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Eurocode concrete design bridge in Title/Summary

Autodesk Structural Bridge Design

Autodesk Structural Bridge Design

Perform integrated loading, analysis, and code checking of small to medium-span bridges. Structural Bridge Design software is available only in the Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection. Define materials and geometry to produce calculations for bridge sections in a graphical environment.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Home page: www.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2017
ASDIP Concrete

ASDIP Concrete

Quickly model your concrete members with the simple and efficient graphical user interface. Confidently optimize your design and comply with design Code provisions. Impress clients and plan-checkers with eye-catching condensed or detailed reports. Extensive documentation, solved examples, and blog posts to guide you throughout the software.

  • Publisher: ASDIP Structural Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
IDEA Reinforced Concrete Section

IDEA Reinforced Concrete Section

RCS program (Reinforced Concrete Section) and its particular modules serve civil engineers to design and check reinforced concrete sections. IDEA RCS is a standalone or “linked to 3D” application. It already became a favorite tool in design practice of structural engineer after several months of the distribution.

  • Publisher: IDEA RS, ltd.

Eurocode concrete design bridge in Description



This program calculates the cross-section properties for thick-walled sections of any shape and determines their stresses. Besides, a reinforced concrete design can be performed for axial force, shear forces, torsion and biaxial bending moments according to DIN 1045-1, ONORM B 4700 and Eurocode 2.

  • Publisher: Dlubal Software
  • Home page: www.dlubal.com
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2014


Combined3D is a general purpose spread and combined (two load points on a single footing) foundation design software for use on many different types of foundation design projects.Whether you are designing foundations for your industrial, residential or other commercial projects, Combined3D will help you complete them in minutes.

  • Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2009


DCALC ("DesignCALCs") software was written by a practicing structural engineer as a way to automate tedious calculations. DCALC is a package of everday "hamburger" programs for getting your calculations finished and checked on time. There is an emerging need for engineers to automate their calculations in a systematic way, providing output that is accessible for good comprehension.

  • Publisher: DesignCalcs, Inc
  • Home page: dcalc.us
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2009


Shaft3D is ideal for drilled shafts or caisson type foundations. Whether you are designing caisson foundations for windmills, transmission lines, utility lines or any other structure requiring drilled pier foundations, Shaft3D will help you complete your projects in minutes.

  • Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2012


WinRECOL analyzes, designs or checks a reinforced concrete column. The program has the option to choose one of the following design specifications:- CLFD = Caltrans Bridge Design Specification LFD, September 2004, with Revisions - ALFD = AASHTO Bridge Design Specification LFD, Sixteenth, Edition 1996, 1998 Interims and Division I-A Sesimic Design Article

  • Publisher: Imbsen Software Ststems
  • Last updated: January 15th, 2010

Additional Eurocode concrete design bridge selection

Oasys AdSec

Oasys AdSec

Oasys AdSec is an analysis tool that helps you design all kinds of sections under load. It can handle sections made from concrete, steel or fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) sections, or any combinations of these materials. AdSec is ideal for tasks such as analysing a bridge beam for cracking under load, designing a composite mega column, checking a pre-stressed floor and more.



With BETONexpress you can easily design various concrete components. For each of them, you just specify the basic dimensions, loads and material properties, and you obtain the detailed concrete design.A combined detailed report and reinforcing steel schedule is produced for the designed concrete components.



PGSuper is a precast-prestressed girder design and analysis program. It helps you design, check, and load rate precast-prestressed girder bridges in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification, WSDOT criteria, or TxDOT criteria. The flexural design feature computes the number and configuration of prestressing strands and the minimum required concrete release strength.



CRANEWAY is a program that analyzes cranway girders according to EN 1993‑6:2008‑09 (Eurocode 3), DIN 4132:1981‑02, and DIN 18800:1990‑11 standards. During the calculation, crane loads are generated in predefined distances as load cases of crane runway.

  • Publisher: Dlubal Software
  • Home page: www.dlubal.com
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2016
Concise Beam

Concise Beam

Concise Beam is a simple program for designing precast concrete beams. You can use this application to perform load analysis and design checks in accordance with the latest edition of ACI 318, CSA A23.3 & S6, AS3600, or NZ3101.1. Key code parameters can be customized to simulate other design codes too.

  • Publisher: Black Mint Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.blackmint.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


RCsolver is a program created for the design and assessment of reinforced concrete structural members. It performs all the calculations described in the Eurocodes and ACI 318-11 for the calculation of tensile and shear reinforcement of the structural members.

  • Publisher: Deep Excavation LLC.
  • Home page: www.rcsolver.com
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2015


Foundation3D is a spread and combined footing analysis/design tool that completes soil or pile supported foundation with minimal input. This tool is perfect for designing foundations for industrial equipment such as horizontal exchangers and vessels, vertical vessels or towers, pipe racks and other plant supports.

  • Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2012
Structural Toolkit

Structural Toolkit

Structural Toolkit quickly and accurately does your calculations for you. You can easily and quickly produce calculations for discrete members in timber, steel, masonry and concrete while having the confidence to know that you are always up to date with current Australian Standards.



LEAP CONSPAN is the industry-leading design, analysis and load rating application for simple- and multiple-span precast and prestressed bridge beams. Used by most DOTs and leading consulting firms in the country, LEAP CONSPAN incorporates both AASHTO Standard (LFD) and LRFD specifications for bridge design.

  • Publisher: Bentley Systems, Incorporated
  • Home page: www.bentley.com
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018


aadspro is a new generation design package which can be used for a number of applications in Civil Engineering. It is integrated with commonly used programs like STAAD.Pro and AutoCAD. The program consists of different modules which can perform the design of different parts of a structure.

  • Publisher: sandr consultants
  • Last updated: July 22nd, 2015