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Embedded arm ide torrent in Title/Summary

Sourcery CodeBench for ARM Embedded

Sourcery CodeBench for ARM Embedded

Sourcery CodeBench for ARM Embedded is an IDE for developing Linux-based embedded systems. It goes beyond just the compiler to provide developers with open source, embedded C/C++ development tools to build, debug, analyze and optimize embedded software in complex heterogeneous architectures such as ARM.

  • Publisher: Mentor Graphics
  • Home page: www.mentor.com
  • Last updated: November 20th, 2015
CrossCore Embedded Studio

CrossCore Embedded Studio

CrossCore Embedded Studio is a world-class integrated development environment (IDE) for the Analog Devices Blackfin, SHARC and ARM processor families. Main features: - Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) - Exceptional multi-core development & debug support - Outstanding code generation tools, including Compilers, Assemblers, Linker, & Loader - Mature algorithm libraries

  • Publisher: Analog Devices Inc.
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2017


Embest IDE for ARM is a complete solution for embedded arm development. This software kits provide a modern 32-bit Windows-based C Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that hosts the entire development process in one location (avaiable for Windows 98/NT/2000/ME/XP).

  • Publisher: ShenZhen Embest Info&Tech Co., Ltd.

Embedded arm ide torrent in Description

CooCox IAR Plugin

CooCox IAR Plugin

Colink Plugin for IAR Workbench supports using Colink to debug the devices based on Cortex M3 in IAR Workbench.This free plugin requires An IAR Embedded Workbench IDE with a C-SPY debugger version 4.42A.Before you use Colink Plugin for IAR Embedded Workbench, you should install Colink driver first.

  • Publisher: coocox
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012
20-sim 4C

20-sim 4C

20-sim 4C enables rapid prototyping for control engineers. With this program you can run c-code on hardware to control machines and systems. Also, the program imports models (c-code) from 20-sim, Simulink and Scilab and runs them on hardware like embedded arm boards, PC 104 systems and much more.

  • Publisher: Controllab Products B.V.
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2015
Amontec sdk4arm ide

Amontec sdk4arm ide

Amontec sdk4arm is a complete Software Development Kit for ARM processors based on GNU tools ( full sources), but it comes pre-compiled for Win32. Using the source of the sdk4arm, you may build your sdk4arm for Linux.Amontec sdk4arm does not need Cygwin to run the GNUARM toolchain.

  • Publisher: Amontec
  • Home page: www.amontec.com
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2011
Libero® IDE

Libero® IDE

From design, synthesis and simulation, through floorplanning, place-and-route, timing constraints and analysis, power analysis, and program file generation, Libero IDE manages the entire design flow quickly and efficiently. Libero IDE's SmartDesign provides an efficient methodology for creating complete simple and complex embedded processor-based system-on-chip (SoC) designs with ease.

  • Publisher: Actel
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011


CuteTorrent comes with some interesting features such as Proxy support, Global and per-torrent speed limits, IPv6 support, the ability to mount Disk Images to DaemonTools, and a convenient and easy-to-use web interface that lets you manage your downloads remotely.

  • Publisher: Ruslan Fedoseenko
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2016

Additional Embedded arm ide torrent selection

SEGGER Embedded Studio

SEGGER Embedded Studio

SEGGER Embedded Studio is an embedded C/C++ programming tool. It offers support for ARM and RISC-V microcontrollers. CPU Support Packages provide everything to get started with programming. Embedded Studio comes with GCC and LLVM toolchains; external toolchains such as IAR or ARM/KEIL compiler can also be used.

  • Publisher: Segger
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors

GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors

GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors is a pre-built GNU toolchain from ARM Cortex-M & Cortex-R processors (Cortex-M0/M0 /M3/M4, Cortex-R4/R5). ARM is maintaining a GNU toolchain with a GCC source branch and it releases binaries pre-built and tested from the ARM embedded branch.

  • Publisher: ARM Holdings
  • Home page: launchpad.net
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2015
Keil µVision

Keil µVision

The µVision IDE from Keil combines project management, make facilities, source code editing, program debugging, and complete simulation in one powerful environment. The platform for µVision it simple and easy to use and helps you create embedded programs that work.

  • Publisher: ARM Ltd and ARM Germany GmbH.
  • Home page: www.keil.com
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2016
µTorrent (uTorrent)

µTorrent (uTorrent)

µTorrent is an easy-to-use BitTorrent download client for Windows OS. Download your files as quickly and efficiently as possible without slowing down your other online activities. uTorrent offers advanced settings such as automation, scripting, remote management and more.

  • Publisher: BitTorrent Inc
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2023


The MDK-ARM is a complete software development environment for Cortex™-M, Cortex-R4, ARM7™ and ARM9™ processor-based devices. MDK-ARM is specifically designed for microcontroller applications, it is easy to learn and use, yet powerful enough for the most demanding embedded applications.

  • Publisher: ARM Ltd.
  • Home page: www.arm.com
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2011
Nios II Embedded Design Suite

Nios II Embedded Design Suite

Nios II Software Build Tools—a set of powerful commands, utilities, and scripts to manage build options for applications, board support packages, and software libraries. Nios II Software Build Tools For Eclipse—a fully integrated development environment built from the ground up using Nios II Software Build Tools as a foundation built entirely as plug-ins to industry-standard Eclipse.

  • Publisher: Altera Corporation
  • Last updated: October 14th, 2010
VIP Torrent

VIP Torrent

VIP Torrent is a free-to-use file-sharing program for Windows OS. With VIP Torrent, you can use either its embedded tracker or an external one. It is designed to connect to multiple networks at the same time. An attractive, straightforward interface turns searching into joy, plus, downloading is quick and without problems.

  • Publisher: VIP Rumor
  • Home page: www.viprumor.com
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2015
mikroC PRO for ARM

mikroC PRO for ARM

mikroC PRO for ARMis a full-featured ANSI C compiler for ARM Cortex-M0, Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 devices. It is the best solution for developing code for ARM devices. It features intuitive IDE, powerful compiler with advanced SSA optimizations, lots of hardware and software libraries, and additional tools that will help you in your work.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Home page: www.mikroe.com
  • Last updated: August 5th, 2016
NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE

Apache NetBeans IDE lets you create applications in Java, PHP and many other languages. Its editor interface provides various tools to simplify coding; it highlights source code syntactically and semantically, and lets you easily refactor code. Programs created in NetBeans can be run on all operating systems that support Java, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and BSD.

  • Publisher: The Apache Software Foundation
  • Home page: www.netbeans.org
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2024
Silicon Laboratories IDE

Silicon Laboratories IDE

The Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a complete, stand-alone software program that includes a project manager, source editor, source-level debugger and other utilities. The IDE and other development tools run under the Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems and support the entire MCU portfolio.

  • Publisher: Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020