyze: extract a row of data from Excel and convert rows to columns, pull out entire rows or data from selected columns, etc.
- Publisher: Add-in Express Ltd
- Last updated: March 26th, 2014

WinDaq Waveform Browser
WinDaq Waveform Browser is an application that offers an easy way to review and analyze waveforms on a real-time basis with smooth scrolling in either time direction as well as any degree of waveform compression. Data files can be imported and exported from a variety of data acquisition, spreadsheet, and analysis formats providing a high degree of flexibility.
- Publisher: DATAQ Instruments, Inc.
- Home page: www.dataq.com
- Last updated: March 11th, 2015

SmartMoto is a flashing, repairing and unlocking software meant to be used with Smart-Clip and S-Card dongle. The function is implemented for fully safe SmartMoto operation with cell phones. Allows easy phone repair with flash file created from an identical handset. In phones with unrestorable security area it will not be changed during flashing.
- Publisher: GsmServer
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011
Additional Easy phone tunes review selection

PhoneTunes provides an Apple iTunes interface for a Smartphone, allowing you to control your music collection on the PC from the comfort of your phone. The PhoneTunes client collates a database of your entire music collection directly onto the phone. No slow connecting and browsing between the phone and the PC - all you music is right there on your phone.
- Publisher: Devlex Ltd.
- Last updated: March 25th, 2008

USMLE-S1 (for Windows PCs) by Skyscape
This quick, easy-to-use review helps students get prepared for Step One of the USMLE. It organizes facts according to their specific basic science disciplines and provides accurate, up-to-date information at just the right level of depth for study and review. The question-and-answer RECALL helps students memorize the facts that are most often tested on the USMLE.
- Publisher: Skyscape, Inc
- Last updated: June 5th, 2010

Wondershare TunesGo
1.Transfer music, video, Podcast, playlists, iTunes U and audiobook from iOS&Android to Mac/iTunes, and the way back. 2.Add, delete, edit, merge iOS/Android contacts on PC. 3. Manage apps in batch and root Android at one click.
- Publisher: Wondershare Software
- Home page: tunesgo.wondershare.com
- Last updated: July 28th, 2017

Easy WiFi Radar
Easy WiFi Radar is a software for find and connect to wireless access points of the net near your location. You can perform searches for access points, locate their position on a radar analyze the power of each item located, displaying their IDs and connect, an automatic mode.
- Publisher: Makayama
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021

Apowersoft Phone Manager
Apowersoft Phone Manager is more than its name suggests. Besides helping you manage your Android phone and iPhone data from your PC, this application is also capable of transferring files between various Android tablet models or iPads and your computer.
- Publisher: Apowersoft Ltd.
- Home page: www.apowersoft.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Sothink SWF Easy
Sothink SWF Easy can help you create interactive elements for your webpages. Evaluating this program can be not easy because the level of difficulty depends in which way you choose to create the contents. First, there is an option of using one of the multiple available templates. These include photo albums, banners and navigation buttons.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software
- Home page: www.sothink.com
- Last updated: March 14th, 2012

Easy Credit Card Checker
Far from being a random combination of digits, credit card numbers follow a strict logic that needs to verify against the “Luhn formula” to be considered valid. Easy Credit Card Checker can tell you if a credit card number is valid or not in just one click, verifying its validity by applying the LUHN10 algorithm to it. It works with all the most widely used credit card types and some defunct ones.
- Publisher: Ashkon Software L.L.C.
- Home page: www.ashkon.com
- Last updated: December 9th, 2012

This program is an IP changer, which can bypass virtually any form of censorship or Internet traffic blocking imposed on you by your ISP, your company, or third parties. Your Internet traffic is routed through remote servers. On your ISP's log file, only the IPs of the remote servers will be shown, not the sites you have visited.
- Publisher: Easy-Hide-IP / Edelino Commerce Inc.
- Last updated: December 8th, 2012

Easy Flyer Creator
This program allows you to create flyers and other marketing and advertising materials in an easy and fast way. You only need to select the template you want to use and edit it according to your needs. Then, you can print, upload or e-mail the resulting design.
- Publisher: Peridot Technologies
- Home page: www.flyerscreator.com
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2011

iTunes allow you to organize and enjoy the music, movies, and TV shows in your computer. It also provides access to over 100,000 movies and TV shows on iTunes library, which you can either stream directly or download for watching later. A variety of radio stations is available on iTunes, which you can listen to after purchasing a subscription.
- Publisher: Apple Inc.
- Home page: www.apple.com
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023