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Encom thin client reset button in Title/Summary

Edge Reset Button

Edge Reset Button

Edge Reset Button is a small program for resetting the Microsoft Edge browser. It restores the previous opened web pages to the default state. Edge Reset Button is useful tool against Trojan HML/Browlock; this Trojan hijacks the Microsoft Edge browser and prevents closing and access to the settings.

  • Publisher: Greatis Software, LLC.
  • Home page: www.greatis.com
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2016
Lucid Universal Thin Client

Lucid Universal Thin Client

Lucid Universal Thin Client enables you to create networks needed on workstations in exam rooms and it ensures the deployment of Lucid Exact (exam software) on a network. The application makes it easier to supervise every workstation during an exam taken with Lucid Exact.

SequeLink ODBC Client

SequeLink ODBC Client

SequeLink Middleware is a complete end-to-end database middleware solution that provides a universal thin client for ODBC, JDBC, ADO or .NET. Progress DataDirect SequeLink is a data connectivity solution that extends your application’s access to data sources with limited platform or API access.

  • Publisher: DataDirect Technologies
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2008

Encom thin client reset button in Description

RM Client Update

RM Client Update

RM Client Connect provides an upgrade to the RM Management Console to allow both the integration of Microsoft®'s latest operating system, Windows Vista™ and thin client stations on to your Community Connect 3™ network. RM Client Connect gives you the flexibility to take your network in the direction you want.

  • Publisher: RM Education
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
AppEazy Connect (Build 3951)

AppEazy Connect (Build 3951)

The Applianz Client is a thin-client which remotely displays the application session. When processor-intense operations are performed in the software, they use the processor of the AppEazy System, instead of the user’s PC. Only when the software on the application session changes the display is that visual change transferred to the Applianz Client software.

  • Publisher: Applianz Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2011
iSumsoft SQL Password Refixer

iSumsoft SQL Password Refixer

You need to reset SQL Server SA password if you forgot SA password unable to log onto SQL Server. And the SQL Server password reset tool ? iSumsoft SQL Password Refixer will make it easier and faster to reset SA password without losing data.

Enterprise desktop

Enterprise desktop

The program has been designed to organize working places in offices and at enterprises. It allows to connect remotely to the terminal servers(Citrix XenApp server, Microsoft Terminal server, NX server ? ?.?.) from the browser.

  • Publisher: Grapecom Ltd.
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


Using FreeWatch should be fairly intuitive. Click on the Start button to begin the timer, and then click on the Stop button to stop it. The Reset button will reset the timer to zero. The Lap button can be used to freeze intermediate readings while the timer continues on. The current time as of when the Lap button is pushed will be displayed under the main time display.

  • Publisher: One Red Frog LLC
  • Home page: www2.whidbey.net
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Additional Encom thin client reset button selection

NComputing vSpace

NComputing vSpace

NComputing vSpace lets you have a limitless amount of virtual computers. You only need to install the program in a server and it will manage all the virtual computers' sessions. It also includes the NC Console, that shows the connected devices' profiles, the system settings, and other data. Also, it includes the VSpace Manager that manages the licensing and registration processes.

  • Publisher: NComputing Inc.
  • Home page: www.ncomputing.com
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2023
Supersoft PROPHET

Supersoft PROPHET

What will happen to my future? The question often troubles the mind. An urgency to have the answers also becomes an issue then. Here is the perfect solution to your astrological requirements in Indian style astrology which is the oldest one in the world.

  • Publisher: Supersoft
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2012
MyCyberCafe Client

MyCyberCafe Client

MyCyberCafe Client is a program that allows you to control, activate, protect and settle your client Terminals. The program enables you to find servers automatically, to set the server password, to configure the payment devices and to run the program as a Thin-Client.

  • Publisher: Azzouzi Software
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2014
Citrix Program Neighborhood

Citrix Program Neighborhood

Citrix Program Neighborhood Agent (PNa) consists of a server and client component. There is no separate installation package for the server component of PNa as it is integrated in the Citrix Web Interface setup. The PNa Client is part of the Citrix Presentation Server Client Packager.

  • Publisher: Citrix Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2013


MultiDoge is a thin client Dogecoin wallet and a port of the MultiBit client for Bitcoin. The application is based on DogecoinJ, which in turn is a port of BitCoinJ. The program is designed to be as easy to use as possible. It is intended for domestic (or small scale merchant) users who wish to use a desktop computer for their day to day Dogecoin transactions.

  • Publisher: langerhans
  • Home page: multidoge.org
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2016
Vidyo Desktop

Vidyo Desktop

VidyoDesktop app brings high-quality video conferencing to Windows, Mac, and Linux computers so that everyone can participate at the office, from home, or on the road. VidyoDesktop VE (virtual edition) extends high quality conferencing and collaboration to virtual desktop and thin client environments.

  • Publisher: Vidyo Inc.
  • Home page: www.vidyo.com
  • Last updated: November 4th, 2017


OHSecureBrowser is an web browser that provides a secure environment for student testing. The secure browser opens displaying the student login screen. The Fast User Switching must be disabled when trying to access the browser, and Server 2003 and 2008 are supported when using a thin client.

  • Publisher: AiR
  • Last updated: February 11th, 2016


MegaLoad is a Windows based boot loader for all Atmel ATMega microcontrollers that support the Bootloader function. MegaLoad is a solution for everybody who wants fast loading (~8k in 3 seconds) and easy software upgrade via MCU RS232 port. Simple Monitor window is available to help you to debug your code.

  • Publisher: MicroSyl
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2008
Twister Island

Twister Island

Twister Island is a free flash action game based on Taz , the Tasmanian devil. He has been thrown with a parachute on a lost tropical island. His goal is to destroy all the Stone Statues in the island and escape from it. For doing so, you must help him to avoid native hunters and find food.

  • Publisher: NowStat.com
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2009
SysTools SQL Password Recovery

SysTools SQL Password Recovery

Helps you reset the forgotten password of an SQL Server user account. Systools SQL Password Recovery is a really light and handy software program designed for those professionals or companies that work with SQL Server databases. It assists SQL Server users to recover access to their account quickly whenever they forget or lose their password.