Expenses manager in Title/Summary

Expenses Manager
The Expenses Manager makes it easy to analyze home expenses and find savings in home budget. The program has ability to create your own set of product categories arranged in a tree structure and perform detailed analysis of a specified branch of products from a specified time range.
- Publisher: Jordan Szwejda
- Home page: expenses.szwejda.com
- Last updated: November 13th, 2011

Purchasing Manager
Purchasing Manager will help you control and analyze expenses by equipment and department. You can create new categories, add new vendors, add new purchased items from menus and buttons throughout the program. You can print complete inventory listings for auditing and verifying on-hand quantities.
- Publisher: TedSoft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Personal Finance Manager
Personal Finance Manager is an application that helps you calculate your income and expenses. It allows you to set up accounts for recording transaction and budget information. The program also allows you to create a backup copy of a database or to restore any transaction that has been deleted. Several graphical reports will show how your finances are doing compared to the budgeted values.
- Publisher: Canopus-Ware
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Expenses manager in Description

iCash is a software intended to control your personal finance, keeping track of incomes, expenses, credits, debts and Banks transactions for you. As simple as creating the accounts you need and move money between them!
- Publisher: Max Programming, S.L.
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Abassis Finance Manager
Manage your budget and your financial state with Abassis Finance Manager. In very few and simple steps, you will be able to have an accurate knowledge of your incomes, expenses, accounts and transactions, being able to reduce expenses and decide how you can improve your money management. A powerful home tool for your daily life which will make it much easier.
- Publisher: SmartMedia Informatica
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

Vehicle Manager for Windows Mobile Pocket PC
Track all your vehicle data, expenses, repairs, maintenance, and trips. Calculate fuel economy, consumption, cost of ownership and more.
- Publisher: iambic, Inc.
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

Ace Contact Manager
ACE Contact Manager CRM Scheduler - 7.1.74 helps scheduling events and tasks for customer and to PLAN the Opportunity, manage documents for each contacts, manage expenses for each contacts and manage Links between contacts, innovate your business
- Publisher: SSGINDIA US Inc
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Softronix BizTalk
Biz talk is an Electronic Manager of all sort of business of mobile franchise, electronic and home appliances. Developed after an experience of 10 years of developing business applications BizTalk is a state of the art product that monitors your business so closely that most of the hidden expenses and losses are now the story of past.
- Publisher: Softronix (Pvt) Limited
- Last updated: November 14th, 2011
Additional Expenses manager selection

Easy Cash Manager
Easy Cash Manager is a simple book-keeping program. You can use the program to keep records of your incomes and expenses. Easy Cash Manager is meant for people who just want to manage their financial stuff without having to read three books "Excel for beginners" before they know how to.
- Publisher: Moor Computer Productions
- Home page: www.petermoor.nl
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2017

Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.
- Publisher: Tonec Inc.
- Home page: www.internetdownloadmanager.com
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Vehicle Fleet Manager
Designed to service large fleets, small fleets, and everything in between, our fleet management solution will track vehicle and driver statistics, maintenance records, fuel stats, and more.
- Publisher: Vinity Soft inc.
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

IBM Rational Portfolio Manager
IBM Rational® Portfolio Manager software integrates project and portfolio management to help you put your business strategies into practice. Using the Rational Portfolio Manager application, you can align your business priorities, processes and people into one cohesive environment for a comprehensive view of your existing and proposed IT investments.
- Publisher: IBM Corp.
- Home page: www.ibm.com
- Last updated: July 10th, 2008

Autodesk App Manager
Compatible with AutoCAD and most components of its suite of products (Electrical, Mechanical, Architecture, MEP, and Civil 3D), Autodesk App Manager is a free add-on that will help you manage all apps installed for your version of AutoCAD. It will tell you if the app is up to date or if a new version or update has become available. You can uninstall any App from here and even rate it, if you wish.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: February 13th, 2017

SugarSync Manager
Automatically access and share your photos, videos, and files in any folder. Whether it’s to collaborate on team projects, distribute view-only files, or simply post links to documents on the cloud, you have complete control over how you share your files.
- Publisher: SugarSync, Inc.
- Home page: www1.sugarsync.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

Motorola Device Manager
Motorola Device Manager contains USB drivers and software to connect your Motorola phone or tablet to your computer using a USB cable. For certain Android-powered devices, Motorola Device Manager can also update your software. Mac (Mac OS 10.5+) and Windows (XP+) versions of the app available to download.
- Publisher: Motorola Mobility
- Home page: support.motorola.com
- Last updated: June 25th, 2020

HTC Sync Manager
HTC Sync Manager is a free application for your computer that makes it easy to sync all of your media to and from your PC with your HTC phone. You can also sync all of your contacts, calendar events, bookmarks and documents. Once synced, you can easily manage and organize the content.
- Publisher: HTC Corporation
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

FinitySoft Memory Manager
FinitySoft Memory Manager is a software program that helps you optimize the memory of your computer. FinitySoft Memory Manager has a highly technological and powerful optimization engine that boosts your system performance by bringing back that memory you have lost during the so called memory leaks.
- Publisher: FinitySoft
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Expense Sheet Manager
This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program that creates professional and complete business/travel expense reports. It's ideal for small or home-based businesses as a recordof expenses for reimbursement, accounting, or tax purposes. The colorful, easy-t...
- Publisher: Microsheet Systems
- Last updated: April 9th, 2008