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Eve pilot eve miner license in Title/Summary

EVE Pilot

EVE Pilot

EVE Pilot is a free-to-use bot designed for EVE Online. EVE Pilot is based on advanced pattern recognition and visualization techniques that include optical character recognition, heuristics and non linear logic algorithms as well as simulation and modeling techniques.

  • Publisher: Macrolab
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2015


Take a minute to setup coordinates of your overview IC column and the aproach ,jump and warp to buttons. If you wish to dock to a station at your dest, just bookmark that station and type the coordinates of the bookmark (open your people&places and scroll to it) in the according edit boxes and check the “Dock to destination station” box.

  • Publisher: REBOOT
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2008
EVE Mentat

EVE Mentat

EVE Mentat is the special handy trading tool for EVE Online game. Show market orders for selected trade goods. Show self costs for item types.Possibility to sort and filter self costs. Filter expressions can be combined with “;” delimiter. Currently only manual calculation method is supported

  • Publisher: Thart
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2010

Eve pilot eve miner license in Description

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve is an interesting skill game for free. Help Adam and Eve to return for better or for worse in a labyrinth full of pitfalls in Adam and Eve is a skill Adam and Eve is a skill game. The game is entirely in German. If you do not speak the language of Goethe, click Spielen to start playing. Then choose to play either Adam or Eve. Use the arrow keys to move.

  • Publisher: NowStat
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2009
EVE Screen Designer

EVE Screen Designer

The EVE Screen Designer (ESD) 4.0 is the next generation of smart IDE for EVE, making EVE-based GUI development much easier to accomplish. This tool enables users to build a GUI application using a visual programming method without needing to know any EVE-specific display list commands.

  • Publisher: BridgeTek Pte Ltd
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2017
PC Lap counter

PC Lap counter

PC Lap counter 8.0.4

  • Publisher: Pc Lap Counter
  • Home page: pclapcounter.be
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2012
Slide Show Pilot

Slide Show Pilot

Slide Show Pilot is an advanced slide show creation tool that can create web albums, slide shows, screen-savers, web galleries and auto run photo CD's in simple steps. You just have to import any image or number of images, sort them in desired order, write a caption, select a transition and you are ready to create custom screen savers with exotic effects.

Dot Matrix Pilot

Dot Matrix Pilot

Dot Matrix Pilot is form filler software for filling out preprinted forms with a dot-matrix/impact printer. The program allows you to use regular printers as well. The program memorizes edit fields so you will be able to fill out the same form again.

Additional Eve pilot eve miner license selection



EVEMon is a utility that helps you monitor the progress of your EVE character. The application comes with an intuitive interface, offers you various types of details about your character, and allows you to compare the characteristics of multiple profiles.



EVE Miner is not playing for you, but repeating most boring and exhausting actions in the game like mining, waiting several minutes while you fill your cargohold with ore and transporting ore to station many times per day. There is nothing interesting in such repetitive actions for eve player, especially if you spend isks to pay for subscription. After 10-20 rounds you will find this boring.

EVE Launcher

EVE Launcher

EVE Launcher doesn't manipulate the game client in any way that actually influences the game. It just touches the EVE window from the 'outside' so to speak. It provide configure up to 4 clients, setup hot keys for: switching to a client (optionally in semi-full screen), hiding a client, relaunching a client (to get that alt fast), clear the entire cache with a single button.

  • Publisher: Grismar
  • Home page: eve.grismar.net
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2008
EVE Online

EVE Online

The world of EVE Online centers on a dense cluster of star systems connected to one another by a vast network of stargates. These gates allow for near instantaneous travel between linked star systems, of which there are over 5,000 in the network. The core of this cluster, called New Eden by its inhabitants, is controlled by four major empires that constantly vie with one another.



Eve-Meep is the host for a wide array of tools that provide the vital calculations necessary for any serious industrialist in the Eve-Online world. It is an easy-to-use standalone Windows application designed to assist you in keeping track of your EVE Online character progression. You can view your current skills and attributes, what you're currently training, and your ISK balance.

  • Publisher: Eve-MEEP
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2009
Christmas Eve 3D Screensaver

Christmas Eve 3D Screensaver

Christmas Eve 3D Screensaver will bring the spirit of Christmas to your desktop. You will be transported to a very picturesque small town, probably near a mountain. You will arrive to a park, with a small plaza in the middle. Everything around you is white, covered with snow. Around the small plaza you can distinguish the shapes of the houses of the town.

  • Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2008


As well as containing a substantial core list of features such as pilot monitoring, skill queue planning and in-game notifications, it utilises a plug-in system which can extend the application in a myriad of ways. Current plug-ins available include ship fitting, mapping and routing, full item database, wormhole and w-space information, POS management and killmail viewing.

  • Publisher: EveHQ
  • Last updated: July 7th, 2013
EVE Isk per Hour

EVE Isk per Hour

EVE - Isk per Hour is a game editor tool for EVE Online (a massive multiplayer online game). EVE - Isk per Hour is a Windows program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering.

  • Publisher: EVE IPH
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2012
FTDI EVE Screen Editor

FTDI EVE Screen Editor

FTDI EVE Screen Editor is a Windows based tool designed to allow EVE (FT800 series) customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller. Also available within the tool is the ability to connect to external hardware such as a VM800B allowing designs to be displayed on real hardware as well as on the PC screen.

  • Publisher: Future Technology Device International
  • Home page: www.ftdichip.com
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2015


EVE-NG Windows client pack installs everything necessary for working on/building labs on EVE-NG. It includes Wireshark installation, UltraVNC installation, PuTTY (used as default Telnet client), Plink (for Wireshark), and all necessary wrappers. Also, it will modify Windows registry files for proper work.

  • Publisher: EVE-NG Ltd.
  • Home page: www.eve-ng.net
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2017