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Excel to monitor activities in Title/Summary

Network Monitor !

Network Monitor !

Network Monitor ! software will Monitor your network activities and also details. When you right click On Network Monitor icon you will see a menu that you can change setting and send commands to software from there . When you right click on graph , you can set transparency of graph from 50 to 100 percents .

  • Publisher: P R I X I - S O F T
Social Monitor

Social Monitor

Social Monitor provides the complete data on the recent social activities related to your child. With Social Monitor you can discover your child's contacts, and then define if those relation are harmless or safe. The Social Monitor will help you to understand your child's interests and hobbies better. It will help you to build trust relationships and overcome any obstacles in communications.

  • Publisher: SecuritySupervisor
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
PCMate Free Folder Monitor

PCMate Free Folder Monitor

PCMate Free Folder Monitor is a cross-platform free folder monitor that automatically records all activities of all the folders including subfolders for newly added/deleted/changed files in real-time. This free file monitor also has the ability to monitor any kind of execution of a program with access to full installation.

  • Publisher: PCMateFreeSystemCare Inc.
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2015

Excel to monitor activities in Description

Operations Dashboard

Operations Dashboard

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS is a program that provides a common view of the systems and resources you manage. You can monitor activities and events, track your field work force, and assess the status and performance of your daily operations. You can also create and share operation views that include maps, lists, charts and gauges.

  • Publisher: ESRI
  • Home page: www.esri.com
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2017


Track how you spend your time on the computer. TimeSprite records the title of the active window on your computer. It groups and summarizes the data to produce a report of how you spent your time.

  • Publisher: Black Hill Software
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2009
Nexeye Network Monitor

Nexeye Network Monitor

It provides all the essential tools; you will need to monitor the network. With this monitoring application, you can monitor network activities of all the network users, web sites and web addresses. In fact you categorize MSN messenger activities as per user, date and time, content and so on.

  • Publisher: Nexeye Software
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2008
Activity Reporter

Activity Reporter

Activity Reporter has proved to be an effective, robust and user friendly software. In today's scenario, Data Security is a major concern for all Corporates to keep competitors at bay so that they should not be able to get hold of any critical information which would bring all the hard efforts to naught. You can use this software to monitor the activities of the computer.

  • Publisher: Unistal Systems Pvt. Ltd
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2012
Activities and Priorities

Activities and Priorities

Activities and Priorities (AAP) shows what is the most important now to keep your life balanced and successful. AAP balances equally and vitally important things like work, health, relationships, main life goals.

  • Publisher: Vadim Motorine
  • Last updated: February 17th, 2010

Additional Excel to monitor activities selection



NetWorx is a powerful tool for monitoring Internet connection. It can collect usage statistics, monitor connection quality and speed, identify the sources of network problems, help you stay within ISP limits, and reveal suspicious network activity.

TreeSize Professional

TreeSize Professional

TreeSize lets you visualize the space usage of your storage system using charts. It can scan Windows folders, FTP, WebDAV, and SharePoint servers, mobile devices, Amazon S3, and also Unix/Linux systems via SSH. You can see the size of all folders including sub-folders and break it down to the file level.

  • Publisher: Joachim Marder, JAM Software
  • Home page: www.jam-software.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


RescueTime is a small yet useful utility that will help you monitor and control how you spend your time, in order to show your productivity by means of statistic graphics that will be displayed on a web interface. It lets you see how much time you are spending on the computer, without having to keep time sheets or manual logs.

Network Traffic Monitor

Network Traffic Monitor

This is an excellent tool for all technical freaks and computer network related professionals. It is an amazing program named Network Traffic Monitor. Very quickly it informs its user about all the ongoing threads and processes on the client’s machine that cause or are responsible for the traffic generated on the network.

  • Publisher: Nico Cuppen Software
  • Home page: www.nicocuppen.com
  • Last updated: January 1st, 2010


AccessBase is the programming environment that allows you to fully utilize all of the features and benefits of your Linear access control system. AccessBase is a distributed database program. Each node located within a network contains the necessary information in order to make decisions.

  • Publisher: Linear
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Recoveryfix Employee Activity Monitor

Recoveryfix Employee Activity Monitor

RecoveryFix Employee Activity Monitor software is an employee monitoring tool which helps to monitor activities of your employees in a network. Suitable for your Business, Home, Organization where you can easily monitor and save activities of your employees, children, spouse and others.

Windows Spy Keylogger

Windows Spy Keylogger

Windows Spy Keylogger is the free software to help you covertly monitor all activities on your computer. It intercepts everything that is typed on keyboard and stores into one log file which you can view it anytime later. You can track logins, passwords, emails, chats and all other secret things typed by the user.



The NetGraph – network monitor 2.0 is a software network-monitoring program that enables users to see at a glance the activities on their networks including the volumes of traffic with four simple graph mode indicators. The program works on any Windows’ network connection and NetGraph – network monitor 2.0’s four modes include 2 snapshot modes and 2 graph modes.

  • Publisher: Nikola Dachev
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008
Chily Employee Activity Monitor

Chily Employee Activity Monitor

Chily Employee Monitoring software is an employee monitoring tool which helps to monitor activities of your employees in a network. Suitable for your Business, Home, Organization where you can easily monitor and save activities of your employees, children, spouse and others.

Power Spy

Power Spy

Power Spy secretly logs Facebook use, keystrokes, chats, emails, websites, microphone and more. It takes screenshots like a surveillance camera. It displays exact activity, like Facebook, games, online searches, shopping records and webmails.