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Egg timer gif in Title/Summary

Egg Timer Plus

Egg Timer Plus

Egg Timer Plus is a nice timer and stopwatch for your desktop. The program enables you to create a timer for specific tasks and save them as presets, so you can use them whenever you need them. It features two sizes, a small one and a bigger one, but the trial version cannot be minimized to the system tray.

  • Publisher: Sardine Software
  • Last updated: January 4th, 2010
Egg Timer

Egg Timer

A simple digital timer, on the egg timer principal, counting down from up to 100 hours, showing hours, minutes and seconds. Options are provided to change the colour of the display, and to force Egg Timer to remain on top of all other applications.

Egg Timer Software

Egg Timer Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to count down from a set amount of hours, minutes and/or seconds. This software can be used for a variety of different situations from meetings, conferences and exercising.

Egg timer gif in Description

Timer Wizard

Timer Wizard

Timer Wizard is a tiny utility that provides you with a wonderful alarm and timer. The main window consists of a small toolbar and a list of all the active alarms. Each alarm from the list can be easily edited or removed. Timer Wizard has very low system requirements and is absolutely free.

  • Publisher: LEDSET
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2008
Handy Free Clock

Handy Free Clock

You can easily set a new alarm or delete an existing alarm in just few steps. For setting an alarm, first you have to click on ‘Set Alarm’ option and enter date and time. Even you can also write the message to pop up in the “Alarm Message” box. Similarly you can use its stopwatch and eggtimer functions.



Sometimes the problem isn't remembering to do something, it's losing track of time. I have plenty of ways to set alarms but I didn't have an effective way to deal with remembering to do those things that happen according to a time period, such as checking my e-mail three hours after I checked it last. An egg timer would do but who wants 5 egg timers ticking away on their desk.

  • Publisher: ADDTimer
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2021
Tea Timer

Tea Timer

Tea Timer is a little application that works as a virtual egg timer for Windows. It has been developed in C# and utilizes the .NET framework. Main Features : - Runs in tray - Mulitple timers - User defined presets - Audible and visual alert - Alarm mode - Ability to pause timers



Minute Timer is a utility to help people time events and have lost their egg timer!Set up an event of any number of minutes and seconds (default is 1 minute).The ticking, 10-second warning and final buzzer sounds are all configurable.A simple application, but surprisingly useful for timing 20-30 minute presentations and talks, for games, cooking or exercising.

  • Publisher: Holy Mackerel Software
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2010

Additional Egg timer gif selection



This software is a lightweight alarm clock/egg timer for cooking and making sure you don't miss TV programmes etc. Ossie's Alarm Clock is easy to install and it has a nice and user friendly interface. On the main screen you can see Time Now, Alarm Time, Time Left. You can even choose a sound to play!

Easy GIF Animator

Easy GIF Animator

Easy GIF Animator is a tool for creating animated pictures, banners, buttons, and GIF videos. It lets you convert videos to GIF animations. You can also start a new project and add text animations, images, etc. and render the result as a video file or SWF Flash animation.



This is a program that enables the PC to connect to the outside world, by using the printer and parallel port LPT1. Hardware can then be connected to the computer to control solenoids, relays, lights and sensors etc. Timer, consists of 11 forms. A main form, 8 output forms, 1 inputs form and a settings form. The main form gives the status of all 8 outputs and 5 inputs.

  • Publisher: Hot Time Software
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2011


This program can help if you looking for a program to measure how much time you spend on jobs, time chess games, or to prevent you freezing soft-drink cans. Egg can count up and down, is settable by second divisions from 1 second up to 45 days, and while its default window size is compact, it can be varied to whatever size you want to allow you to see the count from across the room.

  • Publisher: ACAPsoft
  • Home page: www.acapsoft.com
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2010
Ulead GIF Animator

Ulead GIF Animator

Ulead® GIF Animator ™ 5 is the industry's most robust and affordable tool to create animated GIFs. Easily create fast-loading animation for your Web site and PowerPoint presentations. The program includes animation Wizard that walks you through creating an animation sequence.

  • Publisher: Ulead System
  • Home page: www.ulead.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
GIF Animator

GIF Animator

GIF Animator could not have a more descriptive name: this tool can help you create and edit animations. It can import various picture formats, including GIF, JPG, BMP, ICO, WMF, EMF and PNG. Likewise, it can produce animations as SWF (Flash) and animated GIFs, which are generally used in webpages due to their very light weight. However, still images can only be exported in BMP format.

  • Publisher: Longtion Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.longtion.com
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2017
Simple Shutdown Timer

Simple Shutdown Timer

Simple Shutdown Timer is a Windows application designed to automatically shutdown, logoff, hibernate, sleep or reboot a computer. It has different options like time setting, closing applications and performing other actions. Also the program supports command line instructions.

GIF Viewer

GIF Viewer

Most Windows operating systems provide you with inefficient solutions for viewing or editing GIF files. GIF Viewer is a simple application that can help you with this issue and you don't even have to pay a buck to use it. By using this GIF image viewer you will be able to check your favorite image animations, rotate the GIF and convert it to various image formats within seconds.

  • Publisher: Stefan Wobbe
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2011
Free Countdown Timer

Free Countdown Timer

The name of this application makes its main purpose and functionality quite obvious: it's mainly a countdown timer offered for free. Anyway, don't think Free Countdown Timer is overly simple and plain, it actually comes with handy additional features that make this tool a lot more useful than expected.

  • Publisher: Comfort Software Group
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2022
GIF Movie Gear

GIF Movie Gear

GIF Movie Gear is intended to create simple 2D animations, mainly in the animated GIF format. As an animated GIF is essentially a sequence of static images, you will first need to load those frames. Fortunately, several image formats are supported as input, including not only static GIF but AVI, BMP, JPEG, PSD, PNG, ICO and ANI as well.

  • Publisher: gamani productions
  • Home page: www.gamani.com
  • Last updated: January 26th, 2016