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Electrical installations in Title/Summary

SEE Electrical Building Freeware

SEE Electrical Building Freeware

SEE Electrical Building is the latest of IGE+XAO’s Software. SEE Electrical Building enables you to design electrical installations for domestic and “small service” markets. This software has been created following the requirements of installers who were looking for a modular and easy to use software program which could deliver reliable and high quality documentation.

  • Publisher: IGE+XAO
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2011


Caneco BT is an application for automatic diagrams and sizing for Low Voltage electrical installations. It performs all calculations for cable dimensioning, dimensioning of breaking and protective devices, power balance, and phase balancing. It can automatically create a general single-line diagram of the installation and the single-line diagrams for each panel.

ETS - InfoTerminal Touch Gira

ETS - InfoTerminal Touch Gira

The Gira InfoTerminal Touch from the Gira KNX/EIB system is the central switching unit for intelligent electrical installations. The 5.7" TFT touch display enables intuitive navigation and provides an overview of the status of the entire building technology.

  • Publisher: GIRA Giersiepen GmbH & Co. KG
  • Home page: www.gira.com
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Electrical installations in Description



The CYMCAP software is dedicated to performing ampacity and temperature rise calculations for power cable installations. Determining the maximum current power cables can sustain without deterioration of any of their electrical properties is important for the design of electrical installations.

  • Publisher: CYME
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2010
WSCAD50 Demo

WSCAD50 Demo

This application create circuit designs for control, automation, measuring and regulating equipment, hydraulics, pneumatics, power engineering, electronics, control cabinet layouts, etc. You can install one of three different modules: Basic - for small projects with no major alterations; Compact - for small to medium-sized projects; and Professional - extensive functions for creation of projects.

  • Publisher: WSCAD electronic GmbH
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2010
Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 4

Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 4

Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 4 is a 3D house planning tool that covers every step from the design to the construction phase. Buildings can be furnished based on the extensive built-in object catalog and 3D views help with keeping track of progress.

  • Publisher: ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
  • Home page: www.ashampoo.com
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2017
CT Harmonic Calculator

CT Harmonic Calculator

CT Harmonic Calculator will help you to evaluate the potential problem and economically meet the required standards for your installations. Some electrical equipment (including standard AC drives) are capable of distorting the mains AC supply waveform. In extreme circumstances this can lead to troublesome heating of electrical equipment and even premature failure.

  • Publisher: Control Techniques
  • Last updated: December 21st, 2009
PowerLogic PowerView

PowerLogic PowerView

PowerLogic® PowerView™ software is an easy-to-use, entry-range power monitoring solution ideally suited for small system applications. Companies continually look for innovative solutions to cut power-related costs and optimize equipment use. PowerView power monitoring software simplifies system and device configuration by polling your network for compatible PowerLogic devices.

  • Publisher: Schneider Electric
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2012

Additional Electrical installations selection

UT804 Interface Program

UT804 Interface Program

UT 804 laboratory multimeter can be used both as a mobile or fixed device. You can store 999 measurement values by hand and restore them in the multimeter or these values can be transferred to a computer with the help of the UT804 Interface Program. With UT804 Interface Program you can analyze the curve linearity as well as the long-term registers in components.

  • Publisher: Uni-Trend Group Limited
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2019
Ecodial Advance Calculation INT

Ecodial Advance Calculation INT

Ecodial Advanced Calculation is an application that enables you to calculate and size electrical installation. This program helps you optimize the choice of equipment by sizing installations with several and different type of power supplies. You can also import rojects from ID-Spec Large and export to Rapsody.

  • Publisher: Schneider Electric
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2012
SEE Electrical

SEE Electrical

SEE Electrical is a program for companies running an electrical engineering business. It comes with user-friendly drawing functions that facilitate schematic entry. Rubber band function, for example, allows the moving of components horizontally or vertically, while wires remain connected.

  • Publisher: IGE+XAO Group
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Electrical Calculations

Electrical Calculations

Electrical Calculations software provides calculations and ratings for busbars, cable, power factor correction, motor starting, enclosure ventiation and many metric / imperial conversions and constants.

  • Publisher: L.M. Photonics Ltd
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008
CADdy++ Electrical

CADdy++ Electrical

SEE Electrical can be purchased in three levels - Basic, Standard and Advanced. Each offers a range of services at a different price point so that you can select the level that suits your needs.

Troubleshooting Electrical Circuits

Troubleshooting Electrical Circuits

This is the demo of a detailed troubleshooting training program. It lets you give a glance to the wealth of information contained in the full version of the program. You will get familiarized with the tools and troubleshooting mechanisms, and even be able to try to troubleshoot a circuit. A good learning tool.

PowerStar Electrical

PowerStar Electrical

PowerStar Electrical is a program designed for electrical engineering design and analysis applications. With this tool you can draw and print a single line diagram; display complete electrical data, including node voltages, voltage drops, and current; calculate three-phase, line-to-neutral, and line-to-line load flows; print or plot to any Windows compatible printer or plotter, and more.

  • Publisher: Megasys Software
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2017


ePlusMenuCAD is a software for professonal electrical design within AutoCAD. It has database with more than 1200 electrical sybols. Supported installations: power distribution, lighting, sockets, etc. This easy to use program allows the user to save a lot of time.

  • Publisher: CsanyiGroup
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2011


BSim is an application designed for analyzing buildings and installations. The program includes a collection of advanced tools for simulating and calculating thermal indoor climate, energy consumption, daylight conditions, calculation of natural ventilation and electrical yield from building integrated photovoltaic systems.

  • Publisher: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2013
Electrical Safety Sim Low Voltage Demo

Electrical Safety Sim Low Voltage Demo

ESSLV gives trainees a place to practice electrical safety through a combination of interactive lessons and event simulations. Trainees make choices and experience consequences in real-time, and can experiment with options to gain a more thorough understanding of what influences the severity of an electrical hazard.

  • Publisher: Etcetera Edutainment
  • Last updated: September 24th, 2011