Electronic reminder system in Title/Summary

Due Date Reminder System
Since 1986 made the accounting business more seasonal than ever before. The Due Date System can help make the busy season less stressful and the rest of the year more profitable. For the busy season, you can use this program to track compliance work. In fact, you can monitor returns so closely with this system that you can keep track of details.
- Publisher: Denver Tax Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.denvertax.com

Joint Assessment System
The Joint Assessment System (JAS) is an electronic assessment system for pupils and teachers. It allows pupils to understand their objectives, assess their progress and see where they have to go next with their learning. It allows teachers to have an overview of their groups progress, attainment level and produce quick and easy reports, based on the data in the system.
- Publisher: ISIS Software Ltd
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Simple Reminder
Simple Reminder is a reminder program, it will show you a chosen message on a chosen time and date and it will play a sound also chosen by you.
- Publisher: Willems Soft
- Home page: www.willemssoft.Be
- Last updated: May 12th, 2008
Electronic reminder system in Description

Endeavour Navigator
Endeavour Navigator is an Electronic Chart System (ECS) based on the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) ECDIS standards. It integrates electronic charts, GPS, AIS, autopilot and other sensors and provides complete voyage planning and vessel-monitoring functions.
- Publisher: HSA Systems
- Last updated: August 19th, 2010

MLM Network Marketing Helper
MLM Network Marketing Helper optimize your efforts in your network marketing business! It's a tool that every serious marketeers should use. Main features: - Never ever forget any information about your prospects and affiliates helping you maintain excellent relationship with them. - Save a lot of time with an emailing system created exclusively for MLM businesses.
- Publisher: Vinity Soft
- Last updated: January 16th, 2013

TELchart is an electronic charting system (ECS) for maritime use. The system makes use of vectorized marine charts from C-Map and offers a wide range of functions. TELchart maintains its user friendly interface, making the system very easy to learn. At the same time the system can offer a powerful suite of functionality tailored for a wide range of vessel types.
- Publisher: Telko AS
- Last updated: December 18th, 2009

Best Case Bankruptcy
Created specifically for the bankruptcy practitioner in mind, Best Case Bankruptcy delivers the fastest and most reliable electronic filing system, the smartest means test calculator and the most intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Explore these innovative tools and advanced features: federal and supplemental forms, local forms and custom Chapter 13 Plans,
- Publisher: CCH Incorporated
- Last updated: March 19th, 2012

Quantum Project Manager
Quantum Project Manager is a program that offers contractors of all sizes to streamline the creation and management of the information necessary for filings, reporting and project management. It gives you the opportunity to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
- Publisher: Quantum Software Solutions, Inc.
- Home page: www.quantumss.com
- Last updated: June 26th, 2014
Additional Electronic reminder system selection

Baidu Cleaner
Baidu Cleaner adopts the industry-leading Cloud cleaning technology to clean junks out of every corner of your PC. More than that, it offers a smart cleaning reminder system to avoid any kinds of accumulation of junks happening.
- Publisher: Baidu, Inc.
- Last updated: May 6th, 2015

Comprehensive DDO
The Comprehensive DDO Package(CDDO) is developed as a generic software package, which will be used, by central govt. offices. There are innumerable Payroll Packages exist at various central government offices. But, these packages are designed to meet only the needs of the concerned central government offices. We have got a chance to make a generic package for the Drawing & Disbursing officers.
- Publisher: Accounts Informatics Division , NIC
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2013

Talent Media Interface
Talent Media Interface is the program which is installed on the agents’ computers and provides access to the system. It is the web-based workplace for remote agents. All functions which are required for or helpful for the job are combined in the TMI, from taking calls to electronic invoicing
- Publisher: Sabienzia Technologies GmbH
- Last updated: December 9th, 2015

GAMESS for Microsoft Windows 32-Bit
GAMESS is a General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System written and maintaned by the Gordon research group a Iowa State University. GAMESS is a program for ab initio molecular quantum chemistry. Calculates RHF, UHF, ROHF, GVB, or MCSCF selfconsistent field molecular wavefunctions.
- Publisher: Iowa State University
- Last updated: October 13th, 2011

TuskTools Calendar
TuskTools Calendar is a Windows application that allows you to easily create appointments, due dates and reminders, using your own notes within Evernote to create an easily modifiable yet powerful calendar and reminder system. In addition, TuskTools Calendar allows you to view your Evernote notes chronologically in an easily viewable dynamic calendar.
- Publisher: More Productive Now
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2015

bavarianDEMON CORTEX is a program designed for the 3-Axis Gyro CORTEX stabilization system. When clicking the Write button, adjustments become active in the device and will be stored there. Sliders can be fine adjusted by mouse-click into a side of the slider and the un-equal sign indicates that at least one setting is different, has been changed and not yet written into the device.
- Publisher: captron electronic GmbH
- Last updated: February 26th, 2015

Software Administration Kit
The Software Administration Kit (SAK) is an unique all-in-one solution for customer tracking and order tracking, form letter and e-mail submission, sales report generation, version management and order fulfillment. You can import order notifications from all major registration services and shopping cart systems.
- Publisher: Lobstersoft
- Last updated: October 21st, 2008

Ixcoin is a digital currency created in 2011 by Thomas Nasakioto based on Bitcoin. It is also the name of the open source software designed in order to use this currency. Ixcoin is a direct fork of Bitcoin with approximately twice the inflation rate, starting on a new blockchain. The goals is for Ixcoin to mirror Bitcoin's code exactly apart from the inflation rate difference.
- Publisher: Ixcoin project
- Last updated: February 14th, 2012

SEB Telebanka
SEB Telebanka is an electronic payment system for businesses that allows you to manage company accounts remotely from office. Telebanka is a wonderful aid for your accountant and is especially well suited for cash flow management in large companies. Telebanka may be operated in the Latvian, Russian and English languages.
- Publisher: SEB
- Last updated: May 30th, 2012

Flowcode for PIC24dsPIC
Flowcode is an advanced graphical programming language for microcontrollers. An advantage of Flowcode is that it allows those with little to no programming experience to create complex electronic systems in minutes. Flowcode is available in multiple languages and currently supports the PICmicro, dsPIC, PIC24, AVR/Arduino and ARM series of microcontrollers.
- Publisher: Matrix Multimedia Ltd.
- Home page: www.matrixmultimedia.com
- Last updated: September 28th, 2014