Educational cami in Title/Summary

CAMI Turbo Tables
CAMI Turbo Tables is a small application that can be used as an extra math training tool for your child. His task is to complete as many operations as he can in a certain amount of time. The program allows saving the scores, so you can track his progress over time. It is very useful for enforcing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division combinations.
- Publisher: CAMI Education
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2013

CAMI-doKu is a Sudoku puzzle generator for Windows. The player can choose four types of difficulty for the game: Easy, Hard, Mean and Brutal. The Solution generator enables you to retrieve the solution for the actual puzzle and also print it for later use.
- Publisher: CAMI Education
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 15th, 2015

Polymath Educational
POLYMATH Educational is a computational system that has been created for educational or professional purpose. Polymath Educational includes a various programs that helps users to apply very effective numerical analysis methods when is doing interactive problem solving on personal computer.
- Publisher: Polymath Software
- Last updated: September 25th, 2008
Educational cami in Description

Ramus Educational
Ramus Educational is a free of charge analogue of Ramus. Ramus Educational may be used for diagrams construction in IDEF0 and DFD formats. Ramus Educational uses the file format compatible with the file format for Ramus commercial version. Ramus Educational, like Ramus itself, supports files import/export to IDL format, and thus implements a partial compatibility with analogous software.
- Publisher: Ramus Soft Group
- Last updated: July 31st, 2010

Lantiv Timetabler
Lantiv Timetabler is a small application that is not intended for a mass user, because of its’ specific functions. But it can be really useful in schools, universities and other educational institutions. It was developed to help in planning the educational process and creating the lessons timetable for students and pupils.
- Publisher: Lantiv
- Last updated: August 14th, 2010

EasyBits Magic Desktop
Magic Desktop creates a safe environment, provides children with educational content and delivers lots of fun while they are learning. Magic Desktop runs as an alternative Windows shell or a "kid's desktop", creating a safe and child-friendly playground.
- Publisher: EasyBits Software Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

GUM Workbench Educational
GUM Workbench Educational can be freely used for educational purposes, seminars and workshops but the functionality is limited to the functions needed for education. GUM Workbench Educational supports the evaluation of uncertainty for measurements with one result and one budget table.
- Publisher: Metrodata GmbH, Germany
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Eduplay Educational Suite
The learning environment is fun to use and educationally sound. Each program challenges students to achieve their personal best while enjoying a very real and positive learning experience. This software is suitable for all mainstream students who are developing their fundamental learning skills.
- Publisher: Eduplay
- Last updated: November 29th, 2017
Additional Educational cami selection

Smart Educational Games
Smart Educational games is a pack of games that helps you learn world Geography (States, Counties, Capital Cities), improves your memory, your mental awareness and your calculating speed. Features : - Crystal clear graphics with thousands of colours. - Difficulty control. - Many games pack. • Export Hi-Scores to internet
- Publisher: CrazySoft
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Indusoft Web Studio Educational
InduSoft Web Studio® is a powerful collection of automation tools that provide all the automation building blocks to develop HMIs, SCADA systems and embedded instrumentation solutions. Utilize InduSoft integrated Web technologies to take advantage of Internet/intranet connectivity.
- Publisher: InduSoftEducational
- Last updated: May 14th, 2014

VIREO - The VIRtual Educational Observatory
VIREO - The Virtual Educational Observatory is a simulated observatory which can access a huge database of astronomical information, both through a set of dedicated catalogs and via on-line databases. It provides a set of optical and infrared telescopes of various sizes along with a radio telescope.
- Publisher: Department of Physics Gettysburg College Gettysburg
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 30th, 2014

JetBrains PyCharm Educational Edition
JetBrains PyCharm Educational Edition is designed to help programmers with little or no previous coding experience to learn programming quickly and efficiently, by using a modern professional tool. Novice programmers can download and use it for educational or any other purposes, for free. Instructors and course authors can use it to create, modify and share their own courses.
- Publisher: JetBrains s.r.o.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 7th, 2015

Automation Studio Educational Edition
Automation Studio Educational Edition is a complete solution designed for teaching future technicians and engineers that covers all levels. It offers an intuitive design, animation, simulation and system analysis functionalities in a versatile and user-friendly environment.
- Publisher: Famic Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 16th, 2015

GCompris Educational Software
GCompris is an educational program for children between 2 and 10 that allows them to learn through a wide variety of recreational activities in different areas. It gives young users the opportunity to cultivate the use of a computer keyboard through the various game alternatives.
- Publisher: Timothée Giet
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 31st, 2024

Internet TRiLOGI (Educational)
TRiLOGI" is the name of the ladder or ladder BASIC programming software for the E, H and M-series of PLCs. The are several versions of the software available for the different PLC series. Use the TRiLOGI software to train students on ladder logic programming at no charge at all!
- Publisher: Triangle Research International, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

CaseTalk Educational
CaseTalk Educational is the case tool which enables you to capture the knowledge of the domain experts through fact based modeling. Available diagrams and hot linked texts support users in every documenting phase during the capturing of domain expert requirements.
- Publisher: CaseTalk
- Last updated: November 4th, 2015

SU2 Educational
SU2_EDU is an educational version of the Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS solver from the SU2 suite. y focusing on a handful of key numerical methods and capabilities, SU2_EDU is ideal for use in CFD courses, for independent studies, or just to learn about a new field.
- Publisher: Aerospace Design Laboratory, Stanford University
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 27th, 2016

QMSYS GUM Educational
The QMSys GUM Software is suitable for the analysis of the uncertainty of physical measurements, chemical analyses and calibrations. The software uses three different methods to calculate the measurement uncertainty:GUF Method for linear models,GUF Method for nonlinear models and Monte-Carlo Method
- Publisher: Qualisyst Ltd
- Last updated: May 4th, 2012