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Ers dim d rapidshare in Title/Summary

ERS Dim D Chorus

ERS Dim D Chorus

Dim D Chorus is a replication of the SDD-320 Dimension D chorus build by Roland. This chorus is famous for delivering a subtle, airy effect while adding more presence to a sound. Most chorus products give a lot of modulation and do not keep the original structure of the sound in tact. This chorus is way more subtle and adds something and does not take away the original quality of the sound.



3-DIM PT is the software solution that meets the various requirements of industrial metrology (collecting, processing, and documenting 3-dimensional data sets).

  • Publisher: GLM Lasermeßtechnik GmbH
RapidShare Loader

RapidShare Loader

Automatically open RapidShare (and other) links in seperate tabs. We all know how annoying it is when you're browsing rapidshare forums and all the links are "code"'d, and you have to copy and paste each link into your browser to download the file. Well, not anymore. Just copy the whole lot to the textarea and click 'Open Links'.

  • Publisher: Opera Software
  • Home page: widgets.opera.com
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Ers dim d rapidshare in Description

RapidLeecher Ultimate 2007

RapidLeecher Ultimate 2007

Rapidshare Ultimate 2007 is a free software to download files from the world's largest file-sharing network Rapidshare. RapidLeecher 2007 can run into fully automatic mode residing into system tray using minimal system resources monitoring user clipboard and autostart file download from rapidshare in background as soon as a rapidshare link is copied into the clipboard.

  • Publisher: The RapidLeecher Team
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008


Rapidme is a Rapidshare download manager and search engine for Windows. Rapidshare is rapidly (no pun intended) gaining popularity for those who download illegal TV shows and movies from the Internet (shame on you). Many people download those shows and uploads them to Rapidshare, which is a file sharing service.

  • Publisher: RAPIDME.COM
  • Home page: www.rapidme.com
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2008


RapidHarvest is yet another Rapidshare download manager for Windows. I thought I had seen enough, but apparently there is a market for these applications. RapidHarvest boasts that it is the only download manager that allows you to create your own scripts to detect Rapidshare links on any website.

  • Publisher: RapidHarvest
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
PayGlobal Exolvo Reporting

PayGlobal Exolvo Reporting

The Exolvo Reporting Services (ERS) module is a recognized, industry standard product which offers state-of-the-art, robust and powerful reporting. ERS uses SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Report improvements and upgrades are delivered independently from the PayGlobal application upgrades.

  • Publisher: PayGlobal Ltd
  • Home page: www.payglobal.com
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2011
eResource Scheduler

eResource Scheduler

Enbraun's eResource Scheduler (eRS) is a collaborative, multiuser resource scheduling software. It can be easily configured to schedule, plan & manage custom defined resources such as employees, rooms, vehicles etc.

Additional Ers dim d rapidshare selection

RapidShare Manager

RapidShare Manager

The RapidShare Manager 2 simplifies uploading and allows simultaneous downloads. It allows you to resume interrupted uploads and downloads. Extensive file management - rename, edit, move or delete files and folders. Remoteupload to mirror data from the internet on RapidShare.

  • Publisher: RapidShare AG
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


We are on a constant path of improvement, and listen to the feedback from our member Credit Unions in order to fulfill their ever changing needs. You will NOT find as capable a data processing system that compares for the cost. Both the initial investment as well as the ongoing production costs are among the lowest in the industry. This insures a rapid ROI and continued success in today's market

  • Publisher: Electronic Recordkeeping Service.
  • Home page: ez-term.ers2000.com
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2012
Rapidshare Multi File Downloader

Rapidshare Multi File Downloader

Rapidshare Multi File Downloader is a downloader that can help you copy and paste the file links manually into the downloader window or supply the URL of a web page. Once the downloads are added to the queue, it will do everything for you in the background - if you exceed the download limit, the utility will wait and re-queue the download.

  • Publisher: Digital Inspiration
  • Home page: www.labnol.org
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2010


The FlightGear Flight Simulator project (often shortened to FlightGear or FGFS) is an open-source, multi-platform, cooperative flight simulator development project. It also simulates space flight in Earth's orbit. FlightGear's flight dynamics engine (JSBSim) is used in a 2015 NASA benchmark to judge new simulation code to the standards of the space industry.

  • Publisher: The FlightGear organisation
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023
Karaoke Sound Tools

Karaoke Sound Tools

If you like to sing your favorite songs accompanied by the original music track, then you may enjoy this program. It lets you dim the vocal track from any song so you can overimpose your own vocals. You can save the instrumental track so you can use it later at parties with your friends.

Adjust Laptop Brightness

Adjust Laptop Brightness

One solution for reducing the consumption of your laptop battery is to reduce the brightness level for your monitor. The brightness level automatically changes once you start running out of battery, but you cannot adjust it directly from your desktop. This program provides you with a quick and simple way to make your screen brighter or lighter from your Start bar.

  • Publisher: Rogosoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.rogosoft.com
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2013
eBook Library

eBook Library

Besides allowing you to create and organize your own collection of eBooks, eBook Library serves another important purpose. It helps its users increase their reading speed. It dims the entire text, thus helping you focus on a few words that you are currently reading.

  • Publisher: Paul Young
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2012
Hidden Wonders of the Depths

Hidden Wonders of the Depths

Hidden Wonders of the Depths is a game in which you have to collect ancient artifacts and discover hidden treasures. The ultimate goal is to help a mermaid build her home by completing the different levels. The game offers a combination of different games that you must play in order to unlock a part of a hidden artifact.



xVidly is a free and easy-to-use download manager. Main Features: - With xVidly you don't have to wait till your download completes. Click "play" and your video will play while it's being downloaded. - xVidly supports all popular file hosting websites such as Rapidshare.com, Hotfile.com, etc.

  • Publisher: xVidly ltd.
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2013
Photo Toolkit

Photo Toolkit

Photo Toolkit is a photo editing tool that will help you to optimize, retouch and even add funny effects to your photos. Within the application you will find a wide set of useful effects like: Rotate to left or right, fix red eye, enhanced color, denoise, deblur, make up, lighting, straighten, resample and crop.