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Excel access task list in Title/Summary

Task List Guru

Task List Guru

Task List Guru is a free task list organizer ideal for personal task management and small project management. You can organize not just tasks, but also task lists, notes and reminders. Task List Guru has a hierarchical task list tree with icons that allows you to organize all your todo lists and notes in a structure with icons.

  • Publisher: Jiri Novotny, Dextronet
  • Home page: www.dextronet.com
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2015
Veedid Desktop Task List

Veedid Desktop Task List

Veedid Desktop Task List is a desktop software which schedules your time better, easily organize your to-do lists and memos. Veedid Desktop Task List is combined to-do list management tool and memo pad organize tool. You could use two different softwares in one window at the same time, easily organize your actions projects and reminders.

  • Publisher: Veedid Software
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2010
TickTick Todo Task List

TickTick Todo Task List

TickTick - Todo & Task List is a Google Chrome extension that can display all your todo list, checklist, tasks. All your data is stored in your TickTick.com account. This can be synced with your mobile devices too. You can access and change your lists by clicking its icon in Chrome.

  • Publisher: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ticktick-todo-task-list/diankknpkndanachmlckaikddgcehkod?hl=en
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2015

Excel access task list in Description

Virto SharePoint Kanban Board Web Part

Virto SharePoint Kanban Board Web Part

Virto Kanban Board Web Part is a special tool intended to visualize and manage tasks in SharePoint. Using this component you can show any SharePoint list or library as a Kanban Board.

Veedid Desktop To-Do List

Veedid Desktop To-Do List

Veedid Desktop To-Do List is an application that can help you manage your pending tasks. You can write, edit, schedule and, of course, check them when they are done. However, the application does not really run as a desktop element, more like a separate application. There are many free to-do applications on the Internet with the same functionality.

  • Publisher: Veedid Software
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2009


Set and track your goals, subgoals, task and subtasks, improve your productivity and accomplish faster by using GoalEnforcer's innovative visual approach for goal setting and task management.

HTML Catalog Maker

HTML Catalog Maker

HTML Catalog Maker

  • Publisher: Xarka Software
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2009
Efficient To-Do List Network

Efficient To-Do List Network

Efficient To-Do List Network is designed for SME to share data. With network edition, different users in organization can access the same copy of data, to work in conjunction and improve work efficiency!

  • Publisher: Efficient Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Excel access task list selection

Excel Equipment Inventory List Template Software

Excel Equipment Inventory List Template Software

This software offers a solution for users who need to keep an organized inventory of multiple units of equipment. After entering vital data such as serial numbers and item descriptions a print-ready Excel spreadsheet is automatically generated. Keep inventory lists with maintenance logs and capital expense records. This software will save you time by quickly generating organized templates.

Excel Sort & Filter List Software

Excel Sort & Filter List Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to organize rows based on cell content in MS Excel. Filter a column to delete all entries specified. Sort a column to alphanumerically arrange rows.

Trog Bar

Trog Bar

Seize control of your time, tasks, and email with this intelligent sidebar. Automatically prioritizes and manages your tasks and email, so you focus on DOing instead of organizing. Fully Outlook integrated, supports GTD and other popular systems.

  • Publisher: Priacta, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2018


Defraggler can optimize your system performance by defragmenting hard drives. The application has a nice interface that poses no difficulties for users. It supports both NTFS and FAT file systems and is integrated into Windows Explorer contextual menu.

  • Publisher: Piriform Ltd
  • Home page: www.piriform.com
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2020
Swift To-Do List

Swift To-Do List

Swift To-Do List is powerful, but still super-easy and fast to use. It will never get in your way or waste your time. It lets you have a complete control over all your information organized in an unlimited hierarchical tree and a scheduling calendar and manage all kinds of tasks and notes, lists, goals, projects, reminders, information, files, etc.



Connect your phone via WiFi, cable or bluetooth and you'll be surprised how easy and efficient it will be to manage your phone with this software. Since it's first release MyPhoneExplorer evolved into the most popular freeware tool for smartphones. The software is constantly updated with new features.

  • Publisher: FJ Software
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2023
Excel Inventory List Template Software

Excel Inventory List Template Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to create a simple inventory. Excel fields are automatically generated and editable. Use blank entries for fields such as "Quantity in Stock" to manually enter on printouts. Excel 2000 or higher.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2009


Flashpaste lets you define text templates so that you can quickly paste them on browsers, word processors, code editors, and other Windows programs. Support for rich text allows you to create template texts using styles, bold or italic fonts, colors, bullet lists, etc.

  • Publisher: Softvoile Flashpaste Speed Typing
  • Home page: flashpaste.com
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2018


PowerMenu is an application that adds some extra menu options in the default windows control menu, already available options such as Minimize, Restore, Close etc. are remained intact. It adds four new menu items - Always On Top, Transparency and Minimize To Tray and Priority.

  • Publisher: Thong Nguyen
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Formtec Design Pro

Formtec Design Pro

Formtec Designer Pro 7 supports Making address book and Managing data for labeling, outstanding DB compatible function such as Excel, Access data file, previous Formtec Pro6 data file and Editing and Printing various designs and different contents on one screen. All these useful functions are upgraded for better customer satisfaction.

  • Publisher: Formtec Korea Ltd.
  • Home page: www.formtec.net
  • Last updated: August 11th, 2017