Epd free-7.3-2-win-x86 in Title/Summary

EPD Free
EPD Free provides a free, cross-platform installer of six of the libraries that are fundamental for scientists, engineers, and analysts. EPD Free delivers a perfect package for developers who want to distribute a small, reliable environment for their applications.
- Publisher: Enthought, Inc.
- Home page: enthought.com
- Last updated: January 24th, 2013

EPD2 Spectral
Thermo Scientific Easy EPD2 Utility Software is a comprehensive utility program for the EPD readers. Compatible with all Thermo Scientific EPD readers, the software may be used for simple issue and return of dosemeters, with read/write logging of data; also provides secure access to all dosemeter functions, offering the ability to set all parameters and carry out maintenance and diagnostic work.
- Publisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012
Epd free-7.3-2-win-x86 in Description

Rebel Decade
Rebel Decade (since version 1.2) is the promotional program of Rebel Company. Rebel Decade 3.0 characteristics Estimated ELO rating of 2300 on a Pentium 333. Estimated ELO rating of 2500 on a Pentium 333 on each friday. All database functions of Rebel 10. Database of 4500 recent master games. Small Encyclopedia of Chess (EOC) database of 200,000 positions. Book editor.
- Publisher: Rebel Company
- Home page: www.rebel.nl
- Last updated: November 15th, 2011
Additional Epd free-7.3-2-win-x86 selection

Arena is a free Graphical User Interface (GUI) for chess. Arena assists you in analyzing and playing games as well as in testing chess engines. It runs on Windows XP or higher or on Linux with Wine 1.0 or higher. Arena is compatible to Winboard protocol I, II and UCI protocol I, II. Citrine, Autoplayer, ICS (chess servers) and much more.
- Publisher: Martin Blume
- Home page: www.playwitharena.com
- Last updated: July 21st, 2012

DiagTransfer is a chess editor position (fen/EPD) with two originals features: -A copy mode with a semi-transparent windows. - Print diagrams in a very high quality.
- Publisher: Alain Blaisot
- Home page: alain.blaisot.free.fr
- Last updated: June 12th, 2022
- Publisher: Macrovision
- Last updated: January 20th, 2010