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F-secure status widget shows in Title/Summary

Stay Secure

Stay Secure

Keep your eye on the security of popular Web browsers.This widget shows the security status of the latest versions of IE, Firefox, Opera and Safari. The bars represent how dangerous is the worst unfixed hole (not the number of holes) - the lower a bar, the better security. The data about the vulnerabilities is loaded from Secunia site. It's refreshed once per hour.

  • Publisher: Opera Software
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2010
Batman Widget

Batman Widget

A little Widget inspired by an idea in the forums. BatMan is a free widget that basically displays smileys according to the battery's status. Launching this Widget on a computer with no battery installed will result in the Widget running in the background, but not displaying.

  • Publisher: K9calamity
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
i-concerts Widget (Beta)

i-concerts Widget (Beta)

Keep it on your desktop, share it with your friends, post clips from live shows on Facebook, My Space and elsewhere, bookmark your favorites! Find out about new concerts or new songs of your favorite artist with a little help from the i-concerts wirget.

  • Publisher: Transmedia Communications
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

F-secure status widget shows in Description

Notebook Hardware Control

Notebook Hardware Control

Network Hardware Control allows you to monitor in real time the hardware's performance of your Laptop. It monitors CPU clock, CPU load, CPU temperature, HD temperature, battery charge, battery charge rate, and RAM status. You can change the monitoring time interval and choose different profiles for AC line and battery operation. The information is shown in three ways: GUI, desktop, and status bar.

  • Publisher: Manfred Jaider
  • Home page: www.pbus-167.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


UDPort captures the modem signals from PS-TOOLS panel programming software. In UDPORT.exe the user enters the main IP address of the VisorALARM receiver, the UDP port to use, username and password. The application has several indicators that let you know the system status.

  • Publisher: Honeywell
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Undelete 360

Undelete 360

Undelete 360 is tool that allows users to recover their deleted data. If you've accidentally deleted some important files or you have deleted files that you thought you had no use for, then Undelete 360 is the perfect solution for your problems. The interface is easy-to-use and it will efficiently guide you through the recovery process.

Mobile TCP

Mobile TCP

Software for forwarding server connections to the correct server, made for people traveling with a laptop, connecting to different networks. Most used for forwarding SMTP connections from your mail program to the correct SMTP server.

  • Publisher: Klocktornet AB
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
JPEG Collager

JPEG Collager

JPEG Collager is a JPEG (and BMP) viewer which shows each image in a window without any border. The best way to see how it works is to play with it a bit, but here is a summary of use. To create collages, you may want to first create a new window, set the color to your preference, and maximize it.

Additional F-secure status widget shows selection

imagePROGRAF Status Monitor

imagePROGRAF Status Monitor

The program represents an application that monitors the status of the printer and manages print jobs. The Status Monitor contains two screens: the 'Printer List' lists the printers, and the 'Status Monitor' shows the specific details about each printer.

  • Publisher: Canon Inc.
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2016
MicroRidge - ComTestSerial

MicroRidge - ComTestSerial

ComTestSerial helps establish communication between your serial device and your application. This tool supports all of the commonly used communication parameters and displays all characters including control and extended characters. The LED status indicators shows state of handshake lines and display parameters.

  • Publisher: MicroRidge Systems
  • Home page: www.microridge.com
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2013
HART Analyzer

HART Analyzer

HART Analyzer is a tool to monitor the HART protocol between field devices and your PC. It used Hart Communication Protocol for the communication. If the device is connected, you can use Send Command to communicate with the device. If you select bytes, the status bar shows you the converted bytes as a string or a number.

  • Publisher: HART Analyzer
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2016
VAT - Control Performance Analyzer

VAT - Control Performance Analyzer

Using this software, basic functions like “setup of controller”, “open valve”, “close valve”, “learn”, “up- download of learned data” can be executed, and many convenient functions like “monitoring pressure/position”, “analysis of pressure control performance”, “communication monitor”, etc. are available.

  • Publisher: VAT Vakuumventile AG
  • Home page: www.vatvalve.com
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2017


EyeOnSite is a tool that keeps an eye on your servers to see if they are accessible on the net. The services monitored are http, ftp, smtp and pop3. Incorporated are visual and audible alerts and option to launch an application or send an email.



HERB.IQ can be used by Medical Marijuana patients and caregivers to track all aspects of your grow environment, clones, seeds, plants, flowering schedules, systems, resevoirs, breeding projects, budget, etc. Status screen shows you a quick view of everything current, detailed view screen shows all aspects of a plants growth progress.

  • Publisher: HERB.IQ
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


dotIRC (.IRC) is an IRC client with options that allow the user a complete customization of its appearance, in order to be adapted to the user´s tastes. Its wide range of possibilities allows to find the proper layout even for the most demanding users. Besides, it includes its own completely functional Web Browser and File Explorer which are opened on their own internal tabs.

  • Publisher: JoHeR
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2008
Battery Status

Battery Status

Battery Status is an application that allows you to obtain information about the battery charge, power, CPU speed, CPU load, CPU temperature, and hard disk temperature. Additionally, you can change the power scheme, turn off the screen, standby, or hibernate the computer.

  • Publisher: Thomasm M. Talpey
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2012
Canon Quick Menu

Canon Quick Menu

this program gives you access to the main functions of your Canon printer in an easy way. shows shortcuts to different functions in two arms forming an L-shape. It also has an expanded view with all your printer's functions sorted by categories. If you have a Canon printer, this program will be useful for you.

  • Publisher: Canon Inc.
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2020


Vuze is a download tool that uses bit torrent, a protocol specifically designed to transfer large files without the need of storing them on an online server. Moreover, this application supports media playback and conversion as well as magnet file links. Vuze’s interface is rather similar to those of other bit torrent clients; however, in my opinion, it’s much more attractive.

  • Publisher: Azureus Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2020