Epanet water hammer in Title/Summary

EPANET is a software program destined to be used by professionals who analyze, simulate and manage water distribution piping systems. It can be used to evaluate alternative strategies for improving water quality, to design and upgrade the performance of a hydraulic system, or to realize assessments about consumer exposure.
- Publisher: EPA's Water Supply and Water Resources Division
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

DC Water Design Extension
The DC Water Design Extension integrates the EPANET hydraulic analysis software with ArcView GIS.DC WATER DESIGN EXTENSION is the free ArcView 3.x solution for network editing and hydraulic analysis with EPANET.DC WATER DESIGN EXTENSION is used to edit and analyze hydraulic analysis models in ArcView. The extension allows to create full EPANET hydraulic analysis models from GIS data.
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

Valve Hammer Editor
Valve Hammer Editor is a tool developed in order to help you create game maps. Use the editor to create .rmf maps for Counter-Strike 1.6 and Half-Life 1(Gold). This is an upgrade to Valve Hammer Editor 3.4 (2.04 MB), application which you should have installed first before upgrading.
- Publisher: Valve, L.L.C.
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022
Epanet water hammer in Description

Hytran is a Windows software package for analyzing HYdraulic TRAN sients or water hammer in pipelines and is written in the object oriented C language for Windows environment. Intuitive Windows graphics enable a pipeline to be drawn, input data, edited and ready for analysis in minutes.
- Publisher: Hytran Solutions
- Home page: www.hytran.net
- Last updated: May 31st, 2015

EpaCAD is a free software which easily converts an AUTOCAD file into an EPANET one, EPANET is the most widely used free software for simulation of pressurized water networks. EPACAD is able to automatically import the main properties of elements, largely providing the required information to build a network.
- Publisher: ITA
- Last updated: January 8th, 2011

Magic Smash Hammer
Help the Keeper of the Magic Hammer protect the castle from enemies! You will face the representatives of four elements: water, fire, earth and air. Use their vulnerabilities to opposite elements by selecting the necessary magic hammer.
- Publisher: Shmehao.com
- Last updated: March 20th, 2013

This program is a freeware, EPANET based tool, which will calculate the available flow at network junctions while a minimal pressure is kept at demand junctions. FireFlow can run in a "Steady State" mode or perform an "Extended Period Simulation". With this tool you can build the network with EPANET and export it to an INP file by using the File menu, then chose the Export from the Network menu.
- Publisher: OptiWater
- Home page: www.optiwater.com
- Last updated: April 24th, 2012

This program bundles EPANET together with documentation and additional tools to process EPANET INP files. You can create CSV result files with hydraulic analysis results. One file will contain node results and the other will contain link results. When generating CSV files, make sure that you use different file names for nodes and links.
- Publisher: Steffen Macke
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Additional Epanet water hammer selection

Water Bugs
Water Bugs is an action game for those who love action games. It is developed by Retro64 Inc. a well known games developer company. This action game is full of fun. Water Bugs come with a surprising 599 levels of challenges. But still the size of the game is less then 10 MB. And its highly graphical, colorful, attractive and animated interface makes it an addictive game.
- Publisher: Retro64 Computer Games
- Last updated: July 19th, 2010

Sqirlz Water Reflections
Adding some animated effects to your images or movies can be really tricky. Applications like Sqirlz Water Reflections were developed to help you do just that. A good thing about this application is that it can export the results to various multimedia formats and it doesn't even take too long for the rendering to complete.
- Publisher: xiberpix
- Last updated: June 5th, 2009

E-Hammer allows you to permanently delete the data on writable disc (CD-R and DVD-R) formats. Once the data is deleted it cannot be recovered or restored, and the optical drive will not be able to read the disc. This ensures data security, eliminates the hassle of scratching your old discs.
- Publisher: ASUS
- Last updated: May 31st, 2009

Water Drop Desktop Wallpaper
Animated Desktop Wallpaper Water Drop is a very simple wallpaper that adds water drops to your desktop that fall from your screen gradually as if they were real. The program will sit on your system tray, allowing you to disable it from there. As the water drops reach the bottom, new ones are added, which descend slowly along the screen while you are working.
- Publisher: Artdocks
- Home page: www.artdocks.com
- Last updated: May 20th, 2012

Water Clock 3D Screensaver
Imagine a beautiful waterfall around a wonderful giant clock made of wood and metal. Imagine the mechanism of the clock being moved by the flow of the water. The Water Clock 3D Screensaver will provide all of these elements and more. The clock is beautifully crafted, with a lot of detail in its gear mechanism.
- Publisher: 3Planesoft
- Home page: www.3planesoft.com
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

FS Water Configurator
FS Water Configurator, developed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, is a free utility that allows you to edit the in-game water texture. Flight Simulator X has a very poor shader model for water, reflection intensity, glow effect, etc. Using this program you can replace default shader files of the Flight Simulator X and create your own ones.
- Publisher: Str!king Software
- Home page: www.strikingsoftware.com
- Last updated: July 13th, 2008

Pearl Harbor: Fire on the Water
Pearl Harbor: Fire on the Water is a simplistic action shooting game in which you control a battleship and its weapons in an attempt to sink enemy vessels. It’s a game in which good timing and anticipation are valuable skills. It can be played on both full screen and windowed mode.
- Publisher: 3AGAMES
- Home page: www.bigfishgames.com
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2012

Water Life
Water Life Screensaver will take you to visit the underwater world. This beautiful screensaver will let you wear your diving equipment and take you on a journey to the depth of the ocean. Don’t be alarmed. The underwater world is not scary or menacing. On the contrary, it is a world of peace and beauty that you will definitely enjoy with this software.
- Publisher: Rixane Screensavers
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

Water And Steam Properties for Windows
Water and Steam Properties, known as WASP, is a Windows 95 application. This program is aimed at mechanical and chemical engineers. It calculates the physical properties of ice, water and steam in many popular units. It contains data for 15 fixed and 17 variable properties from -100 to 800 deg C and up to 1000 bar.
- Publisher: Katmar Software
- Home page: www.katmarsoftware.com
- Last updated: February 7th, 2012

Shark Water World 3D Screensaver
A beautiful 3D rendering of a sea scene with a couple of sharks swimming around a sunken galleon, together with a trasure chest and a scary skeleton. The screensaver has good sound effects and many configurable features. If you love sharks, don't miss this one.
- Publisher: FancyBytes Software
- Home page: www.fancybytes.com
- Last updated: August 12th, 2009