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Elementary school library in Title/Summary

School Library Organizer Pro

School Library Organizer Pro

School Library Organizer Pro is an easy-to-use Windows software tool that helps you to organize and manage your school library. Main features: - Catalog, search, and circulate all your school library collections. - Organize library members information. - Keep track of the library circulation data.

  • Publisher: PRIMASOFT PC, INC.
  • Home page: www.primasoft.com
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2016
Elementary MicroGrade

Elementary MicroGrade

The elementary version of MicroGrade was designed specifically for the needs of the elementary school teacher. This special version allows for an elementary level class to contain up to 16 subjects. For example, you may wish to track student grades for subjects like spelling, reading, mathematics, and science.

  • Publisher: Chariot Software Group
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2011
School Pack Pro

School Pack Pro

School Pack Pro by PrimaSoft is a program designed for school librarians who would like to manage the following activities of your library: catalog, search and circulate all your school library collections, organize library members information, keep track of the library circulation data. It is a simple to use inventory database for schools that want to track tool/equipment movement.

  • Publisher: PRIMASOFT PC, INC.
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Elementary school library in Description



Hodoo English helps Korean elementary-school students learn to speak English. It consists of 8 levels which are based on the Korean National Curriculum's English language standards. It is most suitable for students between 3rd grade elementary school to 2nd grade middle school.

  • Publisher: Kidaptive, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2018
Master Math Word Problems

Master Math Word Problems

Help your school-age kids to sharpen their Math skills and to develop their logic. Master Math Word Problems is a novel and practical software tool that allows you to improve your basic Math skills through simple but well-designed problems in written form. The program is especially designed for children in elementary school, regardless of how well or bad they are doing with their math.

  • Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
  • Last updated: December 1st, 2008
My Calc

My Calc

MyCalc is a simple, easy to use yet very useful calculator made in Pascal with basic mathematical operations for degrees of an angle, fractions, normal numbers.That can be used from elementary school to high school.- fraction operations: +,-,*,/, fraction to real number - number operations: +,*,/,-,square root, x to the power of, inversing,percent operations - degrees operations: +,-,*,/

  • Publisher: Mike Tarigradschi
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Pencil Pete's Cursive Writing

Pencil Pete's Cursive Writing

Make teaching cursive writing easier and more fun for you, and easier and more fun for your children to learn!Developed by an elementary school teacher as a tool to more effectively teach handwriting skills.With too many important things to be done, teaching handwriting often ended up on the bottom of the list.

  • Publisher: JJMdesigns
  • Last updated: October 9th, 2010
Aquarius Soft PC Lock Up Professional

Aquarius Soft PC Lock Up Professional

Aquarius Soft PC Lock Up Professional is an easy to use, elegant and yet powerful PC access control and parental control software that lets you control the usage hours of your PCs, save PC power by shutting down your PC at night.

  • Publisher: Aquarius Soft Pte Ltd
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2022

Additional Elementary school library selection



FMSLogo is a IDE for programming in Logo language. This program has an easy-to-use interface that encourages learning, especially for young children. You can easily run and control your code using its command buttons such as Execute, Halt, Pause, Step, and Reset.

  • Publisher: FMSlogo
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2018
Library Gold

Library Gold

Library Gold is the perfect library management system for any collection. There is even a free edition! Whatever your library's size or type, Library Gold has an edition to suit your needs. From personal collections to government libraries, Library Gold is used around the world - in offices, hospitals, schools, colleges, church libraries ... the list is endless.

  • Publisher: Cadomel Library Systems
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2014


Educational math software for school or personal. 4 elementary math action covering math with numbers, fractions, decimals.

  • Publisher: Mind concentration games
  • Home page: www.ababasoft.com
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2011


You are a pupil of a school of magic. Along with your classmates, you are anxious to take the final exam. And right at this point, someone steals all the magic books from the school library.

  • Publisher: Falco Software Company
  • Last updated: July 8th, 2023
Movie Library Organizer Pro

Movie Library Organizer Pro

Movie Library Organizer Pro: is a complete movie library management software for Windows. It's a perfect choice for the following movie libraries: school library, church library, corporation library, non-profit organization library, business library, specialized library, college or university library.

Music Library Organizer Pro

Music Library Organizer Pro

Music Library Organizer Pro is a complete library management software for Windows. It's a perfect choice for the following music libraries: school library, church library, corporation library, non-profit organization library, business library, specialized library, college or university library.

  • Publisher: PrimaSoft PC
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Snowflake MultiTeach

Snowflake MultiTeach

Snowflake MultiTeach is a software suite of collaborative learning games that can be used by teachers and pupils in primary education and elementary school (K12) classrooms to ensure better engagement and collaboration by students. This program makes education more fun, engaging. and memorable.

  • Publisher: Natural User Interface Technologies AB
  • Home page: www.nuiteq.com
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2016
Math HomeWork Maker

Math HomeWork Maker

Homework Maker is free software which can solve all your homework. It is helpful in solving different types of mathematical calculations. It is helpful in solving problems based on speed, distance and time,percentage,quadratic equations,Areas and perimeters,fractions,Arithmetic and geometric progressions,Laws of Sines and cosines,mean and standard deviation.

  • Publisher: Naor Ben Meir
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2008


This software is intended to elementary school children, who are learning arithmetic. Thanks to it they will be able to work and play with mental calculation, especially the multiplication tables. Its presentation in the form of a 3D ski race is unique. The level of difficulty can be easily adapted to the level of the child. And for more fun, two players can compete simultaneously!

  • Publisher: dol88
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Pencil Pete's Learn to Print

Pencil Pete's Learn to Print

Pencil Pete can make teaching and learning handwriting easier and more fun!Developed by an elementary school teacher as a tool to more effectively teach handwriting skills, it’s now used around the world to make handwriting easier to learn.Pencil Pete’s® Learn to Print Software was designed to help make teaching handwriting more effective in the classroom