Ecr helper in Title/Summary

ECR Helper
ECR Helper is designed to help you with your common tasks using your ECR! This software is user-friendly, easy to use, lightweight, and recommended to ECR user. See screenshot for more details. This Software is Greek edition, you can also download English edition from Download link.
- Publisher: Tremol Ltd.
- Last updated: December 9th, 2009

CHD ECR Manager
CHD ECR Manager includes all the necessary tools to configure and maintain your cash register. CHD ECR Manager allows to connect your cash register to PC without the need to purchase expensive BackOffice software. Also, you can export your reports to Microsoft Excel file for accountancy purposes.
- Publisher: Computer Hardware Design LTD
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 6th, 2012

ECR Navigator
ECR NAVIGATOR is designed for the programming and the accounting of one or more ECRs (cash registers). Suitable for small retail stores, boutiques, offices, etc. Sales are directly registered at the ECRs (cash register/s). When connection with the server is established, various types of reports can be generated.
- Publisher: ELTRADE Ltd.
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018
Ecr helper in Description

PLM2000 is the Program Loader Module software used to edit and upload/download all the necessary ECR preset data between PC and ECR. From PLU, Clerk, Customer File to Table Plan and more, PLM2000 will help an operator to easily program an ECR. PLM2000 covers all ECR models and is constantly updated as a new feature becomes available.
- Publisher: Uniwell Corporation
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Remote Helper
Remote Helper is a client for the Remote HD iPhone app. Remote HD is a very popular iPhone app that allows you to control your Windows or Mac computer from your iPhone. As I have read, the application was previously called Remote Jr. and it was designed as a remote control app. That functionality was preserved, but a variety of new features was added.
- Publisher: Remote Jr.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 18th, 2011

Science Teacher Helper
Science Teacher Helper was designed with a single purpose in mind - to save you time when editing math, chemistry and physics in documents. You can easily add 765 functions, graphs and charts of physical, chemical and math into MS WORD document.
- Publisher: HelpScience, Inc.
- Last updated: April 5th, 2009

Science Teacher's Helper
This great tool is designed to run on Microsoft Word as an add-on in such a way that all you are going to see is a new menu with some new tool bars on the Word regular interface. It includes about 1200 functions, graphs and charts of physical, chemical and math that you can easily add into your Microsoft Word documents.
- Publisher: helpscience inc
- Last updated: December 5th, 2008

Download Helper
Creates robust one-shot download-helper files. A small 200k executable that is used to download a specific file from the Internet. It does not give up easily on problem Internet connections and will resume a download from where it left off.
- Publisher: Parity Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008
Additional Ecr helper selection

Registry Helper
Registry Helper is a program that automatically fixes your computer errors. The program scans your computer, reduces crashes and annoying error messages, cleans your computer's registry, detects and fixes registry errors, enabling your PC to run smoother and faster.
- Publisher: SafeApp Software, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 25th, 2022

Hardware Helper
Hardware Helper was designed to automate the process of installing and updating nearly any Windows device in minutes. Hardware Helper's custom device identification engine automatically determines the exact components and peripherals installed on your PC and quickly pings the update location system to successfully search for available stability and performance updates.
- Publisher: PC HelpSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 9th, 2012

VLC Streamer Helper
The helper will stream your movies to your iPhone or iPad. If you use the default firewall on your system, then the helper will configure that correctly. If you use your own firewall application, then you'll need to make sure it allows VLC Streamer to communicate through the firewall.
- Publisher: Hobbyist Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 12th, 2016
- Publisher: Sharo Ltd.
- Last updated: September 8th, 2011

URL Helper
URL Helper is a program designed to offer you support in finding the correct URLs needed for media streaming. In order to be able to open audio and video files that are streamed online, you need to correctly specify their file names and URLs that you may not know. URL Helper's main purpose is to search for these files and their URLs automatically by identifying possibly suited URLs.
- Publisher: StreamingStar Technology Inc.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

VLC Setup Helper
VLC Setup Helper is a free-to-use application that will help VLC Remote to connect to VLC. If the remote isn't finding your computer, then you can enter the IP address manually.Main features: - Set password. - Use custom password. - Easy-to-use interface.
- Publisher: Hobbyist Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 17th, 2016

Free Mobile Helper
Free Mobile Helper is a program that enables users to manage their mobile phones. It is suitable for both Android and iOS users. With this application you can easily manage your address list, SMS, calendar, tasks, apps both on your mobile and PC and stay updated with the latest Android and IOS apps.
- Publisher: Macrobile Tech LTD
- Last updated: September 28th, 2013

File Helper
File Helper is an efficient tool for locating all those so-called unassociated files in your system - files that do not have an existing tool associated to their extension. It invites you to start a scan of your system in order to locate those files; and when the unassociated file types are found, you will get an explanatory note saying what each specific file type is all about.
- Publisher: Blitware Technology Inc.
- Last updated: June 28th, 2011
- Publisher: helpscience inc
- Last updated: March 21st, 2005

PDF to DOC by PDF Helper
PDF to DOC is used to convert PDF to Word (.doc) or WordPad (.rtf) documents in batch mode. It works without Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and has a friendly interface, small size, accurate and fast conversion ability. It retains the original text, images, format and layout of PDF files in the output .doc/.rtf files during converting.
- Publisher: PDF Helper
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 19th, 2016