Ebay excel add in in Title/Summary

eBay Excel Add-in
Available for download at no charge, the new eBay Plug-in for Microsoft Excel 2007 is an all-in-one selling tool which enables you to manage listings easily and efficiently, directly from your PC's desktop. * Download active listings directly into Excel * Manage up to 5,000 listings at a time * Update multiple listings in a single upload * Get sales reports
- Publisher: eBay Inc.
- Last updated: October 16th, 2010

Essential Excel Add-In
Essential Excel Add-In is a Microsoft Excel Add-In, written in VBA, that contains useful User Defined Functions (UDFs) and macros to perform a number of different tasks. You will get a Text Case Changer and Spreadsheet Shader. Essential Excel Add-In is easy to use and is a freeware.
- Publisher: SteveT
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

Excel Add or Remove Leading or Trailing Zeros Software
Add zeros to the beginning or end of a block of cells in MS Excel. Excel 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2014
Ebay excel add in in Description

Automate XL
Automate XL is a powerful Excel add-in which contains features of many Excel add-ins. IT is fast, unique, efficient and reliable Excel utility. It can be used with all major versions of MS Excel. It reduces our effort and saves our time and money.
- Publisher: WinTech Soft
- Home page: www.wintechsoft.com
- Last updated: March 17th, 2015

Add-in Express Excel Toys for VSTO (C#)
Add-in Express Toys VSTO is a free sample add-in that extends Microsoft Excel with some useful features. With Add-in Express Toys VSTO you can: - Build feature-rich add-ins for Microsoft Excel 2003, Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. - Create advanced task panes for Excel 2003 - 2010. - Develop custom Excel workbooks.
- Publisher: Add-in Express Ltd
- Home page: www.add-in-express.com
- Last updated: August 18th, 2008

Power XL
Power XL is an effective and easy to install Excel add-in consist over 100 different set of commands to make Excel more comfortable and user friendly. This utility can be used with MS Office 2010/2007/2003/XP/2000.
- Publisher: Window India
- Home page: www.windowindia.net
- Last updated: October 30th, 2014

Automate Excel
Automate Excel is a unique Excel utility to make MS Excel more powerful and valuable. It has all solutions for advanced tasks to complete them quickly. It gives fast and accurate result. All widely used OS and major versions of MS Excel supports this.
- Publisher: The Sky Soft
- Home page: www.theskysoft.com
- Last updated: December 4th, 2014

Advancd Excel to PDF
Advancd Excel to PDF is a fast, affordable utility to allow you to batch convert Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into professional-quality documents in PDF file format.
- Publisher: Advanced PDF Converter
- Last updated: August 19th, 2011
Additional Ebay excel add in selection

OEC Excel Add-In
A function of DDE is to allow Windows applications to share data. A cell in Microsoft® Excel can be linked to a value or data point in the OEC Trader. If the value or data point changes, it is automatically updated in the Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet.
- Publisher: optionsXpress, Inc.
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2009

GWTools Excel Add-In
GWTools Excel Add-In is an add-in for Excel that provides specialized functions commonly used in hydrogeology. As an add-in, you need not copy the data to prescribed locations nor enable any macros. Nor are any extra worksheets required to process the data. All calculations are done quickly and efficiently just as with any other Excel function.
- Publisher: Carl Renshaw
- Last updated: November 27th, 2014

Change Case Excel Add-In
Change Case Excel Add-In is a simple tool that can help you in changing case of the selected cells in Excel. To easily change the case of selected cells this tool provides customizable shortcuts keys. It is also free and it can be easily installed or uninstalled.
- Publisher: Nucleation
- Home page: www.aneejian.com
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

KA.Barcode for Excel Add-In
KA.Barcode for Excel is an advanced and efficient barcode generator which allows you to add linear, 2D barcode generation function into Microsoft Excel. It supports popular 1D barcodes in Excel such as Code 39, Code 128, EAN13, UPCA, GS1-128 and ITF-14.
- Publisher: KeepAutomation
- Home page: www.keepautomation.com
- Last updated: May 21st, 2014

RiskAMP Excel Add-In - Personal Edition
RiskAMP CS is a High-Performance Computing solution designed to run on Windows HPC Server 2008 R2.RiskAMP Monte Carlo Add-In for Excel offers the best combination of features and low price - the best value in Monte Carlo simulation software. But don't take our word for it - we offer an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
- Publisher: Structured Data, LLC
- Home page: www.RiskAMP.com
- Last updated: April 29th, 2011

RiskAMP Excel Add-In - Professional Edition
RiskAMP is a full-featured Monte Carlo Simulation Engine for Microsoft Excel. With the RiskAMP Add-in, you can add Risk Analysis to your spreadsheet models quickly and easily. The Professional Edition adds Latin Hypercube sampling for powerful analysis of complex models, and the PERT distribution for modeling expert data.
- Publisher: Structured Data, LLC
- Last updated: April 25th, 2011

Devart Excel Add-ins
Devart Excel Add-ins allow using powerful Excel capabilities for processing and analysis of data from cloud applications and relational databases, editing external data as usual excel spreadsheets and saving data changes back to the data source
- Publisher: Devart
- Home page: www.devart.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Foxit Reader
Foxit Reader lets you view, annotate, form fill, and sign PDF across desktop, mobile, and web – no matter if you’re at the office, home, or on the go. Experience the power of PDF through a full functioned PDF Reader. Reading and printing PDF couldn’t be easier. Leverage existing forms and workflows with standard PDF (Acroforms) and XFA (XML Form Architecture) form filling.
- Publisher: Foxit Software Incorporated
- Home page: www.foxitsoftware.com
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023

ActiveTick Excel Add-in
ActiveTick Feed Excel Add-in is a lightweight Microsoft Office add-in used for displaying real-time streaming market data inside Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. The program comes with over 20 built-in functions used for retrieving and displaying streaming data such as last price, bid and ask exchanges, volume, and other data points.
- Publisher: ActiveTick LLC
- Home page: www.activetick.com
- Last updated: March 7th, 2016

KILM Excel Add-In
Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM) is a multi-functional research tool consisting of country-level data on 18 key indicators of the labour market from 1980 to the latest available year. This addon can be installed to use features of KILM in MS Excel 2010.
- Publisher: ILO
- Last updated: August 20th, 2015