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Eccentric footing design excel in Title/Summary

Spread Footing Design

Spread Footing Design

Footings are designed to resist uplift and sliding forces as well as biaxial column moments and compressive forces. The all new “Vista-style” user-interface is more convenient and intuitive than ever! Footings are designed or checked using the latest ACI 318-2008 code.

  • Publisher: Digital Canal Corporation
  • Last updated: October 12th, 2011
Eccentric Carousel

Eccentric Carousel

Eccentric Carousel is a free floral digikit with a charming vintage twist from DaisyTrail. The digikit is designed to work with the CraftArtist Compact application, enabling you to create beautiful cards, scrapbooks, invitations using various embellishments.

  • Publisher: Serif (Europe) Ltd
  • Home page: www.daisytrail.com
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2015
Excel Key

Excel Key

Excel Key is a software design for recovering passwords for MS Excel. - All versions of MS Excel are supported Updated! - Recovers all types of passwords - Instantly removes passwords to open with Online Decryption attack - Instantly recovers or resets passwords to modify: workbook and worksheet protection, write reservation, etc. - Free updates during 1 year

  • Publisher: Passware
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Eccentric footing design excel in Description



AxisVM is a comprehensive software package for civil engineers. It is a effective tool for engineers in numerous countries. Users can build the 3D structural model with the aid of integrated visual modeling. An intuitive graphical user interface supports all steps of the process: definition, analysis and result query.

  • Publisher: Inter-CAD Kft.
  • Home page: axisvm.eu
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2012


Combined3D is a general purpose spread and combined (two load points on a single footing) foundation design software for use on many different types of foundation design projects.Whether you are designing foundations for your industrial, residential or other commercial projects, Combined3D will help you complete them in minutes.

  • Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2009


WinFAD is a computer program developed to assist the bridge engineer in designing or checking spread and pile concrete footings subjected to eccentrically applied axial loads that produce biaxial bending moments. Acceptable spread footing sizes and pile patterns are quickly and efficiently determined using WinFAD.

  • Publisher: IAI Software
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
SoilStructure Retaining Wall

SoilStructure Retaining Wall

SoilStructure Retaining Wall software is an efficient and powerful program with the following unique capabilities: - Taking into account the response of bearing pressure when axial dead & live loads are present - Computation of retaining wall footing settlement due to distortion & consolidation settlement - Checking for global stability of passive soils if the materials are cohesive

Cone Penetration Test Software - NovoCPT

Cone Penetration Test Software - NovoCPT

NovoCPT is designed for processing CPT files and calculating soil parameters such as friction angle, relative density, unit weight, fines content, shear wave velocity, Gmax, clay sensitivity, OCR, undrained shear strength, soil behavior type (SBT)

Additional Eccentric footing design excel selection

SPC for MS Excel

SPC for MS Excel

SPC for MS Excel is an add-on for Microsoft Excel designed for problem solving, process improvement and statistical analysis. It includes a various range of statistical tools like ANOVA, Pareto diagrams, Distribution Fitting, histograms, multiple linear regression and more.

  • Publisher: Business Process Improvement
  • Home page: www.spcforexcel.com
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2015


StruCalc is the next generation of structural analysis software. The intuitive interface combined with the power to design multiple span members using steel, wood, flitch beams or manufactured lumber propels StruCalc ahead of the competition.

  • Publisher: The Vitruvius Project, Inc
  • Home page: strucalc.com
  • Last updated: November 7th, 2017
Calendar Wizard

Calendar Wizard

Calendar Wizard is a simple calendar maker that allows you to create plain calendars customizing it step by step with a fantastic wizard that guides your throughout the different steps of the process. The program features a simple and straightforward user interface, specially designed for beginners.

  • Publisher: FeatherySoft
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2011
MITCalc-Roller Chains

MITCalc-Roller Chains

The calculation is designed for a geometrical design and strength check of common chain transmissions using roller chains. The application works with selected CAD systems and includes corresponding databases of roller chains. The calculations use data, procedures, algorithms and data from ANSI/ASME, ACA (American Chain Association) ISO, DIN, BS and JIS.

  • Publisher: MITCalc
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2010


EZplot is an Excel add-in and trademark of Office Expander. The software design is targeted to improve productivity in creating Excel plots and performing data calculations in Microsoft Excel (from the Microsoft Office Suite). A distinctive feature of EZplot is that it creates plots using parameter names instead of requiring manual selection of data.



SBEDS is an Excel© based tool for the design and analysis of structural components subjected to dynamic loads, such as airblast from explosives, using single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) methodology. SBEDS is based on Army TM 5-1300 (also designated as NAVFAC P-397 and AFR 88-22) and UFC 3-340-01, but draws on other sources where improved methodologies are available.

  • Publisher: USACE Protective Design Center
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2022
Formtec Design Pro

Formtec Design Pro

Formtec Designer Pro 7 supports Making address book and Managing data for labeling, outstanding DB compatible function such as Excel, Access data file, previous Formtec Pro6 data file and Editing and Printing various designs and different contents on one screen. All these useful functions are upgraded for better customer satisfaction.

  • Publisher: Formtec Korea Ltd.
  • Home page: www.formtec.net
  • Last updated: August 11th, 2017
Microsoft Office Excel

Microsoft Office Excel

Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more. Main features: - Stay organized with a calendar you can customize - Create a budget and keep expenses on track - Create professional looking invoices for your business - Get organized and stay up to date

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is the most popular office package, featuring a word processor (MS Word), spreadsheet tool (MS Excel), presentation designer (MS PowerPoint), and database manager (MS Access). Latest versions of Office also comes with OneDrive for uploading and managing your files on the Cloud.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2023
IP Video System Design Tool

IP Video System Design Tool

IP Video System Design Tool can be used to design video surveillance systems. It can help you increase the efficiency of your security system while lowering costs by finding the best camera locations. It can precisely calculate the camera lens focal length , viewing angles, and pixel density (PPM/PPF).

  • Publisher: IPICA Software LLC
  • Home page: www.jvsg.com
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021