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Examples of data base program in Title/Summary

Technics Music Data Base Converter

Technics Music Data Base Converter

With this free program you can convert the backup data from HD-MEC2000/HD-HSO3000 and HD-SX6 into the new SD card file system for the KN7000. This operation is very simple, with just some mouse click the final transfer to the SD card can be started. The only requirement for the use of the Music Data Base Converter is a current backup file from a previous hard disk drive system of your keyboard.

Mplus Base Program (32-bit)

Mplus Base Program (32-bit)

The Mplus Base Program estimates regression, path analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA), structural equation (SEM), growth, and discrete- and continuous-time survival analysis models. All the variables can be modified and observed its dependance.

  • Publisher: Muthen & Muthen
  • Home page: www.statmodel.com
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2012
Smart Media Data Recovery

Smart Media Data Recovery

Smart Meida Data Recovery is a powerful data recovery program to recover deleted photos including JPEG, NEF, TIFF, BMP, MOV, MPEG, WAV. Use on Smart Media SD and XD, Compact Flash, Memory Stick, floppy disks, Zip disk, USB drives and hard drives.

Examples of data base program in Description



STFWebPen is easy-to-use but robust HTML and script editor with:: FTP Client, CSS and DHTML Menu Wizards, Spelling checker, Image Mapper, strong tag support, preview in multiple browsers, syntax highlighting, MSWord docs import and more.

  • Publisher: Slavko Ilic
  • Home page: www.stfsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011


VPLauncher manages your collection of Visual Pinball and Future Pinball tables. It has data bases of tables and shows for every (known) table information like author, version, type of table etc. If a table is selected, a screenshot, the table rules and flyers are displayed (if available). A double click starts the desired table.



It has changed the data base. New data base is not compatible with previous versions. This build include a data base for materials. You can now add your favorite materials. By using e-weld you can perform calculations of welding economy for most welding methods and welding joints. e-weld includes several modules and tools.

  • Publisher: Industrino AS
  • Home page: www.industri.no
  • Last updated: January 3rd, 2010


Complete invoicing software that integrates all your osCommerce on-line shops. Qinvoincing allows you to automatically fill up your osCommerce on-line shop as well as download all data you have in your osCommerce.

  • Publisher: QSoft
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2012
jk-ware MDI-Projektworkspace

jk-ware MDI-Projektworkspace

We offer our MDI-Projektworkspace for Visual C# developers for the further development of their own products. The Workspace needs Visual C# 2008 Express and contains all source files for the construction of a form administration for the Windows-CLR.

Additional Examples of data base program selection

NTI Backup NOW!

NTI Backup NOW!

Backup Now is a backup solution for end users, small businesses and IT professionals. Its Drive Backup feature can back up your entire computer (operating system, programs, data files, and computer settings); in the event of a hard drive crash, Backup Now can quickly restore your computer back to how it was before the crash.

  • Publisher: NewTech Infosystems
  • Home page: www.nticorp.com
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2016
Data Doctor Recovery - SIM Card

Data Doctor Recovery - SIM Card

Data Doctor Recovery – SIM Card specializes in retrieving various types of information from functional or even defective SIM cards. The application has an easy-to-use interface whereas the only complication you will probably face will be to select the type of technology standards used by your SIM card reader.

  • Publisher: Pro Data Doctor Pvt. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.datadoctor.in
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2012
ParetoLogic Data Recovery

ParetoLogic Data Recovery

Data Recovery permits a user to recover lost data from drives, external devices such as iPods and digital cameras, and partitions. Moreover, you can recover lost mails from Outlook or from Windows Mail. Select the kind of scanning you prefer, Quick, Guided, Full or Advanced.

  • Publisher: ParetoLogic
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2014
PC Inspector File Recovery

PC Inspector File Recovery

PC INSPECTOR™ File Recovery 4.x is a data recovery program that supports the FAT 12/16/32 and NTFS file systems. Finds partitions automatically, even if the boot sector or FAT has been erased or damaged. PC INSPECTOR™ File Recovery 4.x is so-called FREEWARE. This means that the software does not cost you a single penny.

MapInfo Professional

MapInfo Professional

This program lets you present information from different sources in a map form to better illustrate the data you are presenting. It allows you to import data from MS Excel and Access, and then, it converts those data into a map that shows the information in graphic form. You can show additional data in your map, such as highways, transportation, sites of interest, and more. Not for casual users.

  • Publisher: Pitney Bowes Software Inc.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
DDR Memory Card Recovery

DDR Memory Card Recovery

DDR Memory Card Recovery comes in handy when you need to recover lost files. Although the name of the tool may suggest that it supports retrieving lost data from cards only, it can actually rescue files from other types of external devices, such as memory sticks and hard disks.

Autodesk ReCap 360

Autodesk ReCap 360

ReCap 360 allows you to import, view, and convert point cloud data. The program unlocks the power of using Reality Data with better measurement, enhanced markup, greater collaboration, search and automated registration. It features: photo to 3D in full resolution, 25 GB of storage space, 50 cloud credits per year, and more.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2016
PL/SQL Developer

PL/SQL Developer

Nowadays, when IT is flourishing more and more, database administrators and programmers need advanced and well-optimized tools in order to achieve their required tasks. PL/SQL Developer, an IDE that offers the tools to manipulate databases and execute scripts, was built to help guys who work in the IT industry to develop their projects

  • Publisher: Allround Automations
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2017


StarOffice supports the OpenOffice.org XML file format, as well as the OpenDocument standard, and can generate PDF and Flash formats. It includes templates, a macro recorder, and a software development kit (SDK). StarOffice 9, released in November 2008, added support for version 1.2 of the OpenDocument standard and Microsoft Office 2007 files and a number of other improvements

  • Publisher: Sun Microsystems
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2011


DebugMode Wax is one of the few really functional free video editors you can find for use in Windows OS. It allows you to edit or assemble videos in a linear way (cutting and pasting fragments freely and works both as standalone application and as plug-in for the most common video edition software, such as Sony Vegas, Pure Motion EditStudio and Adobe Premiere.