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Emergency response drill in Title/Summary



Operational Dosimetry Software for Emergency Response Teams.Main features:- Prepares dosimeters for instantaneous activation via a single button press (i.e. no reader required) - Allocates dosimeters to users either permanently or temporarily - Allocates dose to individuals after use of the dosimeter - Provides summary of users' dose records

  • Publisher: Mirion Technologies
Registry Drill

Registry Drill

Registry Drill is more than just a Registry Cleaner, it is the most thorough and in-depth Registry Repair tool available. Its only limitation is your imagination!The Registry Drill has more than 50 different tools to find and fix any Registry problem you may have. Registry Drill can help you repair a Registry file that will not load; one Windows reports as missing, corrupted or damaged.

PDI Drill Down

PDI Drill Down

Drill Down is a data entry and accounting program. You start from a general ledger, customer or supplier account and then view all the transactions that make up the period balance. Drill down from a selected transaction using the drill down method specified for the entry type. PDI Drill down has this unique feature that allows you to specify for all Pastel entry types how drill down should happen.

  • Publisher: PDI Spirit
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Emergency response drill in Description

CEFIC ERICards Offline

CEFIC ERICards Offline

CEFIC ERICards Offline is an app that provides guidance on initial actions for fire crews when they first arrive at the scene of a chemical transport accident without having appropriate and reliable product specific emergency information at hand. It is intended for fire crews, trained in chemical emergency response, and contains information and procedures that may require specialized equipment.

  • Publisher: European Chemical Industry Council
  • Home page: www.ericards.net
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2016
Chat Mapper

Chat Mapper

Chat Mapper is an easy-to-use tool for writing and testing nonlinear dialogue and events for fields where complex problems are the normal, such as entertainment, e-learning, emergency response, diagnoses health care, sales and customer service, and strategic planning.

  • Publisher: Urban Brain Studios
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2016
Community Seismic Network

Community Seismic Network

A primary goal of the system is to produce block-by-block measurements of strong shaking during an earthquake. Such "shake maps" can then be used by first responder agencies (e.g., fire department, utilities) to prioritize dispatch to areas of greatest likely damage. Effective emergency response can occur despite damaged telephone services that prevent civilian calls for help from succeeding.

  • Publisher: California Institute of Technology
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011


Manage your key compliance requirements anywhere, anytime, staff Information, training, induction, safety, risk, plant, incident, investigation, emergency plans and Business Continuity Response. Auditing, inspections, and automated reminders. Create extra, fully managed, sites/branches as required.

  • Publisher: EasyOHS Pty Ltd
  • Last updated: January 24th, 2018
PresenTense NTP Auditor

PresenTense NTP Auditor

PresenTense NTP Auditor monitors your computer's built-in clock and compares its time to the real time.

Additional Emergency response drill selection

Incident Action Plan

Incident Action Plan

Features: - Web-based software and database hosting service available - Emergency response & drill support - Software training (Basic, Advanced and Section Specific) - IAP quarterly response equipment updates (includes domestic & international resources)

911 Operator - First Response

911 Operator - First Response

First Response DLC for the 911 Operator game installs new vehicles, equipment, calls, and types of incidents like illegal races, fire alarms, shoplifting, and gunshot wounds. You get new equipment such as firefighter mask for protection against toxic smoke, and chest compression system providing constant compressions to a victim.



GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) is the modeling tool the Office of Response and Restoration's (OR&R) Emergency Response Division uses to predict the possible route or trajectory that a pollutant might follow in or on a body of water, such as in an oil spill.

Disk Drill

Disk Drill

Disk Drill, a data recovery software for Windows, offers several expert data recovery tools: Deep Scanning and Quick Recovery, powerful lost partition search and file system healing methods, all within a free recovery of up to 500MB of lost data.

SolarWinds Response Time Viewer

SolarWinds Response Time Viewer

Wireshark’s deep packet capture provides a lot of information to help you troubleshoot performance problems, but analyzing that data can be difficult. SolarWinds Response Time Viewer for Wireshark lets you easily analyze Wireshark packet capture files. You can calculate and display network and application response times, transaction volume, and other details.

Spy Emergency

Spy Emergency

Anti-Spyware, Anti-Malware, Anti-Spam Solution that fast and secure removes spyware, malware, spam and other malware from your computer. It supports Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera Browser.

  • Publisher: NETGATE Technologies s.r.o.
  • Home page: www.spy-emergency.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
LSPD First Response

LSPD First Response

LSPD First Response is a free-to-use mod for GTA 5. Main features: - You can now go on and off duty from the Locker Room at the Downtown Police Station. - New drop-off points for arrested suspects have been added. - Added RPH Console Command 'ForceDuty' to set yourself as on duty without changing player model.

  • Publisher: G17 media
  • Home page: www.lcpdfr.com
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2019
WildPackets OmniPeek

WildPackets OmniPeek

Serving as both a portable network analyzer and a software console for OmniEngine software probes and Omnipliance and TimeLine network recorders, the OmniPeek network analyzer offers an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical interface that engineers can use to rapidly analyze and troubleshoot enterprise networks.

  • Publisher: WildPackets
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022


Response-2000 is a win32 application which means that it will run under Windows/95 or Windows/NT.With its fast input and output, windows based interface and ample graphical output, to allow for easy checking of results,Response-2000 allows the engineer to examine beam and column behaviour with a new level of confidence and accuracy.

  • Publisher: Evan Bentz, University of Toronto
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008
SQL Response

SQL Response

SQL Response monitors your SQL Server instances, and raises alerts to warn you about issues such as failed jobs, blocked processes, low memory problems and connection errors. When a problem occurs on one of your monitored SQL Servers, the relevant alert is raised, containing details of exactly what has happened, and at what time.

  • Publisher: Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Home page: www.red-gate.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2009