Example of tax preparation software in Title/Summary

Prepwizard - GMAT Preparation Software
The PrepWizard software is the most professional GMAT test prep material. The GMAT prep software includes the following: 1 full GMAT simulation, including full explanations and a statistical analysis. Quantitative practice questions from our Question Bank. One chapter from our quantitative study guide. 20 flash cards out of hundreds .
- Publisher: Prepwizard.com
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

Tax Software
The Taxation Module of TRX Software Enterprise Suite is equipped with the tool to facilitate CPA’s regular activities involved for preparation of tax return and electronic filing along with the integration among client’s business-vendors, customers, employees, banks and reporting agencies.
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

e-tax 2011
E-tax 2011 is the ATO's free tax return preparation software that enables most refunds to be issued in 14 days. E-tax helps you prepare your individual income tax return and then lodge online. Details regarding what is required to verify your identity in e-tax and lodge your tax return online.
- Publisher: Commonwealth of Australia
- Last updated: August 16th, 2011
Example of tax preparation software in Description

Lacerte to Drake Conversion
The Data Conversion process is not intended to convert all of your tax data nor will it allow you to generate a tax return for the purposes of side by side comparison with last year’s return. Here are some examples of the types of information that will not be converted: -Amounts that are not relevant to next-year tax preparation
- Publisher: Drake Enterprises, Ltd
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

FutureTax 2010 for NETFILE
FutureTax is an easy-to-use, secure and NETFILE/EFILE/Barcode Certified T1 tax preparation software package which allows you to submit your tax return online, or print and mail-in paper returns.Main features:- Free download - only a few minutes to download and install; - Affordable and unbeatable prices etc.
- Publisher: FUTURECA CORP.
- Home page: www.futuretax.ca
- Last updated: February 8th, 2011

FutureTax 2015 for NETFILE
FutureTax is an easy-to-use, secure and NETFILE/Barcode Certified T1 tax preparation software package which allows you to submit your tax return online, or print and mail in paper returns. You can get your tax refund from CRA in as little as 8 business days.
- Publisher: FUTURECA CORP
- Home page: www.futuretax.ca
- Last updated: December 13th, 2016

FutureTax 2012 for NETFILE
FutureTax is an easy-to-use, secure and NETFILE/EFILE/Barcode Certified T1 tax preparation software package which allows you to submit your tax return online, or print and mail-in paper returns. It provides secure tax return filing on your own computer, your tax information will only be transmitted to CRA when you submit it.
- Publisher: FUTURECA CORP.
- Home page: www.futuretax.ca
- Last updated: April 4th, 2013

FutureTax 2014 for EFILE
FutureTax is easy-to-use, secure and NETFILE/Barcode Certified T1 tax preparation software. Main features: - Submit form T1135 electronically. - Prepare spouses' tax returns together. - Get your tax refund from CRA in as little as 8 business days. - Print out or save as PDF file with 2D barcode for paper returns.
- Publisher: FUTURECA CORP.
- Home page: www.futuretax.ca
- Last updated: September 28th, 2015
Additional Example of tax preparation software selection
- Publisher: BHOK It Consulting
- Last updated: September 25th, 2011

StudioTax 2006
StudioTax is designed to be easy to use, intuitive and powerful Tax preparation software.StudioTax uses an advanced graphics engine to reproduce tax forms that are identical to the CRA printed forms. An easy to use yet powerful wizard is provided to complement StudioTax forms.
- Publisher: BHOK It Consulting
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

FutureTax 2011 for NETFILE
FutureTax is an easy-to-use, secure and NETFILE/EFILE/Barcode Certified T1 tax preparation software package which allows you to submit your tax return online, or print and mail-in paper returns. Affordable and unbeatable prices is one of principal advantage of FutureTax.
- Publisher: FutureTax
- Home page: www.futuretax.ca
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2012

FutureTax 2014 for NETFILE
FutureTax is a NETFILE/Barcode Certified T1 tax preparation software package, which allows you to submit your tax return online, or print and mail-in paper returns. It has a built-in optimizers for split pension, charitable donation, and medical expenses.
- Publisher: FUTURECA CORP.
- Home page: www.futuretax.ca
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2015

Tired of being overcharged? Maybe it's time to look into 1040Works, a user-friendly, budget-friendly tax preparation software. With 1040Works' speed entry screens the average return can be completed in 3 minutes or less. This program will help you to take care of you'r taxes.
- Publisher: Red Gear Technologies
- Last updated: January 24th, 2012

AiniShare Exe Lock
AiniShare Exe Lock is a simple lock software which can lock any executable program on your local computer to prevent other person run programs on your computer. You can use it to lock sensitive programs such as tax preparation software, personal finance program, etc.
- Publisher: Ainishare Software,Inc
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

imlSoft Application Lock
imlSoft Application Lock can lock any executable programs on your local computer,anyone can not run the locked programs without a password. So,if you do don't want other persons to use your tax preparation software, personal finance or other programs you like, you simply need to run this uility.
- Publisher: imlSoft International LLC.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

FutureTax T2 2010
FutureTax T2 is an easy-to-use, secure, Corporation Internet Filing(CIF) and 2D Bar Code certified T2 tax preparation software package which allows you to submit your tax return online, or print and mail-in paper returns. -Affordable and unbeatable prices -Pay when you are satisfied -Easy to fill in CRA's T2 forms -Submit your tax return online if eligible -2D bar codes are fully supported
- Publisher: FUTURECA CORP.
- Home page: www.futuretax.ca

E-tax is the ATO's free tax return preparation software that enables most refunds to be issued in 14 days. E-tax helps you prepare your individual income tax return and then lodge online. E-tax is a free and secure service provided by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) so you can prepare and lodge your individual tax return online.
- Publisher: Commonwealth of Australia
- Last updated: March 12th, 2009

UltraTax CS
UltraTax CS provides accountants with a comprehensive family of professional tax products for increasing tax preparation efficiency. It's 1040 and business tax software that helps you save processing time and complete more returns. UltraTax CS is filled with timesaving tools to ease every step of the tax preparation process.
- Publisher: Thomson Reuters
- Home page: cs.thomsonreuters.com
- Last updated: February 27th, 2013