Excel balanced score card in Title/Summary

Strategy2Act is a balanced score card (BSC) support software. It was designed to help building balanced score card. Balanced Scorecard is a conception that transforms strategy to action. Balanced Scorecard is a set of principles that facilitate the understanding of business strategy and goals.
- Publisher: AKS-Labs
- Home page: strategy2act.com
- Last updated: October 6th, 2009

Portrait Trading Card is a simple to use software that will help you get what you whant when you whant fast and easy. With its easy to use interface and user friendly concept build thisTrading Card Templates program will deliver your desired outcame with no trouble for you.
- Publisher: StoryRock Inc.
- Home page: www.mymemories.com
- Last updated: July 4th, 2015

Balanced Scorecard Designer
Balanced Scorecard is a control and executive corporate system that allows a company to develop an effective method by using not only a good measurement system, but by also paying attention to other aspects of business theory. Perform precise planning. According to Balanced Scorecard, the business needs to turn the strategic planning process into one of the key functions.
- Publisher: AKS-Labs
- Home page: www.bscdesigner.com
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011
Excel balanced score card in Description

500 Card Game From Special K Software
This program plays the popular card game of 500 with the benefits of playing through WINDOWS.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page: www.specialksoftware.com
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

EUCHRE Card Game From Special K
This program is recognised as playing the best game of the popular card game of EUCHRE with the benefits of playing through WINDOWS.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page: www.specialksoftware.com
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

Passing The Green Associate Exam is a required first step and covers the basics of the LEED Green Building Rating Systems. Manual contains 900 total sample questions in groups of 100. Questions Content Covers : Project Requirements, Costs ,Green Resources , Standards that support LEED Credit , Credit Interactions Credit Interpretation Rulings, Components of LEED Online and Project Registration.
- Publisher: CBS Interactive
- Last updated: April 9th, 2010

Sify.com - Cricket Desktop Scorecard
In India cricket is not just a game! It is worshiped, fought as the most fierce battle. It is the most enthusiastic game and a sign of pride for all the youngsters and with Sify.com - Cricket Desktop Scorecard you can create the the score card for the net geeks! who can't miss on the internet as well as cricket!
- Publisher: Sify Technologies Ltd
- Last updated: March 24th, 2011

Choose a balanced ration according to requirements, and validate it with ratios (dry matters/calories, Ca/P, Zn/Cu, etc.), manage your own horse feed list including technical characterics and prices, foresee the total feed requirments and related cost for the a certain time period ( week, month, year).
- Publisher: Cabalim
- Last updated: December 7th, 2010
Additional Excel balanced score card selection

Estelar - Excel to vCard & Outlook
Estelar - Excel to vCard & Outlook is a program that allows you to convert Excel contacts to vCard file format and import them to Outlook directly. The program also ensures that there will be no repetition when you are exporting the contacts. It is compatible with all versions of MS Excel and MS Outlook.
- Publisher: Estelar Software Inc.
- Home page: www.vCardTools.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

RecoveryTools Excel to vCard Converter
RecoveryTools Excel to vCard Converter is a simple-to-use tool meant to help convert Excel spreadsheets that contain lists of contacts with their related details to vCard VCF files that are better suited for storing this kind of data. This tool supports XLS, XLSX, and CSV files.
- Publisher: RecoveryTools
- Home page: www.recovery-tools.org
- Last updated: December 1st, 2014

The King
King is a challenging card game, belonging to a class of desktop, logical games. Your aim is to get as more score as you can, having to play against three partners. Each game of King as ten different hands, being six of them to negative points (your score goes down) and four for positives (your score goes up).
- Publisher: Trian Software
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008

Play this online version of the popular game Euchre. Try to take at least three tricks if you are the maker, or try to prevent the maker from taking three tricks. Be careful not to get euchred!
- Publisher: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire
- Home page: www.tams11.com
- Last updated: December 17th, 2011

DRPU Excel to vCard Converter
DRPU Excel to vCard Converter is a program that enables you to convert contacts list stored in Excel format into vCard files. You can easily migrate an unlimited number of contacts from an Excel contacts list into Compatible VCF vCard contacts for Windows.
- Publisher: DRPU Software Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page: www.drpusoftware.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

QPR ScoreCard
QPR Balanced Scorecard Solution offers rich strategy mapping, dashboarding, scorecarding, analysis and reporting functionality. It supports automated and manual data aggregation & entry, and offers powerful data consolidation functionality. QPR furthermore adds online collaboration through web forms, allowing users to add context to performance data, such as comments, ideas and documents.
- Publisher: QPR Oyj
- Last updated: July 31st, 2012

SKAT Card Game From Special K Software
This program plays the popular card game of SKAT with the benefits of playing through WINDOWS.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page: www.specialksoftware.com
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

SysInfoTools Excel to vCard Converter
Convert Excel to vCard format using advanced Excel to vCard Converter tool. Excel to VCF Converter can convert your Excel files to VCF format without causing any changes or damage. Try free demo version of this tool first.
- Publisher: SysInfoTools Software
- Home page: www.sysinfotools.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Keep track of your golf scores , handicap and game statistics with GolfMonitor. Print statistics as well as a score card for the course / tees to be played. ESC is automatically calculated and displayed as scores are entered.
- Publisher: Glendor Research Services Inc.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

StatDoctor™ golf software is a golf statistics, golf handicap, and golf game improvement program for the individual golfer to record, analyze, and improve their golf game. It helps you improve by providing detailed reports and graphs of your golf scores to illustrate where you are wasting strokes. The Software is available for both Macintosh and PC users.
- Publisher: ACI