Encryption component delphi xe2 in Title/Summary

TMS Component Pack for Delphi / C++ Builder for VCL/ VCL.NET
TMS Component Pack for Delphi / C++ Builder for VCL/ VCL.NET you can create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle. Fully functional trial versions of each part of the TMS Component Pack can be downloaded from the separate product pages.
- Publisher: TMS Software
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

XE2 Distiller
The new version of XE2 Distiller has been released. Extras Dialog (tweaks) added. Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 packages/experts manager, tweaker. A great program with a great and easy to use interface. Don’t create .identcache files option added. Update 1 support added.
- Publisher: Pedro Vugluskra
- Last updated: October 18th, 2011

InfoPower Studio 2011 for Delphi XE and Delphi 2010
InfoPower Studio is the most popular and useful component suite for building database front-ends for Delphi and C++ Builder. InfoPower Studio seamlessly integrates sorting, filtering, and grouping directly into the grid through drop-down menus in the grid titles. The end-user can also add and remove columns on the fly. Exporting to XML is also now supported.
- Publisher: Woll2Woll Software
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Encryption component delphi xe2 in Description

X-DBGrid Component Standard
TXDBGrid component is a powerful functional extension of standard TDBGrid component. TXDBGrid component looks beautiful and implements many additional features like: fixed columns, fixed styles (flat and 3D), Windows XP themes, many variants of gradient drawing style, enhanced flat and 3D scrollbars, proportional scrolling for any DataSet even filtered, expandable columns and title headers.
- Publisher: X-Files Software by Krzysztof Szyszka
- Home page: www.x-files.pl
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2011

kbmMW CodeGear Edition
kbmMW CodeGear Edition comes with the following features : - kbmMW CodeGear Edition Delphi XE2 Starter support! (CG) - Delphi XE2 Win32/Win64/MacOS, C++Builder XE2 Win32 support (Pro/Ent) - Message bundling (Ent) - Remote desktop components - make your own webinar or support tool (Ent) - Full native JSON support built in (Pro,Ent) - JSON dataset stream format (Pro/Ent)
- Publisher: Components4Developers
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

Cryptocx is a powerful and easy to use Encryption component software application. You can Encrypt and Decrypt files and strings with Cryptocx using the PGP compatibility of it, you can create self decrypting archives, you can verify digitally sign files and much more
- Publisher: EasyByte Software Corporation Ltd
- Home page: www.easybyte.com
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

FastReport VCL - a new generation of reporting tools. FastReport VCL is a report generator for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport provides all the tools you need to develop reports.
- Publisher: Fast Reports Inc.
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

TeeChart Pro VCL/FMX
100% VCL native Charting component library with optional 100% SourceCode. Support for Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio and FireMonkey. It provides entire featureset to create charts, maps and gauges in 2D, 3D and OpenGL.
- Publisher: Steema Software
- Home page: www.steema.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Additional Encryption component delphi xe2 selection

The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library.
- Publisher: OpenSSL Team
- Home page: www.openssl.org
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

DirectX Joystick
DirectX Joystick is a Delphi and C++ Builder component for retrieving joystick position and status. Main features: - uses DirectX API - available for Delphi/C++ Builder 5 - 10.2 and Lazarus 1.6.4 - source code included in registered version - royalty free distribution
- Publisher: WINSOFT
- Home page: www.winsoft.sk
- Last updated: April 26th, 2016

Report Manager Designer
Report manager is a reporting application (Report Manager Designer) and a set of libraries and utilities to preview, export or print reports. Include native .Net and Delphi/C++Builder libraries, ActiveX component and also standard dynamic link library for use in any language like GNU C.
- Publisher: Toni Martir
- Home page: reportman.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: February 16th, 2010

Ultra Crypto Component
Easy and advanced encryption, decryption and hash ActiveX component for ASP or ASP.Net Support encryption and decryption of file, string, memory buffer Support calculation of hash on string, file or memory buffer Support digital signature
- Publisher: Utralshareware Software
- Home page: www.guangmingsoft.net
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

SMS Server
SMS Server software to send and receive SMS messages. This two-way text messaging solution hepls the developers, who want to add SMS functionality to the application (SQL-SMS gateway, SMS-File gateway) It incl. PHP, ASP, Delphi, Java support.
- Publisher: SMS Server software
- Last updated: October 5th, 2010

VCLZip Pro
VCLZip is a Delphi and BCB component that makes it easy for your applications to create and work with compressed data. At the same time, it has many very advanced features to allow you to do very complex tasks. Use it to compress data to be sent across the internet, to compress database blobs, to create backups to spanned media, to create installation programs, etc.
- Publisher: KpGb Software
- Home page: vclzip.bizland.com
- Last updated: February 12th, 2010

ARWordReport is a freeware Delphi component designed to provide an easy way to generate reports in Microsoft Word. It is handy and may be used as the main or complementary reporting tool in your projects. This app gives software developers (and end users) rich abilities to create reports easily in transportable format.
- Publisher: Vectorsoft Softwarehouse
- Home page: www.vector-ski.com
- Last updated: June 17th, 2015

If you are a Delphi programmer and need to market your software securely, and you want that your potential customers to evaluate your products before they buy them, then AVLock SIMPLE is the solution that you are looking for. Also, with this small component you will be able to manage the whole licensing cycle of your application through internet.
- Publisher: AV-Soft
- Home page: av-soft.com
- Last updated: May 24th, 2018

PostgresDAC: a PostgreSQL BDE replacement for Delphi and BCB. It allows you to create Delphi/BCB5 applications with direct access to PostgreSQL DB without BDE and ODBC. The interface is BDE-like and TDataSet compatible. JPEGs in BLOBs supported.
- Publisher: microOLAP Technologies LTD
- Last updated: January 25th, 2022

AspEncrypt offers a wide range of cryptographic functions. Encrypts and decrypts text, files and binary data using strong encryption. Supports all major symmetric-encryption algorithms: RC2, RC4, DES, Triple-DES and AES. Encryption keys can be random, password-derived or imported from an external source.
- Publisher: Persits software
- Home page: www.aspencrypt.com
- Last updated: January 5th, 2011