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Escape medical viewer documentation in Title/Summary

Escape Medical Viewer

Escape Medical Viewer

EMV Windows is a robust, feature-rich and lightweight DICOM viewer, anonymizer and converter. The program gets and sends files to DICOM servers and PACS, opens virtually all DICOM images and DICOMDIR files from DICOM disks, and handles user objects, such as annotations and measurements.

  • Publisher: Escape OE
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2015
Sante DICOM Viewer 3D FREE

Sante DICOM Viewer 3D FREE

Sante DICOM Viewer 3D FREE is an easy-to-use medical image viewer aimed at no-professional users and radiology students. The program offers all the features of Sante DICOM Viewer FREE as well as 3 different 3D rendering techniques and allows the user to create 3D models from CT and MRI studies.

  • Publisher: Santesoft
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2015
Sante DICOM Viewer FREE

Sante DICOM Viewer FREE

Sante DICOM Viewer Free is an image viewer for medical image (DICOM) files. It provides all the necessary tools for the manipulation and measurement of images, and offers all the needed features in day to day practice. Sante DICOM Viewer Free supports all the modalities (CT, MR, US, CR, NM, XA, MG, DX etc.), and almost all the manufacturers.

Escape medical viewer documentation in Description

Softronix MARS

Softronix MARS

MARS is the best product available in market for Medical Stores, that not only fulfills all trading requirements of a medical store but also helps to obey all legal obligations without making any extra efforts. It also has an integrated Accounting System as a back bone that guarantees the best utilization of business resources.

  • Publisher: Softronix (Pvt) Ltd.
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2011


It is a package intended for creating integrated expandable medical images storage, in order to store large amounts of data obtained from the different medical diagnostic equipment. It provides long-term medical study storage

  • Publisher: Makhaon Software
  • Home page: www.makhaon.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
STDU Viewer

STDU Viewer

Designed to open and view those file formats in which scientific and technical documentation is generally distributed, STDU Viewer is a small, free, and unusual file viewer. The range of file types it supports does cover most image-related documents, such as PDF, DjVu, XPS, JBIG2, or WWF. E-books and comic books are also supported, as well as pure image files in TIFF, BMP, JPEG, or PSD format.

  • Publisher: STD Utility
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2015
Transcription Manager

Transcription Manager

After an in-depth study of workflow processes of our transcription division, we have developed Transcription Manager (TM) for Transcription organizations to have a complete control over their operations and production process. TM is designed to enhance transcription efficiency and productivity - and to facilitate the medical documentation process protecting the integrity, reliability and security of medical records. Transcription Manager has been developed by expert professionals with a complete understanding of every level in the process of transcription. TM not only helps you in your daily tasks like assigning, tracking, communicating, but also prepares numerous reports which will help the management in planning resources, controlling the operations and helps you save your spending

Free DICOM Viewer

Free DICOM Viewer

DICOM is short for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine and is used for medical imaging. It is a very significant standard used to store, share and print such images. In order to view the same, the Free DICOM Viewer is a viable choice. It is software that lets users access the data in an easy manner.

Additional Escape medical viewer documentation selection



Dbfview is an application that allows users to create, edit, view, and print DBF-format databases. This program is compatible with the Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 9x, Windows NT, as well as the Windows 2000 operating systems. The user-friendly interface enables users to better organize the databases that they create, so as to easily access information later on.

  • Publisher: DbfView
  • Home page: www.dbfview.com
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011
BluePrint-PCB™ Viewer

BluePrint-PCB™ Viewer

BluePrint Viewer enables easy sharing, distribution, and storage of PCB Release Package details. This electronic file (Release Package) can contain your BluePrint documents, Gerber, NC Drill/Mill, Panel Arrays, ODB++, PDF, DXF, PCB CAD, MS Office and virtually any file located on your computer and/or network.

  • Publisher: DownStream Technologies
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2015
Adobe SVG Viewer

Adobe SVG Viewer

Adobe SVG Viewer is plug-in for browsers which will let you view SVG Graphics. According to Adobe, The Adobe SVG viewer supports most SVG elements, as well as CSS properties and DOM elements. Additionally, the ActiveX control has been signed so you don't have problems with the ActiveX security warning introduced with Windows XP Security Pack 2.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2013
Free Photo Viewer

Free Photo Viewer

Free Photo Viewer does exactly what its name suggests. However, it also allows you to organize your photo collection and displays it as a slideshow. Besides, you can use it to perform basic editing operations. Free Photo Viewer can display virtually any picture format currently used, including RAW - the source format used by most cameras.

MadCap Help Viewer

MadCap Help Viewer

MadCap Help Viewer is a freely redistributable content viewer that is based on Microsoft’s (NasdaqNM: MSFT) .NET framework. You may download and install the MadCap Help Viewer at any time. The Help Viewer is not necessary for generating or using Microsoft HTML Help files, WebHelp files, or Printed Documentation.

Viscom Store DICOM Viewer

Viscom Store DICOM Viewer

Viscom Store DICOM Viewer is a free program allows you to view Medical DICOM images. The program supports reading a specified frame in a multi-framed DICOM image. It also has support to playback all frames in a multi-framed image and to read all patient metadata.

  • Publisher: Viscom Software
  • Last updated: June 2nd, 2013
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer

Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer

Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2007 is a PowerPoint presentations viewer. PowerPoint Viewer 2007 lets you view presentations created in PowerPoint 97 and later versions. It supports opening password-protected presentations. You can view and print presentations, but you cannot edit them in the PowerPoint Viewer 2007.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2011
PDF-XChange PDF Viewer

PDF-XChange PDF Viewer

Though it’s a free PDF viewer, it comes with a lot of additional options and features that it will surely please a lot of users. Furthermore, it doesn’t only offer view-related options and functions, like zooming and rotating the pages, adding bookmarks, choosing different view modes, using handy navigation tools, and so on, but it also offers powerful editing and management features.

Microsoft Office Word Viewer

Microsoft Office Word Viewer

Word Viewer lets you view, print and copy Word documents on a computer that does not have Word installed. This download is a replacement for Word Viewer 2003 and all previous Word Viewer versions. The Word Viewer, together with the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats, allows you open Word documents saved in different formats.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2022
Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer

Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer

Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer lets you open PowerPoint presentations for free. If you have ever received a PPT file in an e-mail attachment and don't have PowerPoint installed, you know how hard it can be to open those files. PPT files are possibly the most popular e-mail attachment after photos.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2014