Ebay market research in Title/Summary

DeepAnalysis gives you a wealth of information about any eBay market sector. Choose any eBay category, keyword search, or seller, and let DeepAnalysis show you (1) All the items with bids, (2) All the sellers who listed the items, with detailed statistics on the items they listed, and (3) Comprehensive statistics about all the items and sellers of the items, including total sales figures and sell-through rates for various types of auctions. Find out what items are most popular, which sold for the most, average pricing data, bidding paterns, reserve auctions analysis, Dutch auction analysis. Find out which sellers are really selling and how much they're making, see their sell-through rates, and find out their average sale price. Discover how much is sold in your favorite category, find category sell-through rates, average category sales data . . . and much more. DeepAnalysis can scan current auctions and completed auctions going back as far as 30 days. It can export reports to spreadsheet or database for archiving, and will auto-update from the Internet when a new version is available. Why use DeepAnalysis? See which sellers are really doing well, and analyze their techniques and product line. Find out how much items are selling for before you list them. Strategize which categories would be best for your items by viewing bid data, sell-through rates, and average sales. Boost your sales by knowing which items receive the most bids and which sell for the most. Follow your particular marketplace over time by downloading and exporting sales data about all auctions in your chosen category. DeepAnalysis data can give you the edge on eBay. It also works on eBay Motors auctions!
- Publisher: Hammertap
- Last updated: September 29th, 2010

AuctionPI Research
Powerful eBay market research software. Auction PI brings you a powerful suite of eBay research software tools, saving you time and money. Analyze the enormous eBay marketplace and pinpoint your advantage with just a few mouse clicks. Whether you're a buyer or a seller.
- Publisher: AuctionPI
- Last updated: January 11th, 2010

Market News Analyzer
The power tool to read and analyze news. Knowledge mining from news. Features: RSS news feeds, Stock Navigator, Stock Research, News statistics, Rating news, News Statistics and News Rating Charts. Automatic monitor of more than 8000 stocks.
- Publisher: OLSOFT
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Ebay market research in Description

HarvEX is the complete eBay harvesting machine and provides superior information, bid sniping & automation in eBay™ auctions - no matter if you are a bidder or a seller. Far beyond the capabilities of simple sniper tools, this software offers a unique bandwidth of benefits. The software can even grow with your future needs.
- Publisher: Xellsoft
- Home page: www.xellsoft.com
- Last updated: August 31st, 2012

Asset.Desk Scanner
Market research was accomplished not only regarding the software development but also best practices. Price and license models were adapted to the market requirements of the 21st Century for helping you introducing a powerful solution for the optimisation of your IT management processes in a cost saving matter.
- Publisher: FCS Fair Computer Systems GmbH
- Last updated: January 7th, 2011

StockAnalyst Elite
StockAnalyst Elite is one of the leading stock market research, analysis and rating systems on the market. For virtually any stock on the market, StockAnalyst Elite will tell you how strong (undervalued) or weak (overvalued) of an investment it is. It will provide you with real-time strength, financial, trend, risk, and industry ratings.
- Publisher: Traders Direct
- Last updated: February 6th, 2011

Traffic Travis
Traffic Travis is desktop SEO (Search Engine Optimization) software. It is designed to help both new and established online businesses boost their traffic from both natural and paid search. The Main Window of this program consists of five tabs: Dashboard, My site, Research, SEO, and PPC. Information like page rank, Alexa traffic rank, keyword count, XML SiteMap etc.
- Publisher: Affilorama Group Limited
- Home page: www.traffictravis.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Tobii Eye Tracker Browser
Program to support university labs and classrooms with eye tracking technology and curriculum development. Must-have eye tracking tool that lets you see exactly what a user is looking at when navigating your site. The Tobii Eye Trackers are designed for studies primarily aimed at determining precisely where the participants are looking — the gaze point—rather than studying timing.
- Publisher: Tobii Technology AB
- Last updated: January 16th, 2014
Additional Ebay market research selection

HammerTap is the original eBay market research tool that gives you the power to profit. HammerTap helps you find what sells and how to sell it, including the best ending day, best listing duration, starting price, title keywords and so much more.
- Publisher: Hammertap
- Last updated: July 5th, 2008

It allows you to participate in market research simply by surfing the web. Installing the application enrolls you in the SurveySavvy® behavioral research panel, which receives additional, paid research opportunities. SavvyConnect also provides instant access to all of your study invitations.
- Publisher: Luth Research LLC
- Home page: www.surveysavvy.com
- Last updated: September 9th, 2016

Anti Red Eye
Anti Red Eye is a Photoshop plugin that can remove the common red eye effect from your images almost automatically. Just select a rectangular area around the eye and the red pupil will be automatically detected and fixed.
- Publisher: VicMan Software
- Home page: www.vicman.net
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Statistical guide helps you write scientific reports from results. Smart interface helps you to understand and learn statistics. State-of-the-art methods and algorithms, e.g. for exact confidence intervals. Updates add new functions as our methodology advances. Broad coverage of methods with a deep biomedical and public health focus.
- Publisher: StatsDirect Ltd
- Home page: www.statsdirect.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

IP Address Shield
The program simply uses proxy's IP address to create connections between your computer the destination websites. Lets you protect your privacy by using a fake IP address that is not associated with your computer in any way. Perform market research and communicate with competitors anonymously.
- Publisher: PC-Safety
- Home page: www.pc-safety.com
- Last updated: February 26th, 2018

UBot Studio
UBot Studio is a program that allows you to build web automation and web scraping solutions. It has a built-in integration with various captcha-solving services, tears down the walls sites throw up and lets you walk away from your computer completely. You can also grab images and text off the web easily and pull it into text files (.txt) or spreadsheets (CSV).
- Publisher: Seth Turin Media Inc.
- Home page: www.ubotstudio.com
- Last updated: August 16th, 2018

Keyword Blaze
Keyword Blaze is a program designed for market research that easily identify keywords with high search volume but low CPC's which you can then use to drive large amounts of Adwords traffic to any website for the lowest possible cost. In addition, the 'Magic Keyword Tagging' feature organizes these keywords into different tabs, with each tab representing a different opportunity type.
- Publisher: Blueprint Information Products LLC
- Home page: keywordblaze.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

ASTEROID is decision-oriented. It makes survey data truly accessible to people who have to formulate conclusions and recommendations. ASTEROID allows you to explore data, generate and test hypotheses, follow up ideas and trains of thought, search for supporting evidence.
- Publisher: Roy Morgan Research
- Home page: www.roymorgan.com
- Last updated: June 24th, 2014

QPSMR Input is the complimentary data entry software, available for FREE download. It requires special “pre-defined questionnaire files” which can easily be generated from projects created with the QPSMR Insight or QPSMR CATI software.QPSMR Input is ideal for use by in-house staff, outworkers and companies who specialise in data entry. It may also be installed on laptops, notebooks
- Publisher: Market Research Software Ltd
- Last updated: June 26th, 2012

OpenBazaar is a peer-to-peer marketplace This program connects you to other people looking to buy and sell goods and services with you. This peer to peer network isn't controlled by any company or organization - it's a community of people who want to engage in trade directly with each other.
- Publisher: OpenBazaar
- Last updated: November 8th, 2020