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Fast keyboard typing guide ppt in Title/Summary

Fast Rabbit Typing

Fast Rabbit Typing

15 categories of practice, 3 difficulty levels, and 5 game play modes to help with typing practice. Improve speed and accuracy with Fast Rabbit Typing. Teachers and parents can collect results of practice across the school or home network using FRS Score Collector.

  • Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2009
Fast Weight Loss Guide

Fast Weight Loss Guide

Fast Weight Loss Guide is a simple 9-page eBook with everything you need to know about losing weight without risking your health. The book is easy to read, and contains no fluff and filler. You'll learn what foods to eat, how to plan and more.

  • Publisher: Be Slimmer Weight Loss
  • Last updated: November 13th, 2009
Keyboard Booster

Keyboard Booster

This software utility allows you to save time and boost everyday keyboard typing.The main boost option is automatic replacement text in any program to your phrases by your short keys (short keywords). Just type your short key, for example "link1", and this text will be automatic replace to your text, for example "http://wwww.sarbash.com", which you can add to this short key in KeyBooster.

  • Publisher: SARBASH Lab.
  • Home page: www.sarbash.com
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2010

Fast keyboard typing guide ppt in Description

Better Typing Demo

Better Typing Demo

Better Typing Demo is a program that will help you to type on your keyboard efficiently, by using all your ten fingers and without looking at the keyboard. It will show you the right position of each finger, and which finger you should move to press each letter. All that you need is watch carefully and learn the correct moves for each finger.



ScreenDoors 2000 - the leading on-screen keyboard software for Windows. Instead of pushing keys on a real keyboard, simply point and click on a picture of a keyboard on your computer screen. ScreenDoors 2000 acts just like the real keyboard typing directly into any application. A list of predicted words actually guesses what you are typing to help speed entry.

  • Publisher: Madentec Limited
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Freedom Scientific MAGic Keyboard

Freedom Scientific MAGic Keyboard

The MAGic Large Print Keyboard provides low vision users an easy-to-read keyboard designed to enhance the MAGic and JAWS experience. Twenty-two dedicated MAGic keys make learning and using MAGic easier than ever. Bold, high-contrast keys provide fast, accurate typing with less eye fatigue.

  • Publisher: Freedom Scientific
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2016


ProEZNC is a reliable, no-frills, low cost, simple and easy to use RS232 dnc software program that has been specifically designed for communicating with a whole variety of different CNC machine tools. Its main features are its extreme ease of use for shop-floor personnel, with its large fonts and simple two button operation.

  • Publisher: ProEZNC communications
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2012
Password Breaker

Password Breaker

Password Breaker is a unique application that can attempt to brute force into any password protected application by simulating keyboard typing. It allows customizable character lists of small/capital alphabets, digits, symbols and space. Character repition can be toggled ON/OFF.

  • Publisher: Maxotek
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2012

Additional Fast keyboard typing guide ppt selection

KP Typing Tutor

KP Typing Tutor

KP typing tutor is an easy-to-use yet effective typing tutor program which reduces the tediousness of learning how to type on a keyboard accurately and with great speed. It does this by providing a variety of methods which keep the interest of the user, including lessons involving simple key sequences for beginners and full paragraph writing practice, based on the "Alice in Wonderland".

  • Publisher: Fonlow IT
  • Home page: www.fonlow.com
  • Last updated: July 25th, 2008


If you happen to write texts in different languages and, most of all, using different alphabets on a regular basis, KDWin can help you switch between keyboard layouts in the simplest and most convenient way. This tiny free tool offers you two shortcuts to change your standard layout to any two of the 24 virtual keyboards available for a wide range of languages.



TypingTutorial 5 is a shareware we can download in two ways from the developer's website with and without installation (the file size stated is for the second one). The keyboard layout can be in English,German, Swiss, Russian, Czech, Slovak, etc. The company is willing to provide new layouts for other languages if we contact them. The download trial version has 15 free typing lessons.

Multiicon E2H Character Converter

Multiicon E2H Character Converter

This program lets you transliterate English texts into Marathi in a very easy way. You only need to open a new document and start writing the words or sentences you want to convert, and the program will start doing so automatically. The program is also very affordable, although it is aimed at a limited public.

  • Publisher: Multiicon
  • Home page: www.multiicon.in
  • Last updated: February 19th, 2016


VerseQ touch typing tutor, a new step in touch-typing technology. Yes, you can touch type in an hour! Check for yourself!

  • Publisher: VerseQ team
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019
Arabic Typing Tutor Software

Arabic Typing Tutor Software

This program lets you learn how to type in Arab using a step-by-step method. It features lessons, practices, tests and games. It can be used by different learners providing that each create a user account. It has a very nice interface and s easy to use. If you want to learn how to type in Arab, then you may want to try this program.

  • Publisher: PCfone, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2010
Soppi Marathi

Soppi Marathi

Soppi Marathi is a free application that allows you to change your keyboard language. For typing on websites, social websites like Facebook, email services like Gmail, etc. right-click on and select “Keyboard” as “Fast Phonetic”, “Font Type” as “Marathi Unicode” and simply point your cursor in a text area and start typing in Marathi or Hindi.

Ten Thumbs

Ten Thumbs

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor is an excellent application that, as its own name suggests, will guide you through fun and practical lessons in order to perfect your typing skills; it doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an expert typist, a child or an adult, with this program for the whole family, everybody will enjoy and learn to type in a faster way.

GS Typing Tutor

GS Typing Tutor

GS Typing Tutor is a comprehensive application that includes all the necessary tools to improve your typing speed and accuracy. It helps you learn how to touch type by offering you effective typing lessons, entertaining typing games, and many handy additional tools, features and functions.

TypeFaster Typing Tutor

TypeFaster Typing Tutor

Typing Tutor is a simple, but effective piece of software which teaches keyboard skills, designed primarily for use in schools and colleges, however it is well suited to home, University, and also comercial use. This free typing tutor teaches you how to touch-type. Once you can touch-type you will not need to look at the keyboard to find the letters you want to type.

  • Publisher: Analytical Eye Software
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2010