Excel horse race betting free in Title/Summary

Race Betting Tips
Race Betting Tips allows you to evaluate it by running in free mode to see how it produced the best tips for each race and the results achieved by the best unique mathematical formula. This is a trail mode for you to test if it really produces a profit for you, and considering betting with real money.
- Publisher: The Horse Racing
- Home page: www.thehorseracing.com
- Last updated: May 19th, 2023

Tips For Online Horse Betting
Unlike betting and gambling in casinos in which people rely on sheer luck, horse betting is whole different story. There is information to be analyzed before making any decision or bets. Whether betting online or not, the same basic rules apply. Here are some tips that will definitely make sure that you reap the most out of the bets placed.
- Publisher: Horse Betting Tactics
- Last updated: February 17th, 2022

Grey Olltwit's Flat Race
Flat Race is a free horse race game where six horses battle it out over distances from 1200 metres to 3200 metres. You choose the horse and rider, the distance you want the race and how much you want to bet on your horse to win. You can play it now above in the free online version or you can download the free PC Windows version below. The free online version above is over 1200 metres.
- Publisher: Grey Olltwit
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018
Excel horse race betting free in Description

Auto Trading Fox
Auto Trading Fox (ATF) will allow you to fully automate some relatively simple but powerful horse race trading strategies on the Betfair exchange. This is achieved by setting up Betting Plans which are then attached to one or more horse racing events.
- Publisher: AutoTradingFox
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2014

Post Time Daily™
Post Time Daily can allow almost everyone to become a horse racing and handicapping expert. This tool uses best-industry methods like Ultimate Serra Sire Ratings and Gold Standard. This tool can load and print various types of race cards and analyze the data provided within.
- Publisher: Post Time Solutions, Inc.
- Home page: posttimedaily.com
- Last updated: May 16th, 2011

Horse Racing Simulation, LLC presents the ultimate horse racing handicapping/simulation tool. The SIM2WIN™ PC-Based proprietary computer program will allow both novice horse race fans and professional horse racing handicappers to simulate upcoming horse races at major racetracks in a virtual, full-screen, 3-D environment.
- Publisher: Horse Racing Simulations LLC
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012

Mario Time Race
Mario Time Race is free game designed for kids. The objective of the game is for players to race as quickly as possible through different dangerous levels while collecting coins. The sooner the players get to the Princess, the higher the scores will be.
- Publisher: Free Kids Games
- Last updated: October 29th, 2010

Weeny Free PDF to Excel Converter
Free PDF to Excel Converter is a free and easy-to-use PDF converter software to batch convert PDF document to Excel files. Just add PDF files to the list, select output format and directory, and click "Convert Now!" button to start converting. Free PDF to Excel Converter can convert to Excel document from encrypted PDF document.
- Publisher: Weeny Software
- Home page: www.weenysoft.com
- Last updated: December 24th, 2013
Additional Excel horse race betting free selection

Free Excel Viewer
Everyone needs to review Excel files and spreadsheets at point of time, but everyone might not have Microsoft Excel installed on their computer or laptops. The Free Excel Viewer is the perfect tool for such users. It allows users to view Excel files in any version of Excel. When Excel files are sent to multiple users, not everyone has the need to edit or make changes to the spreadsheet.
- Publisher: Media Freeware
- Home page: www.pdfexcelconverter.com
- Last updated: October 11th, 2019

TechnoRiver Free Barcode Component
This is a free barcode software that allows you to easily add Code39 and I2of5 bar codes to Windows documents like those from WordPad, Word and Excel. It is the free Edition of SmartCodeComponent. This barcode software component is available without any restrictions for personal use and for organizations that are non-profit or educational in nature.
- Publisher: TechnoRiver
- Home page: www.technoriversoft.com
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2013

Excel Reader
Excel Reader from FoxPDF lets you open, view Excel Xls,Xlsx and Rtf files as well as TXT files and it doesn't require Microsoft Excel. It can run as a desktop application in Windows.
- Publisher: FoxPDF Software Inc
- Home page: www.foxpdf.com
- Last updated: March 13th, 2013

FairBot is interactive trading tool built for users of the Betfair betting exchange. FairBot provides real time charting of market price trends using several available price movement charts. It allows you to trade on multiple markets simultaneously and the Ladder interface makes betting and trading on selections easy.
- Publisher: Binteko Software
- Home page: www.binteko.com
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

Free Excel/Xls to Pdf Converter
Excel/Xls to Pdf Converter is perfect for anyone .It is a convenient and easy converting documents to pdf tool, which can convert different document formats to pdf in batches once with the fast way. It can convert xls, xlsx, xlsm, txt, htm, html to pdf format. After converting, the content of the file can retain the original layout. No other software like it has the combining function.
- Publisher: Word-Pdf-Convert Software, Inc.
- Last updated: July 17th, 2011

Xlsx Viewer Free
XLSX Viewer Free (download) is a completely free solution for recovering Microsoft Excel files which are corrupt or damaged in any other way. It allows for fast and easy recovery and the prevention of the loss of your important data. The software works by scanning the chosen Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, retrieving all of the information it can from the cells.
- Publisher: Recovery Toolbox, Inc.
- Last updated: June 6th, 2011

BIR Excel Uploader
BIR Excel Uploader is a free program that enables you to generate DAT files for BIR Relief and Alphalist Data Entry System. This tool acts as a bridge between Microsoft Excel and BIR Relief or Alphalist Data Entry, shares resources and you can access their database directly to insert data by importing or uploading Excel files.
- Publisher: BIR Excel Uploader
- Last updated: February 19th, 2014

Abstract Micro Systems Erlang Library for Excel
Abstract Micro Systems Erlang Library for Excel is an Excel Add-In that makes Erlang functions available in your Excel workbooks. Main features: - Free download, no registration - Easy to install and use - Detailed help system - 15 worksheet functions to perform common staffing and trunking calculations in call centers
- Publisher: Abstract Micro Systems
- Last updated: July 10th, 2014

BetMarket Trader
BetMarket Trader is a comprehensive program designed for Betfair betting, bet trading and arbitraging. The program enables you to predict odds movement by using the included useful indicators. It also has the ability to place Lay bets as stake or as liability.
- Publisher: BetGrail Software
- Home page: betgrail.com
- Last updated: July 17th, 2014

Neurax Pro
Multiple regression and neural network systems usually look at individual horses . one at a time. In contrast, Neurax Pro uses proprietary Simulated Annealing Technology. in a more global approach where the race is analyzed as a whole taking into account all horse interactions simultaneously. Thus, Neurax Pro provides a level of analysis that other handicapping products cannot.
- Publisher: Bloodstock Research Information Services Inc
- Last updated: December 24th, 2009