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Falcon knx windev in Title/Summary

NETxAutomation KNX OPC Server

NETxAutomation KNX OPC Server

Moreover, it is possible to add additional control functionality, that is not available in the KNX system. For this, server tasks, timers, response events and scripts are available. Through its powerful and scalable server engine, the NETx KNX OPC Server is a reliable standard solution for every KNX project.

  • Publisher: NETxAutomation
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2016
MatrikonOPC Server for KNX

MatrikonOPC Server for KNX

The KNX OPC Server from MatrikonOPC provides secure and reliable real-time data access between all KNX and any OPC-enabled applications such as Historians, HMIs, and SCADA ...etc. This KNX OPC Server securely communicates over Ethernet (EIBnet/IP or KNXnet/IP) to all KNX devices on the building automation networks to maximize your control over the Building Management System.



The KNX ENO Tool software can be used to configure the Links between various EnOcean-Sensors and the KNX/EIB EnOcean-Gateway KNX ENO 620/622. The device configuration of the Gateway can be read, modified, exported and saved back to either the same or another Gateway. EnOcean Bus Monitor showing the EnOcean Telegrams send over the KNX Bus.

  • Publisher: Weinzierl Engineering GmbH
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

Falcon knx windev in Description

NETxKNX OPC Server - Direct (KNX)

NETxKNX OPC Server - Direct (KNX)

NETxKNX OPC Server is a system that allows the control and - in connection with an applicable OPC client - the visualization of small KNX plants. It builds a connection between the world of KNX and other systems. The experience and the know-how out of the large projects were used during developing the large amount of small systems.

Crysis - HaptX Mod

Crysis - HaptX Mod

The HaptX Mod makes Crysis® compatible with the multi-awarded Falcon game controller. The Falcon game controller allows the player to feel complex recoils, explosions, weight of objects, enemy fire, and much more, making the Mod for Crysis one of the most exciting games for the Falcon this fall.

  • Publisher: Reachin Technologies AB
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2010


WINDEV allows you to develop major projects easily in Windows, Linux, .NET, Java, and other technologies. It works with various databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, xBase, and SQLite. WINDEV is also linked to all the databases that include an ODBC driver of an OLEDB provider.

  • Publisher: PC SOFT
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2017


RCTools is a powerful and easy to use PC suite that helps you during test, development and deployment of the Radiocrafts modules. The RCTools includes stand alone applications running under windows .Net Framework. Main features: - Embedded KNX RF protocol with KNX-RF Multi specification. - Received Signal Strength Information (RSSI) - Supports unidirectional and bidirectional devices



FalconLobby is an authorized AddOn for Falcon 4.0 Allied Force which was created to support the multiplayer experience. FalconLobby retrieves the list of currently active game servers and imports that list into the Falcon "phone book" (the list of game servers shown on the MultiPlayer/Internet screen).

  • Publisher: Dave Calkins
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2012

Additional Falcon knx windev selection

Falcon C++

Falcon C++

Programmers need specialized applications to help them reduce their time and effort when coding programs. Falcon C++ is one of these applications. It incorporates C++ programming language along with powerful means to write code for apps, and debug and run them through a compiler.

  • Publisher: Francimar, Marcos Castro de Souza
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2014


KNX ETS5 5.7.1428.39779

  • Publisher: KNX
  • Home page: my.knx.org
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2015


Falcon pings your web sites in a special way on a regular basis and tells you what is going on. You can set several degrees of warnings and you can also share your experiences by uploading your results to our database.

  • Publisher: Caracolix Media
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2012
WinDev Express

WinDev Express

WinDev Express is an integrated development environment. Main features: - 17 full examples, - 149 unit examples, - 66 training examples, - 4 discovery examples, - Quick development features, - Unlimited operating mode, - Total integration of your existing source code, - High-quality GUI.

  • Publisher: PC SOFT
  • Home page: www.windev.com
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2017
WinDev Mobile

WinDev Mobile

WINDEV Mobile is a program designed for developing applications for Tablets and Smartphones (Windows 8 RT, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, Android, iOS iPhone/iPad). The program includes modules such as documentation generator (analysis, program), analysis generator (UML, Merise) and trade component generator.

  • Publisher: PC SOFT
  • Home page: www.windev.com
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2020
WinDev Mobile Express

WinDev Mobile Express

WinDev Mobile Express is a program that enables you to develop mobile applications using advanced features. It lets you easily create new shared applications (through Windows, the Internet, the Intranet) that increase the responsiveness and the rentability of companies. You can take advantage of the expanding market: tracking, logistics, GPS, CRM, Supply chain management, Planning, Bar codes.

  • Publisher: PC SOFT
  • Home page: www.windev.com
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2012
Falcon BMS

Falcon BMS

Falcon BMS (F4) is a combat flight simulator. It models the Lockheed-Martin F-16C Block 50/52 in a full-scale war on the Korean Peninsula. F4 has been popular among combat sim pilots due to its dynamic war campaign engine, detailed aircraft avionics, and multi-player capabilities.

F-16 Fighting Falcon FSX P3D

F-16 Fighting Falcon FSX P3D

The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is a multirole fighter developed by the United States. F-16 Fighting Falcon FSX P3D is an add-on for FSXand P3D simulators. This add-on features afterburner effects and animated parts, and also custom sounds, gauges, virtual cockpit, HUD and 2D Panel.

  • Publisher: Kirk Olsson
  • Home page: www.rikoooo.com
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2015
Aerosoft's - F-16 Fighting Falcon

Aerosoft's - F-16 Fighting Falcon

The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a multirole jet fighter build by General Dynamics for the US Air Force. The lightweight fighter became the ubiquities fighter as it was exported to 25 nations and a record breaking production of over 4,400 aircraft. Updated every decade it remains the basic fighter for nations worldwide.

  • Publisher: aerosoft
  • Last updated: February 7th, 2010
Falcon Proxy

Falcon Proxy

Falcon Proxy is a Google Chrome extension that can lets you change proxy servers easily. You can set a number of proxy servers with their port numbers, usernames, and passwords in this addon. For changing the proxy, just select them from its dropdown list.

  • Publisher: Lyric Wai
  • Home page: chrome-stats.com
  • Last updated: August 5th, 2022