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Faster cmd applications windows bat in Title/Summary



UHARC CMD integrates the command line compressor UHARC v0.6b, created by Uwe Herklotz, into the Windows shell. UHARC CMD is unique from other. UHARC GUI's in that it doesn't use any compiled source code to interface UHARC with the Windows Shell. It uses a set of batch scripts. The installer and UHARC CMD settings are compiled using NSIS.

  • Publisher: By Sam Gleske
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2009
absoluteTools-Sendmail - CMD

absoluteTools-Sendmail - CMD

This easy to use ActiveX COM Control lets you send email from your Windows applications using VB, VC++, Delphi or any other ActiveX COM aware programming environment.Send emails to multiple recipients either in plain text or HTML, adding any number of attachments and inline images. Automatically embeds images, javascript and css from external local files referenced by the HTML.

  • Publisher: absolutePDF
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Behringer CMD Studio 2a/4a Driver

Behringer CMD Studio 2a/4a Driver

Provides the necessary files for the device to be recognized on Windows. The installer will copy all the catalog and INF files to their correct folders. There is also a configuration tool to properly manage and perform diagnostics on the target device.

  • Publisher: Behringer

Faster cmd applications windows bat in Description

Easy2Convert RAW to BMP

Easy2Convert RAW to BMP

Easy2Convert RAW to BMP is a program that allows you to convert RAW Camera Image files to Windows or OS/2 Bitmap files (BMP). It has a built-in command-line support which allows you to convert RAW to BMP in shell/cmd as a .bat-script or service, supplying appropriate command-line parameters.

  • Publisher: Easy2Convert Software
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2015
Easy2Convert DDS to BMP

Easy2Convert DDS to BMP

Easy2Convert DDS to BMP (dds2bmp) is a tiny freeware for converting DirectDraw Surface files (.dds) to Windows or OS/2 Bitmap files (.bmp, .rle, .dib). This image conversion freeware has a built-in command-line support which allows you to convert DDS to BMP in shell/cmd as a .bat-script or service, supplying appropriate command-line parameters.

Easy2Convert BMP to DDS

Easy2Convert BMP to DDS

Easy2Convert BMP to DDS is a program for converting Windows or OS/2 Bitmap files such as BMP, RLE, and DIB to DirectDraw Surface files DDS. The program has built-in command-line support which allows you to convert BMP to DDS in shell/cmd as a .bat-script or service, supplying appropriate command-line parameters.

  • Publisher: Easy2Convert Software
  • Home page: www.easy2convert.com
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2016
Easy2Convert ICO to JPG

Easy2Convert ICO to JPG

Easy2Convert ICO to JPG (ico2jpg) is a freeware designed to convert Windows Icon files (.ico) to JPEG files (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jif). With this program you can change the output image quality as well. This image conversion freeware has a built-in command-line support which allows you to convert ICO to JPG in shell/cmd as a .bat-script or service.

Easy2Convert DDS to JPG

Easy2Convert DDS to JPG

Easy2Convert DDS to JPG lets you convert DirectDraw Surface files (.dds) to JPEG files (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jif). It also has a built-in command-line support which allows you to convert DDS to JPG in shell/cmd as a .bat-script or service, supplying appropriate command-line parameters.

Additional Faster cmd applications windows bat selection

Alky for Applications

Alky for Applications

Alky for Applications is a free plug-in for Window XP SP3 users that allows them to run Windows Vista applications such as the Windows Sidebar on their computers and leverage Windows Gadget technologies. You must reboot your computer after the installation in order to use the Vista supported gadgets.

Windows Device Recovery Tool

Windows Device Recovery Tool

Windows Device Recovery Tool helps you to reset and recover your Lumia smartphone. This application can detect the hardware/software model and version of the connected phone and download latest approved version of Windows 8. Reinstalling the operating system solves problems due to Windows applications.

Wise Registry Cleaner Free

Wise Registry Cleaner Free

Wise Registry Cleaner is one of the safest Registry cleaning tools available in the market today. Its scanning engine is thorough, safe and fast.Even the least experienced user can easily repair registry with this tool.

Alt-Tab Thingy

Alt-Tab Thingy

Alt-Tab Thingy is for Windows XP, Vista & 7 only. If you are not familiar with the Alt-Tab task switcher in Windows, it's a keyboard short-cut (hot-key) to enable fast switching between applications/windows. This feature has been in Windows since Windows 3.0 and is largely unchanged since Windows '95!

  • Publisher: Nymithium Technologies
  • Home page: www.nymtec.com
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2009
Easy2Convert BMP to JPG

Easy2Convert BMP to JPG

If in need to convert Windows bitmap image files into the more common JPG format, Easy2Convert BMP to JPG offers you a hassle- and cost-free solution in which simplicity and flexibility work together. The program’s simple interface hides a wide variety of settings and configuration options that allow you to make each conversion process as simple or as sophisticated as you wish.

Windows Uninstaller

Windows Uninstaller

Windows Uninstaller is a windows explorer menu extension that allows you to remove programs in a fast and easy manner. The program has a fast search algorithm that allows you to quickly access the application you want to remove. You can uninstall any application from your computer and optimize the performance of your system.

  • Publisher: AlexT
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2015
Transparent Windows

Transparent Windows

Transparent Windows is a utility for Windows systems that allows setting transparency levels to any window of any running application. Windows 7 and Vista include this feature natively but these transparency settings can only be accessed from the Control Panel and not by a quick access.



TopDesk radically reduces the time you spend switching between tasks by giving you the ability to quickly find the window you want from a thumbnail view. With a single key press you can instantly view thumbnails of all open windows, display thumbnails of windows belonging to the current application, or hide all windows to quickly access the desktop.

  • Publisher: Otaku Software
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017


Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows. Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows 7 / Vista/ XP / 2000 / NT / 98 / 95 / Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you'll be glad to know.

MadCap Help Viewer

MadCap Help Viewer

MadCap Help Viewer is a freely redistributable content viewer that is based on Microsoft’s (NasdaqNM: MSFT) .NET framework. You may download and install the MadCap Help Viewer at any time. The Help Viewer is not necessary for generating or using Microsoft HTML Help files, WebHelp files, or Printed Documentation.