Excel trip expense manager in Title/Summary

Excel Trip Expense Manager
Excel Trip Expense Manager is an Excel utility for managing business trip expenses. The program is designed to be an extremely useful tool for those who go on business trips frequently and want to keep track of their business trip expenses systematically.
- Publisher: Vonixx
- Last updated: August 17th, 2010

Auto Expense Manager
Auto Expense Manger is used to track vehicle expenses and trip data for multiple vehicles. It can track all auto trips and expenses , business or personal. The vehicle trip entries and expense entries have a field to denote whether it is business related. Tracks an unlimited number of vehicles, trips and expenses.
- Publisher: TurboSystemsCo
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009

Quicken Medical Expense Manager
With Quicken Medical Expense Manager: - Organizes your medical history and expenses on your PC - Makes it easy to manage medical bills, prescriptions, and insurance statements - Helps ensure you don’t pay more in medical expenses than you have to - Keeps your medical information in one easy-to-access place - Works with all health plans
- Publisher: Intuit
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Excel trip expense manager in Description

Vehicle Expense Manager
Vehicle Expense Manager is a software designed for traveling sales people, consultants, delivery, trucking, road trips, vacations etc. With this software you can browse Auto Clubs, alist that contains the name of the club and other information. Also you can browse Services:this window lists all services available by service type/service description.
- Publisher: Marr Software
- Home page: www.marrsoftware.com
- Last updated: March 13th, 2012

Vehicle Manager for Windows Mobile Pocket PC
Track all your vehicle data, expenses, repairs, maintenance, and trips. Calculate fuel economy, consumption, cost of ownership and more.
- Publisher: iambic, Inc.
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

The Truckers Helper
The Truckers Helper is a trucking software that helps you with all aspects of driving, owning and managing of trucking business. The program offers quick and easy access to all the forms and reports you need. To save your time, the trip sheet allows you to enter all of your trip, mileage and expense information using the familiar trip sheet format.
- Publisher: The Truckers Helper, LLC.
- Home page: www.truckershelper.com
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

Excel Expense Report Template Software
Create expense report templates in MS Excel. Excel 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2010

TripLogik Manager is a PC application designed to make the translation of trips into a filtered report as painless and as automated as possible. Developed with real users in mind and subjected to a series of lengthy practical evaluations by a diverse range of users, TripLogik Manager has been optimised for Trip Reporting and ease of use.
- Publisher: Cougar Innovations
- Last updated: April 19th, 2012
Additional Excel trip expense manager selection

MM4XL - Marketing Manager for Excel
MM4XL is a comprehensive collection of business analysis software tools used to make professional strategic management decisions. In MM4XL software you will find lots of marketing examples, detailed explanations of management theories, and a comprehensive suite of strategic management software tools all in one single Excel add-in.
- Publisher: MarketingStat GmbH
- Last updated: March 29th, 2012

OfficeOne Shortcut Manager for Excel
Shortcut Manager for Excel enables you to define your own keyboard shortcuts to menu items and recorded macros, define shortcuts to password protected VBA macros, define shortcuts to commands that aren't available directly through the Excel User Interface.
- Publisher: OfficeOne
- Last updated: December 7th, 2011

TripLogik Manager
TripLogik Manager is a program designed to help you with the translation and management of trips into a filtered. You can easily upload records from the GPS Mileage logger to this application. It automatically identifies the location of the start and end of each journey. The route of each trip can be viewed in Google Maps or Google Earth.
- Publisher: TripLogik , Cougar Innovations
- Home page: triplogik.com
- Last updated: September 18th, 2016

GoVenture Financial Literacy
GoVenture Financial Literacy is a realistic simulator designed to help youth and adults learn about personal money-management decisions in a fun and educational manner. You can Establish your life plan, enter your financial information such as job, budget, home, transportation, and living expenses, and then live your financial future for up to 10 years.
- Publisher: MediaSpark Inc.
- Last updated: April 29th, 2015

Budget Organizer Deluxe
Budget Manager Deluxe is a simple database management software that helps you manage any list of planned expenses and actual costs. You can plan and manage spending for exhibition shows, small business projects, small cash flow budgets, business trips, personal or business renovations, wedding events, etc.
- Publisher: PRIMASOFT PC, INC.
- Last updated: July 13th, 2022

Expense Sheet Manager
This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program that creates professional and complete business/travel expense reports. It's ideal for small or home-based businesses as a recordof expenses for reimbursement, accounting, or tax purposes. The colorful, easy-t...
- Publisher: Microsheet Systems
- Last updated: April 9th, 2008

Expense and Income Manager Software
Keep track of income and expenses. Export results to Excel if needed.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2014

Excel Invoice Manager
Microsoft Excel provides comprehensive data formatting, calculation, reporting and analysis facilities, so many people use it as an invoice creator. However, Excel is a general-purpose desktop tool, but not specialized to store, organize, and manage large amount of data. Excel Invoice Manager combines the advantages of Excel and back-end databases, and let them do what they are best at: using an Excel template to create, calculate invoices and reports, using a back-end database to store and manage all persistent data like customers, products, invoices and payments. The invoice template included is completely free and can be used standalone to create invoices. This means all calculation is done by the invoice template itself, and all Excel tools are available to you for customizing invoices and reports, such as customizing fonts, colors, terms, even formulas for calculating taxes. Yes, without leaving your familiar Excel, you can create very own professional looking invoices! The Excel Invoice Manager COM add-in connects the template to back-end databases, and greatly improves the way you handle invoices. All invoice data are stored in databases, and indexed and organized for fast searching and reporting. The same is true for all customer, product and payment data. Just within one Fill In The Blank invoice form provided by the invoice template, you can complete all tasks related to invoices, such as creating, searching, editing and removing/voiding customers, products, invoices and payments. By simply clicking a button, the generated invoice/reports will be extracted as a standalone workbook, and you can email it out, do some formatting, or save it to other formats, such as HTML, XML, or even PDF (with appropriate add-in). The possibilities are endless -- Thanks to your powerful Excel!
- Publisher: OFFICE-KIT.COM
- Home page: www.office-kit.com
- Last updated: February 19th, 2013

Project Manager for Excel
Project Manager for Excel is an application written for Microsoft Excel that simplifies project planning, tracking and management. It provides a method for prioritizing, assigning, dating and tracking all the tasks associated with your various projects.
- Publisher: DJI Computer Solutions
- Home page: www.djicomputer.com
- Last updated: March 5th, 2009

MapSource - Trip and Waypoint Manager Asian
Make trip planning simple for your next outdoor adventure with MapSource Trip and Waypoint Manager. This computer software allows you to transfer waypoints, routes and tracks between your Garmin device and your computer. For reference, Trip and Waypoint Manager provides general worldwide maps that include interstates, motorways, political boundaries.
- Publisher: GARMIN International, Inc.
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012