Encarta spelling bee in Title/Summary

Dynamic Spelling Bee
A serious multimedia spelling bee with powerful features aimed at students of all ages who want results. Multimedia features include high quality sound and a built-in recorder so linking sounds to words in the spelling dictionary is easy.
- Publisher: Pajersoft
- Home page: www.pajersoft.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Spelling Bee Practice Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to practice spelling English words by listening to a computerized voice. This software comes with a list of words to spell but you can add your own dictionary file that can be read aloud.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Last updated: June 17th, 2014

Snakes, Trains and Bees
Ten enjoyable games with an optional educational Spelling Bee to make it a great learning aid. Includes four Snakes and Ladders and two car variations plus train, horse, sleigh and miner games. Up to four people can play. Sound effects. Help file.
- Publisher: Pajersoft
- Home page: www.pajersoft.com
- Last updated: November 20th, 2009
Encarta spelling bee in Description

mySpellingGenie is much more than just a comprehensive online English dictionary. It is a flexible and entertaining way of learning and practicing your spelling. Thus, you can use this program to help you with your English exams and tests (SAT) or to prepare yourself for high-level Spelling Bee contests.
- Publisher: mySpellingGenie.com
- Last updated: May 17th, 2012

Color Bee
A tool for designers, web developers. Make your own color palettes. Sample colors from the screen, color model, and test colors before you use it. It is a tool for both designer and web developer.
- Publisher: İZLENİM
- Last updated: December 16th, 2009

30 Days Honey
30 Days Honey is an interesting adventure game. A funny gardening game where you have to produce enough honey within 30 days.The objective is to keep your bee hives running at top speed. Cut the grass, plant the yard with flowers, build the bee houses and sell Mr Bee your own honey!
- Publisher: NowStat
- Last updated: February 26th, 2010

Kiwi Spelling Force Standard Ed
Kids practice both the built-in and player-created spelling lists with four spelling games: X-ray Emergency, Major Meldown, Magno Beamer and Launchpad Panic. These games provide code-breaking challenges, pattern-matching exercises, spelling puzzles and arcade action, all of which promote strategic language thinking skills.
- Publisher: Edalive
- Last updated: June 20th, 2011

French Spelling Settings
The complete French Spelling update requires two downloads: the first download contains the word lists for the spelling dictionary, thesaurus, and AutoCorrect (and is available from the French Spelling reform page on the Microsoft Office Online, France site.)
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Additional Encarta spelling bee selection

Tumble Bees To Go
Tumble Bees To Go is a fun puzzle word game with three ways to play. The game has a graphically bright and cheerful interface that is easy to navigate. An options menu allows you to choose the settings you want for sound, music and effects. The game modes are Challenge, Strategy and Classic, and you can choose your level of play when each game opens.
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Last updated: January 24th, 2011

NASPA Zyzzyva is a word study program useful for Scrabble championships. It helps you study words and practice your anagramming skills. You can search for words, anagrams, and definitions, as well as give yourself quizzes. Zyzzyva is also useful for learning words for word games.
- Publisher: Michael W. Thelen
- Last updated: June 11th, 2017

Ray's Spelling and Word Games
Ray's Spelling and Word Games is an educational program for kids that will teach them to spell words properly and broaden their vocabulary. The game is divided into three sections, each one focusing on a different aspect of language: spelling and vocabulary.
- Publisher: Le Couteur Family
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2010

Brain Games - Word Puzzles
Brain Games Word Puzzles is a collection of word games and puzzles including crosswords, cryptograms, word jumbles, word searches and many other mentally stimulating puzzles. Word Puzzles features five word games: Crosswords, Spelling Bee, Word Emperor, Super Word Slide and Word Wiz.
- Publisher: On Hand Software
- Last updated: May 19th, 2008

Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader
Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader offers 34 languages. It enables Adobe Reader users to perform spell checks on items such as form fields and comments and to add and edit custom words in their user dictionaries for future reference. A selection of spelling dictionaries used can be customized as per the order in which these are needed.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: May 26th, 2014

Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader XI
The Adobe Reader XI Spelling Dictionary Pack supports 32 languages and language variations and supplements the dictionary that comes with each version of Adobe Reader. It enables users to perform spell checks on items such as form fields and comments and to add and edit custom words to their user dictionaries for future reference.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: August 15th, 2014

ABC Spelling and Math
ABC Spelling and Math is a game that allows you to play spelling games, math quizzes, and teach with lessons. You can create them too. It has three characters: Peedy, Genie, and Merlin that helps you to play the game. You can select the level of difficulty, add, edit, delete, export or import: spelling list, multiple choice, math, and lessons.
- Publisher: QMsoftware
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008

Emma's Spelling Game
A spelling game for little kids or big kids. From really easy words to challenging anagrams. Installs to the folder of your choice, and makes no permanent changes to your system. More than 2,000 word pronunciations are included, so this is a rather large file.
- Publisher: Northwest Audio
- Last updated: August 7th, 2010

Bee Wallpapers
Bee Wallpapers allows users to customize their desktops with thousands of free wallpapers. The randomly changing wallpapers are high quality and the program offers just enough customizable features to be useful but not overwhelming. The program's interface is straightforward and intuitive, with the wallpaper images arranged in an easily navigated tree structure.
- Publisher: beewallpapers.com
- Last updated: November 15th, 2008

Bee Garden - The Lost Queen
Bee Garden: The Lost Queen is a time management game with cute characters and innovative dynamic visuals. Complete 40 story levels in 4 breath-taking environments with day and night missions and special rush levels! Try your skills in 4 special challenges and beat the high scores! Be the best and collect all of the 8 trophies.
- Publisher: Alder Games
- Home page: www.bigfishgames.com
- Last updated: January 14th, 2012