English level test in Title/Summary

Literacy Level 2 Test M
Move On offers a direct approach to promotion, engagement and delivery that highlights opportunity for all rather than need for some. It describes the benefits that learning and qualifications can bring, and encourages people to believe that they can progress.
- Publisher: Move-On
- Last updated: October 8th, 2010

Numeracy Level 2 Test N
Numeracy Level 2 Test N enables you to improve maths skills. It can help you find action points for brushing up your skills and can help build your confidence in tackling test-type questions. This practice test can help you prepare for National Certificate.
- Publisher: Tribal's Digital Learning Studio
- Last updated: February 9th, 2011

English in Mind Level 2 Second Edition
This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. English in Mind Combo 2A with DVD-ROM features the Welcome Unit and Units 1-7 from the full Student's Book renumbered as Units 1-8 together with their corresponding Workbook pages.
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Last updated: June 8th, 2012
English level test in Description

1001 Academic Word Test
1001 Academic Word Test is a great and excellent tool for those people who need to participate in a regular school or in a higher education level, where they have to take classes, learn, practice and speak the English Language in a fluent form, somebody involved for example in the IELTS (International English Language Test System) or for those you need to practice their own English.
- Publisher: Adams & Austen Press Pty. Ltd.
- Home page: www.aapress.com.au
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008

ABA enables you to learn English for free! Make use of all the free content :- Get to know your real English level in our free level test. - Watch some of the videos from the situation's section in our English lessons. - Get our mini course - absolutely free! - Additionally earn money with your blog, joining the affiliate network.
- Publisher: ABAEnglish
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

Improve Your English Pro
This is a very complete program that has many different tools that help you to improve your English level. It features lots of tools, from dictionaries to translators and games, which will make your learning very easy and entertaining. Some functions are only available online, which can be a disadvantage. Nevertheless it is still a good program.
- Publisher: rentanadviser
- Home page: www.rentanadviser.com
- Last updated: October 4th, 2012

RealSpeak Solo SAPI5 Cantonese
Choose any Sample link to hear a brief demonstration of that voice. If you are a JAWS user, press H to move to the English level 2 heading, and then press TAB to move to the different voice samples. An MP3 file plays when you select a Sample link. It may take a moment for your media player to launch the file.
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific
- Last updated: June 8th, 2012

English typing tutor offline English typing tutor online offline practice English typing tutor to learn typing English typing tutor pdf English typing tutor setup free download Online English typing test tutor English typing tutor master
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2018
Additional English level test selection

SynaptiCAD Product Suite
The SynaptiCAD Product Suite includes the following products: TestBencher Pro, VeriLogger Extreme, VeriLogger Pro, BugHunter Pro, DataSheet Pro, WaveFormer Pro, WaveFormer Lite, Timing Diagrammer Pro, GigaWave Viewer, Vhdl2Verilog, and Verilog2Vhdl. A license is required for all versions.
- Publisher: SynaptiCAD
- Home page: www.syncad.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008

JR Hindi English Typing Tutor
JR Hindi English Typing Tutor can help you study and improve your typing skills for all Indian Government typing and steno exams. It can be used to practice in Hindi (KrutiDev/DevLys), English, and Punjabi scripts. This program supports Inscript, Remington GAIL, Remington CBI, and Akruti keyboard layouts.
- Publisher: JR Infotech Services
- Home page: www.typingsolution.com
- Last updated: February 26th, 2023

IBPS Clerk Pre - English
IBPS Clerk Pre is a program that helps you prepare for the IBPS Clerical Exam. The application provides a simulation of the computer based test with detailed solutions to most questions and analysis after every test to check your preparation level. The program does not require an Internet connection.
- Publisher: Arth Digital Publication
- Last updated: November 30th, 2016

English To Hindi and Hindi To English Converter Software
This program uses Google Translate to convert texts from English to Hindi and vice versa. Its interface is intuitive, but I couldn't actually test the program because it needs a valid Google Translate API. I don't see the point of purchasing a program that uses a free service to work.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: December 24th, 2009

Learn to Speak English Deluxe
Learn to Speak English Deluxe 9.50 is the new released version of this product designed to teach us how to speak in English. We can buy and download it directly from the developer's website. It shows us English grammar, English vocabulary, how to express ourselves in English and be understood, and understand the language when we listen to it.
- Publisher: eLanguage
- Home page: www.elanguage.com
- Last updated: August 4th, 2008

Vocaboly is a vocabulary builder for SAT, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, TOEIC and general vocabulary. The program contains five books: SAT, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and VOA Special English; with more than 12,000 words, each word is provided with meaning, phonetic symbol and pronunciation. Many words also have sample sentences to illustrate their usage.
- Publisher: Vocaboly Software
- Last updated: July 6th, 2018

Zamora Personality Test
Zamora Personality Test is a personality test with two testing modes. The first test will study us as individuals, and the second one is aimed to test our characteristics in relation to the other people. Both tests display many statements (163 and 171 in total, respectively) with three possible answers for us to decide if we strongly agree with the shown statement, moderately agree, or disagree.
- Publisher: Antonio Zamora
- Home page: www.scientificpsychic.com
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008

English Test Driver
ENGLISH TEST DRIVER is an online educational program for testing, and increasing your ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Racing the tests you gain points and bonuses for speed and accuracy of your performance. After finishing the test, your work is assessed as EXCELLENT, GOOD, NORMAL, or WEAK. The program offers 5 types of tests, with 2 of them for developing typing and spelling.
- Publisher: Linguahost.com
- Last updated: June 29th, 2010

International Cricket Captain 2010
International Cricket Captain is back for the fascinatingly poised 2010 season. With up to date competitions, greater realism, and packed with features and stats, Cricket Captain 2010 will once again
- Publisher: Childish Things
- Home page: www.childishthings.com
- Last updated: December 25th, 2012

Literacy Level 1 Test M
Start the test when you are instructed to do so by your invigilator/teacher.you can move on to the next question as soon as you are ready to do so by clicking on the "Next" button. It is also possible to select an answer key by using the A,B,C, and D keys.
- Publisher: Macromedia, Inc.
- Last updated: January 18th, 2010