Easyveep 2.18 in Title/Summary

EasyVeep is a program for practicing PLC training with compatible hardware. The inputs and outputs of the hardware are connected through the interface to the PC. PLC outputs control the software module and changing sensor signals influence processing of the PLC program via the PLC inputs. Thus. it makes learning and configuring the hardware easier.
- Publisher: Globula Co. - Csaba Lakatos
- Last updated: April 9th, 2008
Easyveep 2.18 in Description

EasyPort ActiveX Control
Through EasyPort ActiveX Control, the ActiveX control establishes data links between EasyPort and the following Festo Didactic software: EzOPC, CIROS®, FluidSIM®, EasyVeep® and the FluidLab® applications. For generation of own applications the ActiveX control acts as a programming interface to EasyPort.
- Publisher: Festo didactic
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009

FTPRush comes as a powerful alternative to other popular FTP clients like FileZilla. It efficiently handles file transfers on local networks, as well as on the Internet. This program can be easily used by beginners, but at the same time, it includes all the tools that are necessary to advanced users. It supports SFTP connections, as well as TFPT and SSH ones.
- Publisher: IoRush Software
- Home page: www.wftpserver.com
- Last updated: December 8th, 2021

Planet Neptune 3D Screensaver
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun, and the outermost gas giant in our solar system. It is never visible with the naked eye so your only chance to have a good look at it is if you download this high-quality Planet Neptune 3D screensaver.
- Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
- Home page: www.astrogemini.com
- Last updated: June 28th, 2010

It simulates a microcontroller as defined by the OCR A2 Electronics specification. It depends only on GTK+ 2.18, GLib 2.16 and GtkSourceView 2.0, and features useful code editing features, such as syntax and error highlighting, as well as limited context-sensitive help for errors. It also features step-through debugging, as well as variable clock speed.
- Publisher: Philip Withnall
- Home page: tecnocode.co.uk
- Last updated: November 1st, 2011

FireCMD is an enhanced command line environment which makes interacting with your computer both user-friendly and powerful. It provides a set of tools such as command prompt alternative FireCMD command shell, terminal emulator for Windows (Console emulator), text editor, UNIX for Windows, 218 commands and a snapshot grabber.
- Publisher: Brainasoft
- Home page: www.brainasoft.com
- Last updated: December 15th, 2014
Additional Easyveep 2.18 selection

Mystery Age - The Dark Priests
System requirements: Windows Vista, Windows XP - 1 GHz processor speed - 512 MB RAM - 218 Mb HD Space - 256 MB VRAM 16 or 32-bit Video Card - 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card - DirectX 9.0 The dark priests are stirring up trouble in Westwind Village by attempting to resurrect their master, the Chaos God!
- Publisher: Oberon Media
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2011